Bailey was aware of the effect that she had on me and it pleased her to tease me every chance she got. I’ve never seen her in the nude, but never the less I still think that I’ve seen everything she’s got. Bra less and in a low cut top she would bend over in front of me to do something and I would be able to see all the way down to her navel. If she was wearing a short skirt somehow, when she was around me, it would ride up and I’d see the thong she was wearing. Once at a party she came out of the bathroom and caught me in the kitchen: “Bob honey, do me a favor. Are my seams straight?”
I turned and saw she was wearing old-fashioned nylons with seams up the back and she lifted her skirt for me to check them out. To this day I don’t know if they were straight or not. What captured my attention was the perfect ass that wasn’t covered by panties. I mumbled, “Looks okay to me” and hurried out of the kitchen before I could get myself in trouble.
When it came to flirting she always managed to stay one step ahead of me and take it to the point where I had to back down. An example: At a party one night I said, “Damn Bailey, you look good enough to eat.”
“Then why don’t you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Let’s find some place private and you can eat me” and she lifted her skirt up to her waist to show me that she was only wearing a skimpy thong.”
We both knew that I wanted to, but we both knew that I wouldn’t. Point to Bailey.
Another time I was dancing with her during the Saturday night dance at the Elks and she plastered herself against me. My cock, which was already hard just from being in the same room with her, instantly became iron bar hard and it twitched a couple of times and she felt it and she smiled. I’d had just enough to drink to be bold and I said, “It likes you.”
Bailey giggled and said, “No it doesn’t. If it really liked me it would come out and play.” “He’s just shy. Maybe if you tried to talk him into coming out he would.”
“I can do that sweetie” and her hand pulled my zipper down and she had her hand inside my fly before I did what she knew I would do. I pulled away from her and said we should be getting back to the table. Point to Bailey.
This went on for years. I have no idea what my brother thought about it because he never brought it up, but my wife thought it was a riot. I didn’t hide what was going on from her and she knew about my flirty ways with other women and she looked upon what Bailey did to me as my getting my just desserts.
I have always believed that there is nothing wrong in looking at, appreciating, and lusting after the ladies as long as you kept your hands to yourself. My wife knew this about me and her attitude was simple:
“Look all you want, lust all you want, but don’t you ever forget that your cock is mine and only mine. I ever catch you letting some other lady play with it and I will do a Lorena Bobbit on you only I won’t toss it into a field where it can be found and then reattached. I’ll stuff it down the garbage disposal and you will never see so much as a scrap of it ever again.”
My flirting with Bailey came to an abrupt halt on my parent’s thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. My sister had decided to throw them an impromptu party. My brother already had an out of town business commitment he couldn’t get out of so he asked if I would pick up Bailey and take her.
“You don’t drink much and Bailey sometimes takes on more than she should and I’d just as soon she not drive.”
“No problem. I’ll see that she gets there and gets home.”
When Bailey got in the car she was smiling, but as soon as she sat down the smile disappeared.
“Where’s Bev?”
“She’s spending a couple of days at her mom’s.”
“Sudden decision on her part?”
“No. It was planned before Stella decided to have a party and the tickets were non-refundable.”
The ride to my parent’s house was a quiet one as Bailey spent most of the trip looking out her side window.
The party was like most anniversary parties where all the guests are immediate family and close family friends. There was no dancing or music, just a bunch of people having drinks and socializing. About an hour into the party I noticed that every time I saw Bailey she was looking at me with what I could only call a contemplative look. I also noticed that she seemed to be drinking heavily.
We had been there about two hours when Bailey came up to me while I was talking to my cousin Tom and tugged on my sleeve.
“I need to talk to you about something. Can we go some place quiet?”
Just then Tom’s wife came up and told him it was time to go and he walked away to say his good-bye’s. I turned to Bailey, “What do you want to talk about?”
“Not here, someplace a little more private.” “I don’t know where sweetie. This house isn’t all that big and it is full of people right now.” “Come on, I know a place” and she gave my arm a tug and I followed her to, of all places, the bathroom. She pulled me inside and locked the door behind us. “Okay Bailey, what is it that is so important?”
She set her drink down on the top of the toilet tank and said: “I’ve watched you watch me for years and I’ve always known what you were fantasizing about. You would imagine me doing this” and she reached for my belt buckle. I was so surprised that she had my belt undone and my zipper halfway down before I got my shit together and grabbed her hands.
“Why are you stopping me? You know you want it.”
“Fantasies are fantasies Bailey, not things you would really do. You’ve had a little too much to drink and I don’t think you know what you are doing.”
She picked up her drink and handed it to me, “Taste it.” It was water. Plain water with a twist of lime to make it look like a vodka tonic.
“I’m sober as a judge honey” she said as her hands went back to my zipper and by the time I had set her drink down she had my zipper down and my pants around my ankles. I reached down with both hands to pull my pants back up, but by the time I had the waistband in my hands she had my cock in hers and she was licking the head of it.
One thing I try not to be is stupid. I never, ever intended to cheat on my wife; I’m just not the kind of guy to chase after another woman. But another woman chasing after me? Especially a woman who has been my fantasy for years? A woman who already had my cock in her hands and was licking it? It was something so far fetched that I’d never even considered it. Yet here it was happening to me and I was going to say no? To my credit I did say:
“Stop that Bailey, this is wrong and we can’t do it,” but Bailey didn’t answer me because her mouth was full and so I gave up the fight and just accepted it.
Bailey gave great head and I felt I was in Heaven. My wife did not like oral sex, but she would occasionally suck my cock if I begged and pleaded with her long enough. Even then it was more like a hand job with a little mouth action and no way on God’s green Earth would she ever let me cum in her mouth. Bailey on the other hand went after my cock like getting me off was the most important thing in the world to her. She licked and sucked, she played with my balls and she even teased my ass with a finger.
Being used to my wife I tried to pull out when I was ready to cum, but Bailey grabbed me with both hands and pulled me back into her mouth and when I erupted she swallowed every drop and held me in her mouth until I was soft. She let my limpness fall from her mouth, licked it clean and then looked up at me and smiled: “I hope it was worth the wait baby.” “Why? Why did you do that? I mean it was always just flirting so why did you do this?” “Long story honey and I’ll tell it to you on the way home. Let’s go and say our good-byes and get out of here.”
The first five minutes of the ride home was silent as Bailey looked out the side window and then she took a deep breath and slid across the seat to sit next to me. “How much do you know about your brother’s kinky side?” “I didn’t even know he had a kinky side.” “Well he does, and while a lot of it is harmless and I go along with him there are a few things he wants to do that I have always refused to do. He is heavily into porn sites on the net and he gets a major kick out of sending nude photos of me or photos of us making love to sites that will post them. He always blanks out our faces, but I would guess a couple of hundred thousand people have seen my nude body or have seen me and your brother making love or have seen me giving him head. I’ve never cared as long as he made sure that no one would ever know that it was me.”
While she was talking she had unzipped me and worked my cock out into the open and was stroking it.
“He also loves porn videos and one night a week he stops on the way home and rents a couple. We watch them and go to bed and fuck like rabbits until we are exhausted. The one thing he wants most and the one thing I told him I would never do was fuck another man while he watched and then joined in. He has kept after me for years and I have steadfastly said refused. All of a sudden, about a year ago, he stopped asking. “Hooray” I said to myself, he finally got the message.
“One day I was in Electronics Avenue to buy a DVD player and I saw that they had a sale on ‘nanny’ cams and on a whim I bought one. I got one of the technicians to show me how to hook it up to a VCR and he sold me what I needed to make the set up sound activated. You know, the system lies dormant until a loud noise triggers it to turn on. Anyway, since your brother likes porn videos I thought I would surprise him with one he was staring in. I set it up in the bedroom on a Saturday while he was out playing golf and I switched it off.
Monday, before I left for work I turned the system on so it would capture me as I came into the bedroom when I got home from work, took off my work clothes and then dressed for an evening of hot sex. I came home that night, did a slow strip tease, put on a garter belt, nylons and high heels and went downstairs to greet my hubby with a martini in hand and an invitation to skip dinner and go directly to dessert. He got home and I drug him upstairs and fucked his eyes out. I did the whole nine yards ā oral, anal, vaginal and every position I could think of, and then we fell asleep.”
By the time she reached that point in her story I had to pull the car over to the curb because her hand had me ready to shoot. She knew exactly why I had pulled over and she giggled and bent to take my cock in her mouth. As soon as her lips closed around my cock I let go and just like before she swallowed every last drop. As soon as she took her mouth off me I pulled away from the curb and continued on to Bailey’s house.
“I still don’t understand what this has to do with me.”
“I’m not done yet honey. The next morning I woke hubby up with a blow job and we had sex and then we both dressed and left for work. I didn’t have a chance to view the tape until I got home that night. The camera worked great. The picture was clear and even the sound was good. The only problem was that it wasn’t me on the tape, at least not on the first half of it. Apparently hubby dear had come home during the day with two guests. That’s right honey, guests, as in more than one. I guess hubby got tired of me saying no to a threesome so he went out and got someone else. I watched my hubby and a guy he works with fuck the whore six ways from Sunday. She sucked their cocks and swallowed their cum, she took it in the ass, in the pussy and ass at the same time, in the mouth and ass at the same time and when they were done with the slut she changed the sheets on the bed and the three of them left. The screen went blank and about ten seconds later it showed where I came in.”
“So tonight you took revenge?”
“I guess you could say that, although there is a little bit more to the story. It took me a couple of days to figure out what I was going to do. Your asshole brother came home one night with a couple of porn tapes and asked which one I wanted to watch first. I picked one and went over to the VCR and hit the PLAY button and then turned to watch the assholes face as he saw himself on the screen. I told him I was leaving him and that I was going to get a shark for a lawyer and take him for everything he had. Long story shorten, he begged, he pleaded and he promised it would never happen again and in the end I forgave him and we stayed together. That was a year ago.”
“So what happened that made you come after me tonight?” “I’ll show you as soon as we get to the house.”
She made me a drink and sat me down on the couch in front of the VCR and said, “First, I want to set the mood.” She started humming and doing a slow strip tease. When she was naked she got down on her knees and crawled over to me and unbuckled, unzipped and pulled my pants off me. She looked at the hard on that her strip tease had given me and said:
“I’m impressed. I thought for sure that having gotten you off twice in the last hour it would take me a while to get you up again.” She turned around, still on her hands and knees, and said, “Come on honey. I want you to take me from behind while you watch this.”
She was wet and I slid right in even though she was tight. She took the remote and turned on the TV and then the VCR and the picture on the screen made me want to scream with rage. The only reason I didn’t lose my hard on was that Bailey was fucking back at me and crooning:
“Fuck me baby, fuck your new whore. My pussy is yours now baby, all you want, whenever you want. I’ll even let your brother have his fantasy of watching me fuck another man as long as that man is you. You like my tight pussy lover? Fuck me baby, fuck me hard.”
On the screen I watched my brother and his buddy fuck my wife. I didn’t see any hesitation in the way she sucked their cocks and she sucked them in the same way that Bailey had sucked mine ā with gusto! And she swallowed. Things she never would do for me she willingly did for my brother and his friend from work.
“Turn it off. I’ll watch it later, but right now I have to help you get your revenge while you help me get mine.”
I was angry, I was bitter and at that point only God knew what I was going to do to Bev when she got home. Bailey knew what was going on in my mind and she moaned:
“Forget her baby, I’m your slut now. Fuck me honey, just forget her and fuck me hard.”
I did and when I came and took my limp cock out of her she got up, took me by the hand and led me to her bedroom saying, “I don’t know how many times you are good for baby, but I want you at least once on that bastards own bed.”
Given my past track record I would have thought I was done at least until the morning, but Bailey worked on me and she managed to coax me to life again. Bailey liked it from behind and I was on my knees behind her stuffing my cock into her pussy when the phone on the bedside stand rang. Bailey started to pull away from me to answer it and I told her to let it ring.
“Don’t want to lover, it is probably your brother and as soon as I pick up the phone I want you back in me.”
I moved across the bed behind her and as she picked up the phone I rammed my cock into her. “Ohhh” she moaned and then, “Hello?”
“Hi honey.”
“Nothing. I miss you and I’m horny as a goat. You caught me in the middle of using my vibrator to take the edge off.”
“Really? Oh you kinky devil.”
“Just how nasty do you want me to be?”
“Give me a minute to get comfortable.”
She covered the mouth piece with her hand and whispered, “Not hard lover, but not easy either. Make me moan, make me cry out, but try not to cum until the end of the phone call.” She put the phone back to her ear, “The vibrator is a poor substitute for you baby, but I have it deep inside me. Do you have your cock in your hand? Okay, here goes. I was horny when your brother picked me up and took me to the party and you know me sweetie, I had too much to drink and I’m afraid I got stupid. I let your cousin Tom kiss me a couple of times and he felt me up good. I was considering letting him fuck me, but your brother came along and broke things up.
“Oh yes, like that, a little harder, fuck me honey.”
“I’m getting to that part. Your Uncle Lou saw what happened with Tom and he got me alone, gave me another drink and then ran his hand up under my dress and started fingering my pussy. I almost lost it. My fingers were on his zipper when ā”Oh god, oh god, deeper baby, deeper. Push it in baby, oh god yes, like that.”
“What? I’m being fucked silly that’s what is going on. Where was I? I was unzipping your Uncle Lou’s fly when your brother butted in again. Your uncle slunk off and your brother said I’d had enough and he’d better get me home. I was still horny and as we were driving home I slid over next to him and started rubbing his cock through his pants. He tried to push me away, but it is kind of hard to drive and fight off a horny female at the same time.”
“What do you think happened? I wore him down and he finally gave up fighting.”
“Don’t be stupid baby, you know where he is. I’m on my hands and knees and he is behind me sliding his hard cock into my hot, wet pussy. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, don’t stop honey, don’t stop. I’m almost there, make me cum Bobby, make me cum, fuck me hard and make me cum lover, make me cum. OOOH YEAH!” she screamed into the phone as she came and seconds later I spent myself inside her.
We both fell to the bad and rolled over onto our backs and Bailey said, “Shit! I think my batteries just died.” She reached over and lifted my dead cock in her hand, “Yep, the batteries are dead and I’m still horny damn it. I guess I’ll have to find more batteries when you hang up.”
“Yeah baby, me too. See you day after tomorrow. Love you, bye.”
She hung up the phone and muttered “Dick head!”
She turned to me and smiled, “The big dumb shit thinks he just had phone sex with me. I hope you don’t plan on rushing home. I think I may be able to recharge your batteries one more time.”
“You might be able to, but it will be some time before you can try so how about we use some of that time to educate me. You said he cheated on you last year and that you forgave him. Why the revenge tonight instead of a year ago?”
“Because he promised he would end his affair with Bev if I would just forgive him and give him another chance.”
“What changed since then?”
“Bev not being with you tonight when you picked me up.”
“What was significant about that?”
“You said she planned her trip weeks ago right?”
“Well your brother’s business trip was planned weeks ago also and I don’t believe the two of them being gone at the same is a coincidence, do you?”
“I see what you mean, but it still could be a coincidence.”
“Yeah, it could be, but I’m betting it isn’t and I know my hubby and I know what will happen next if they are together.”
“After this little phone sex thing that I pulled he will get it in his head that it will be a kick to fuck Bev while she is talking to you on the phone. Bev will call your place a couple of times and then she will try your cell. If you listen real close you will be able to hear something. Where’s your cell?”
“Clipped to my belt and my pants are in the family room on the floor.”
“Go get it. If I’m right you will get a call on it in a couple of minutes.”
I went and got my cell phone and put it on the bedside stand and then laid back to enjoy Baileys attempt to recharge my batteries with her hands and mouth.
“Where is my traitorous brother staying?”
“At the Mark Hopkins, room 714, why?”
“When she calls me I want you to get on the phone and call the Mark Hopkins and ask for room 714. If you get a busy signal it will tell me all I need to know, but first I need to make a quick call.”
I hit a speed dial number on my cell phone:
“Hi mom, can I talk to Bev please?”
“No, I guess not. She’s on her way to see you. Said she was going to visit for a few days.”
“No, no need for that. Just tell her I called and have her call me when she gets there. Thanks mom, bye.”
I hung up and said, “She’s not there. Her mother says she doesn’t expect her until the day after tomorrow.”
“What are you going to do when she calls?”
“What are you going to do about Brian?”
“Break it off in his ass. He had his chance and he fucked it up.”
“In that case I’m going to burn Bev’s ass.”
As if on cue the phone rang: “Hello?”
“Hi baby. I tried calling you at home. You behaving yourself with me gone?”
“Don’t I always?”
“I miss you and I’m having horny thoughts about you.”
“Horny thoughts? Like what?”
“I’m fantasizing being on my hands and knees with you behind me sliding your hard cock into me.”
While I was talking Bailey had called the Mark Hopkins and as she hung up the phone she mouthed “Busy” and I shook my head to indicate that I understood.
“Just how deep am I buried in you baby?’
“All the way and I feel so full.”
“This would be a perfect time to have phone sex lover, except you scream so loud when you get off that I’m afraid you would scare your poor mother to death.”
“No baby, she’s down in the basement recreation room playing pool with Aunt Ada and they are making so much noise that they won’t hear a thing.”
“Let me ask you a question Bev. Just how deep into you does Brian have his dick buried?”
Dead silence for a couple of seconds and then a very mad, “What the fuck are you saying to me?”
“I’m saying that the private detective that I hired to follow your cheating ass called me and told me that not only did he follow you to room 714 of the Mark Hopkins, but that the asshole you are with is my brother. And also for your information according to your mother you are not there and are not expected until the day after tomorrow. You are burned you fucking whore and I hope room 714 is comfortable because you sure don’t have home to come back to here. You can tell that asshole brother of mine that when I hang up my next phone call will be to Bailey to bring her into this mess. You can also tell him that his medical insurance better be paid up because I will be waiting for him when he gets back” and I disconnected.
“Do you still have that tape you made with your nanny cam.”
“Sure. I kept it in case Brian fell off the wagon.”
“Can I get a copy of it?”
“You bet. What now?”
Well, you were trying to recharge my batteries and you could get back to it.”
“I guess I could, couldn’t I?”
Just then the phone rang. Bailey reached for the phone saying, “This should be the panic call from the asshole.”
“Don’t honey me you bag of shit.”
“You know damned well what I mean. Your slut just told you about her phone conversation with her hubby. I’ve just finished talking to him and he’s sending me a copy of the report he got from his private detective. In return I’m giving him a copy of the tape I have of you and Bev.”
“No you cocksucker. I forgave you, you bastard and you promised. I was dumb enough to believe you once, but I’m sure not going to do it again. Don’t bother coming back here. If I see you I’ll cut your goddamned cock off and shove it down the garbage disposal,” and she slammed the phone down.
“Okay, where was I? Oh yes, need to recharge the batteries in my dildo. You don’t mind being my dildo do you?”
“Not at all Bailey, not at all.”

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