He Was Black, My Wife’s First Strange Fuck

“Baby, you choose one.”
“No,” my wife said, “You choose.”
I frowned as I looked around the bar. “Shit baby, there are so many guys and no matter who I choose it probably will be some guy you’d prefer not to fuck.”
My lovely little wife with the pixie face sighed. “Ray, if I pick a guy you will be jealous of him from the first moment and be suspicious and wondering why I chose him, so I prefer that you do it and that way you can’t come back and accuse me later.”
My wife and I, over a period of several days, had been discussing my wanting to see her fuck another man, and it seems, she had been thinking of it around the same time and had been afraid to broach the subject.
But that first day, or rather night, when I had talked to her about it while making love, she had admitted that , since we had been married for seventeen years, she had been wondering what it might be like to ‘sleep with’ another man. “Just a fantasy,’ she had emphasized.
After much discussion, most of which had been started by me each time, we had finally agreed to go to another town, rent a motel room, and choose a random man from a local bar. Now we were there, in another town and we had rented a room and chose a bar.
And she was chickening out it seemed. I sighed. “So, the way it looks, you are backing out?”
No! I want to do it,” she said with her voice raising a little in order to be heard over the loud music that had just started up again. Then she calmed down a little.
“Look Ray. “We’ve come this far, rented a room and everything, so I think we need to do this, and like I promised, if we do this, I also agree to have a threesome with you and some gal.”
“You mean with Jackie,” I ventured.
Sally nodded. “Yes, with Jackie, if she’ll do it, and she probably will.” Jackie was one of my wife’s closest friends and quite well-built. Sally knew that I had long admired Jackie but that was it, I had admired her but never said anything about it.
But Jackie and my wife had talked intimately about things one day and the subject of women with women had come up. The end result was that both Jackie and my wife had admitted a certain curiosity about what it might be like.
Before the possibility of the two of them trying it out the conversation had ended but my wife had confided with me and I had told her that it was fine if I could be there and watch or…
“Join in,” my wife had finished for me. “You’d like to fuck Jackie, wouldn’t you?”
I backpedaled. “Only if you were there and it was O.K. I’d never do it behind your back.” I had sounded scared almost at what she might think and Sally smiled and re-assured me. “Don’t worry, I trust you. If it ever happens, Jackie will have to agree you can be there.”
“Do you think she would fuck me?”
“I think so, but her husband must never know.”
I giggled, “Her secret would be safe with me.”
Sally leaned forward and kissed me. We were lying on the bed and I had a hard on. Sally looked at my prick and said “Jackie might like what you have since she indicated to me, sort of hinted, that Biff is rather small in that department.”
“Biff has a small cock? That’s great to hear since he is always walking around in a T shirt displaying his muscles.” I knew Jackie pretty well since she was always coming over to visit with Sally, but I had never really cared for Biff. He had this…’attitude’ of superiority and now that I knew he might have a smaller cock than me, I knew that at least in that department I was maybe superior to him in the eyes of my wife and Jackie.
“Did you ever tell Jackie that I have seven inches?”
Sally giggled and grasped my now like a rock cock. “Not in inches did I tell her, but I held my hands apart this far (she illustrated by placing her palms about seven inches apart) and I said you were about this long. I think she was impressed.” She gave me one of those impish smiles of hers that I like so much.
“I think that she’d really like to be fucked by someone larger, and it looks like you might be the perfect candidate.”
Then, I was so excited that we fucked, and while doing so I was talking to my wife and saying things like, “You’re getting more cock than Jackie does, you lucky girl.” I know it sounds silly, but it was fun.
I had never made it a requirement that I get to have a threesome with Sally and another woman. That had been her idea, maybe as a ‘reward’ for me allowing her to try a strange man. Now we were at a stalemate. We were in a strange bar, she wanted me to choose, and I, well, you know.
It was Sally that finally came up with a solution. “See that empty stool over at the bar?”
“Yes, I answered.
“Well, the next guy that sits himself down there will be the guy, except I have to lay down some slight requirements.”
“O.K.” I agreed. “The next guy, but what are the requirements?”
She giggled. “The guy needs to be at least decent looking, not really ugly or dirty or anything, and not way fat or anything like that. Is that alright?”
“That sounds reasonable to me. Let’s see who sits down there. Hey wait! So who goes over and invites him to the motel?”
“You do. I’ll stay right here and when you put the subject to him and he asks where I am, you look my way and I’ll wave.”
Finally, it sounded like Sally really planned to go through with it. First we had made the trip over here, and then I had laid out $120 for a nice motel room with an outside entrance, and finally, the choosing of her first man. It was going to happen.
But I wanted to hear her say it. “You are going to do this, fuck whoever sits down there if he meets those requirements, is that right? No backing out even if he turns out to be a runt and kind of homely?”
Sally nodded. “And you have to go along, is that right? Let me fuck him, even if he turns out to be tall, dark and handsome. No backing out.”
She was tossing it right back at me. “I agree. Now let’s wait.”
He turned out to be tall dark and handsome. A black man is who plunked himself down there, and neither of us spoke for a minute as we stared in dis-belief. I waited to see if Sally would ask for additional requirements, but instead she said, “Go get him.”
I turned my head to speak at her and she shook her head. “Now go!”
Slowly I slid out of the booth and giving Sally one last glance and then moving forward when she pointed her finger firmly in the black man’s direction, I headed to the bar. All the way over there, fifteen feet, I was wondering, ‘Is my wife still doing this to keep her word, or is she excited at maybe getting to fuck a black man?’
My heart was beating hard and I was wondering how to broach the subject. Fortunately the stool to his right was now available.
I slid in and giving me a nod, he glanced at me and then turned his attention back to his drink. I decided to come right out with it and the easiest way would be to tell the truth. I did not want to be in the position of being a white man asking a black man to fuck my wife because she had specifically chosen him. No, the truth was much easier.
“Got a minute to talk?”
I guess that was not the best opening line but he acted friendly. “Sure man, what’s up?
“My wife and I could not agree on who should do the choosing, so we agreed that the next man to sit on this stool,” I nodded my head down to where he was seated, ”will be the man she takes into her bed tonight.”
Surprisingly, he didn’t react with any outward show of shock or dis-belief. “Really? Point her out to me.”
I turned on my stool and nodded towards Sally. Before I could say ‘She’s the beautiful brunette sitting alone in the booth’ Sally waved and he commented. “Fuck, she’s a fox!”
He turned his head to look at me. “Has she ever fucked a black man?”
I gulped at his blunt language. “Actually, she’s never fucked anyone but me. We’ve been married seventeen years and now she’s curious.”
“She’s curious about black men?”
“No. It’s like I said. We couldn’t agree on who would choose her first man so we agreed that the next man to sit here in that stool you’re on would be the guy.”
He said it again. “She’s a fox. I’d say about 35 and from the looks of that chest she must be a D cup.
“She’s a nice firm D cup and she’s 37, but don’t tell her I told you her age. Now, are you interested? Are you available, because we’ve rented a room?”
“How about you? You going to sit over in a chair and watch like some husbands like to do or what?”
“You’ve done this before?” I was shocked.
He heard the surprise or maybe consternation in my voice and replied. “I’ve fucked a few white wives while their husband watched. It seems to be a big thing nowadays. They look at sites on the internet like ‘Slutwives’ or something and then they want to see their old lady taking a black dick. So yes, I do it if that’s the case and sometimes, if the husband wants to get close, I might let him aim my cock for me or even help his wife suck on it.”
I was shocked at what he was saying, but at the same time I felt my cock tingling, and yes, even dripping.
“You wouldn’t mind? I never thought about that. All we discussed was letting her have, fuck a strange man and then later, at her suggestion, we might have a threesome with some gal.”
I had told him that because I wanted him to know that my tastes ran more towards women than men, but inside my mind was reeling. Aim his cock? That sounded exciting. Suck it? That I didn’t know, but if my wife was doing it too, maybe. But first I needed to say something.
“My wife’s pussy,” I hesitated and then decided to go on, “Is nice and tight but…” I hesitated again and I think my face was turning red, “But she can’t take a really long one I don’t think. I’ve got seven inches and I hit bottom on her in some positions, so if you are longer than that you have to promise me that you’ll be gentle. I don’t want her hurt.”
He smiled, and I hoped he was telling the truth with his answer. “No sweat man. I’m around seven, maybe a little more, but if it feels like I’m hitting bottom I’ll be careful.” He looked from me over to my wife. “What say we head for the motel?”
That was it. No, ‘Let’s meet in the booth and get acquainted,’ just, ‘Let’s go to the motel.’ Well, I guess that was the plan. “Do you have a car?”
“Yes, it’s in the lot.”
“We’re in a blue Lexus four door. I’ll fire it up and stop out at the exit towards town. When you pull in behind us you can follow us to the motel.”
He had a nicer car than me, a Mercedes AMG, one of the hot ones. I was wondering if he was also hot with that cock of his. As I drove slowly to the motel, making sure he was staying with us, my wife finally asked, she had been quiet till now. “Does he seem nice?”
“Very. I like him O.K., so you should too. Don’t let the way he talks sometimes turn you off though. He uses the F word a lot.”
“Maybe because that is where his mind is, like mine is about now.” She giggled softly and reaching across that stupid console, she rubbed the area of my crotch. “I feel something happening there. Did you two make any plans?”
I nodded. “He doesn’t mind if I watch or join in. Of course, that would be a requirement of mine in any case.”
“To watch or to join in?”
I sensed that my wife was very turned on now to this whole scene. “I might aim it for him, into you.”
She was silent as she mulled that one around in her head. “I guess that way you can be up close and personal, right?”
“Very close. I plan to be right there and watching when his black cock opens your tight little pussy for the first time.”
Sally sighed. “Do you think he might be big? I’ve heard stories about black men and I don’t want it to hurt.”
I didn’t want to spoil any surprise for her but felt that she needed reassurance. “I told him you were little and how long, what size I am and that I sometimes hit bottom and he says he is about the same, seven inches, maybe a little more.”
“But what about width? You know how tight I am.
“Shit. I never thought to ask.” I looked at her. “It should be O.K. If he is about my length he’s probably no wider.”
“I hope so.” Sally was still rubbing the bulge going down the left inside of my trousers as I pulled into the motel lot and in front of my door. The lot was wide and our new friend was able to park close to us without blocking other numbered spaces.
“What’s his name? Did you ask?”
“Shit, I don’t know. Does it matter? I don’t want him to know our last name so just use your first.”
He waited until we had climbed out and were heading to our door, and then he joined up with us. “Hi, I’m Dwayne,” he said to Sally with a warm smile and holding out his hand. But he was holding out his hand to Sally, and she took it. “And I’m Sally.” She returned Dwayne’s smile, and I experienced a first pang of jealousy.
We were in the room now and suddenly, things seemed very awkward, to me. Not for Dwayne however, or it seemed, for my wife. Dwayne had held onto her hand after she had taken it, and now he used it to draw her towards him. Just like that, he was bending down several inches and my wife was raising her face to his as they began kissing.
They broke the kiss and Dwayne spoke first. “Do you need to use the bathroom or anything first?” I was adjusting the lighting just so as she answered. “Maybe I should. I’ll just freshen up a little bit.”
I interpreted that in my mind as; ‘She’s going to wash her pussy.’ I watched as my wife, looking very excited I might add, headed into the big bathroom and closed the door. I was alone with Dwayne now and feeling very strange.
With my wife there with me, it seemed there was a reason for all this. With her out of the room, it was a very strange feeling. I didn’t know what to say to Dwayne, the strange man who was about to initiate my wife with his black penis.
Dwayne knew. He had been here before. “For now, just sit in that leather lounger and let me warm her up. Once I get your wife naked, you can get in close if you want.”
Dwayne had taken charge.
Sally came out of the bathroom and shocked me. She had stripped down to her black panties and bra, and still had on her black garter belt and stockings! Her panties were cut very narrow in the crotch, and on each side a little bit of lip was showing.
Yes, lips, not hair. My wife had shaved her normally soft and thick furry bush off for this night, and Dwayne would not only be the first strange man to fuck my wife, but also be the first man to enjoy her with a shaved pussy.
I was seated in the lounge chair now and Sally hardly gave me a glance. I guess in that chair was where she wanted me for now. Dwayne took Sally by the hand and moved her to the bed. Then, as she laid herself flat, he looked down at himself and said, “Now I’ll get comfortable.”
Dwayne was peeling off his shirt and then undershirt when I realized…”Shit, I left my cell phone in the car.”
“You’d better go get it,” said Sally, “in case anyone calls about your dad.” My father was a heart patient and doing poorly so I wanted to be available in case my mother needed for me to come.
“Yes. I’ll get it. Don’t start without me.” I quickly, after putting my shoes back on, headed for the door. I walked quickly out to our car and using the clicker, reached in and grabbed my cell out of the center cup holder. I checked it for any messages. There was one from my sister but nothing from my mother.
I took 20 seconds to listen to my sister’s message, nothing important and I headed back into the room.
Fuck! Dwayne was already naked and between my wife’s legs, just that quick, and she was moaning loudly. As I headed quickly towards them I was watching those firmly rounded buttocks of his as he was moving over my wife.
“He’s fucking my wife!’
Sally still had her garter belt and panties on, and he had moved the narrow strip of her panties to one side in order to leave her panties on and make penetration.
What I saw both thrilled and killed me. His black cock was wide, very wide, and my wife’s tight little pussy was being stretched way out and had turned red from the stretching and friction he was creating as he moved slowly in and out. I had never seen her lips looking all red like this and I could only gulp and stare in disbelief.
Dwayne had neglected, I am sure on purpose, to tell me that his cock was so thick, and I, like an idiot, had failed to ask. It was too late now. My wife was moaning and digging her fingers into his shoulders and as Dwayne penetrated her deep, yes, just past seven inches deep, she gripped his ass and moaned louder.
I was pissed, but mostly I was pissed because Dwayne had not waited for me to aim it. Maybe he was afraid I would refuse to allow him to enter my beautiful wife once I saw that cock, so he had gone ahead and taken aim for himself.
And then Sally surprised me. “You weren’t here, so I aimed it for him.”
“You aimed it? You felt how wide he is and put it in anyhow? Doesn’t it hurt?”
She looked confused. “Hurt? Oh no, it feels good, really good.” She sighed and reaching up for Dwayne’s head, pulled it down. They kissed a long one as Dwayne continued to pump slowly. Then she looked at me. “You can return to your chair if you like, or get those clothes off and I’ll suck you between kisses.”
That is how my initiation into being the cuckolded extra guy while my wife is being fucked by a real man came to be. Dwayne fucked, Sally fucked and sucked, and Dwayne made my wife cum multiple times while I tried to hold back.
Her little pussy was receiving a workout to top all workouts. Dwayne was equipped I would say with the perfect cock for my little wife. Not too long but perfectly thick. I say perfectly because that is what Sally called it later, perfect.
After seventeen years of happy marriage my loving wife had finally found her perfect cock.
I guess I can claim one first for myself that night. Sally had her first strange man, her first big cock, her first black cock, and her first groupings of intense multiple orgasms. Me? I got to cum in my wife’s mouth and have her swallow for the first time.
After that, Dwayne wouldn’t kiss my wife for a long time, not until they had taken some drinks from the little refrigerator, and then had started fucking again. I wonder why.
Remember that threesome with Jackie that Sally had promised? It’s going to happen tonight. But something is bothering me. My wife had asked me for permission to get Dwayne’s number before he left that night.
I had agreed, thinking that maybe we could get together with Dwayne at some future time and this time I will get to aim him and help her suck. But my wife might have other plans since I overheard her using some words to Jackie in a whispered conversation on the phone.
I heard her say ‘foursome’ and then I think she was saying things like ‘really thick, and he knows what to do with it.’ I don’t think my wife was talking about me or just the three of us.

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