Bull’s eye view of cuckolds

As a life long bull I just thought I would share some thoughts about cuckolding. My interest began in the 70′s when I saw an ad in a swingers magazine. The ad had a picture of a naked beautiful woman next to a fire place and they were looking for a man to fuck her while he watched, I knew I wanted to be that man. Well they were too far away but the idea was planted in my head. I read whatever I could find about the subject there was not much at the time at that time. However, I knew I wanted to fuck a man’s wife right in front of him and dominate him. While looking for that type of situation I answered ads for those wanting a threesome, to gain experience.
I finally made connections with a couple. We met at thier house. While being introduced I noticed that She was hot and dressed in a short black skirt and white blouse. I was a little relieved to hear him say that he wasn’t feeling well but I could fuck her. After all they were looking for a threesome not for him to be just a voyeur. At any rate we began to go at it on the couch she wore black panties and black garter belt and hose under that skirt. I really liked that!!! But I was nervous and despite her good looks and sexy dress I had a difficult time getting it up and keeping it up. Needless to say I knew I would not be asked back again, and I was right.
Despite my failure, I was more determined more than ever to pursue and find couples that were looking for the same thing as me. Thankfully, I did not give up. Let me say before I go on with my story, that I have since had many relationships with couples some lasting years, some a few months, some only 1 time or perhaps a few meetings. As a bull I have learned to be flexible and I tailor make my approach and practices to meet the needs and wants of each couple. I find there is a variety of tastes and desires. As a bull in a cuckold relationship with a couple for me offers a wide range of sexual fun. The relationship gives a chance to mirror and match the needs of all parties, especially between the men.
First, by being the bull I can satisfy my desire to be an exhibitionist. Often the cuck is a voyeur at heart. I had one cuck tell me it was like watching a live porno movie, only he knows the actors. For some being a voyeur is as far as they want to go in this life style and that is great. I have done this for couples and it is great!!!
There is also the power exchange between the men. Some of the men who I have cucked have been type A personalities and in the outside world be very successful. But for some reason feel the need to be debased. The cuck has chosen to give up his sexual rights to his wife and give it to another man. He also chooses to diminish himself as sexually incompetent compared to the bull, It is a power trip to know that you are dominating a man in the most private area of life. The cuck is giving away his manhood at it’s most basic level. He is giving up his wife, his most prized possession to be fucked by another man. It is so delectable to enjoy the dance of diminishing the husband vs acknowledging the greatness of the lover. It seems to me that on many levels there are a host of complimentary needs being satisfied.
As a bull I do my best to satisfy the needs of both wife and cuck. Let me say quickly that I do my damndest to be the best lover she has ever had. I want find out what she wants and needs and give it to her!
The two main areas I focus on because it is what turns me on, with a cuck are him being a voyeur and humiliating him. I enjoy being watched by another man while having sex. While having sex with his wife I want the cuck to enjoy seeing everything he can. For example when she is sucking me I want him to see it up close and who knows perhaps she might share! When I fuck her again I want to position her so he can enjoy watching my cock pounding in and out of her pussy. One thing most of the cucks I have been with have told me they enjoy is seeing my cock coated with her pussy juice. Bottom line I enjoy putting on a great sex show for him, it’s the least I can do!
As far as humiliation that takes several forms, from talking about how small his dick is, to ridicule about his lack of abilities as a lover, etc. i.e. whatever I can say to diminish him. At the same time I want to hear praise from him. One of the ways a cuck diminish himself is to give compliments his wife’s lover, especially about the cock. I love to get compliments from another man about my cock. He should be generous in his praise of my cock . One of my favorite things is just before I fuck his wife is to have the cuck thank me for what I am about to do. If he is into oral service then he must kiss my balls, and kiss my cock in the center and sometimes if they have been very good I let them lick some pre cum juice from the tip. And after I am done he can milk those last drops of cum from my cock and then lick her pussy clean.
Well, back to my story, the first couple I hooked up with where he was a true cuck were Frank and Linda, ( not their real names) They lived about an hour’s drive from my city. We exchanged letters and pictures, remember this is before the Internet! I gave them my phone number and she called the next week. Man was I excited it was hard to control my voice as I was thinking, “WOW this is finally going to happen!” I knew that I would have to cool confident and in control when we met. Finally the day came and we met at a bar in another town. He owned a business in their town so didn’t want to take any chance. After exchanging pleasantries she ask how I managed to take the picture of my cock I sent them. We laughed and I explained that I used one of those instant camera’s. She said it looked good and he chimed in “Looks like you really have a great piece of meat!” When he said that I knew that this could be the start of something good. We talked for a while then I danced with her a few times. I nibbled on her ear and gently kissed her cheek a few times. As we moved about my hands found their way to her ass and she touched mine as well. I knew she was getting turned on. When sitting at the table Frank excused himself to use the restroom. She told me how excited she was and that she had brought several restraints for Frank to wear while we had fun. So we decided to leave for their motel room.
Once we got there I could see that Frank was going be “all tied up for the evening”. I used the bathroom and then Linda did. While, She was in there Frank told me how he had looked forward to this and that he would gladly serve us in anyway we desired. He said you are in control. I knew from our letters he was really into humiliation. Linda came back, we kissed, and petted each other. Then she began to talk to him, and told him what an asshole we was and how she was going to enjoy my cock. He got on his knees before us and before I could say anything, he told me that I was the better man and he gladly submitted himself to the service of my cock and her pussy. My head was spinning as what had just been a dream was now happening!
Then she began to talk to him, and told him what an ass hole he was and how she was going to enjoy my cock. He got on his knees before us and before I could say anything, he told me that I was the better man and he gladly submitted himself to the service of my cock and her pussy. My head was spinning as what had just been a dream was now happening!
I need to point out that this was new territory for them too. As they had several guys answer their ad but they only wanted to meet with Linda only. They told me I was the first and only guy who was excited by the fact that Frank would be present. I had told them of my one time experience. Each side knew that we were both new at this.
Linda said it was time for his collar. It was one of those big leather collars made for dogs. Once she had it in place, she then said it was time for his leash. She then ordered him to get on all fours and then handed me the leash and said care to walk him around? Sure I said, I took the leash, tugged on it and said come on boy and paraded him around. We came back to where she was standing. What a sorry excuse of a man she moaned. We sat down together on the edge of the bed and kissed some more as Frank sat in front of us and watched. She then ordered Frank to remove my shoes and socks. After he completed that task she had him remove her shoes as well. Watch this she said. She had him lay on his back. We both stood up and then she placed one foot on his face and then as I helped her keep her balance until she was standing on his face. Her feet were on each side of his nose, her toes on his forehead. She was now a little taller than me. She looked at me with lust in her eyes and we kissed again this time with more passion as our tongues darted back and forth. We kissed and caressed each other for several minutes. Then she got off his face.
Linda and I were now standing at the foot of the bed with Frank on his knees facing us. She then told him to put his special belt and cuffs and what articles of clothing he could take off. Quickly Frank did as he was told. The Belt was designed so that the cuffs could be attached thus restraining the use of the hands. After he did all that there he sat on his knees facing us wearing the special belt, cuffs on his hands and wrists, his collar with it’s leash still attached. At this time she did not restrain him.
While he was getting ready Linda and sat on the edge of the bed and continued to kiss and caress each other. After Frank got in his ready position I removed Linda’s blouse, whereupon she told him to put it away, he quickly did so. Shortly there after she got me out of my shirt and again he took proper care of it. As we continued to kiss and pet we stood up as I unzipped her skirt and she stepped out of it, again Frank did his task. Then she unbuckled my belt and proceeded to open my fly in order for my pants to drop to my ankles. As I stepped out of them Frank was there to perform his assigned task. There we were she in just bra and panties, I in my briefs.
Our hands and mouths were in constant motion to caress, and kiss. I then began to remove her bra. At that time she joked that she should wear band aids in stead of a bra, as she was small breasted. I assured her that I thought they looked lovely. They were small but she had a nice set of nipples. My hands were roaming freely all over her body. With out much further delay I removed her panties. As she was now totally naked. I paused to look at her. Let me tell you she was about 5′ 7″ HWP medium build. Her legs were nearly perfect, I am a leg man and this was a GREAT pair of legs. Her ass looked as great as her legs, just perfect roundness. What God didn’t give her in tits was made up for by her pussy. She had a bushy thatch of pussy hair. And underneath that hair was an outstanding set of well defined pussy lips! This woman was well pussied indeed!! Linda was a good looking gal! Again Frank took her bra and panties and quickly put them properly away.
Now she began to work on me. After touching me more and more all over she allowed her hand to brush over the ever growing bulge in my shorts. She then brought her hand right back and said ” Well well well what have we here”. She teased my cock as it yearned to be free of it’s confinement. She slipped her hands in my waistband and finally lowered my shorts to my ankles, which I then kicked my shorts across the room. She knelt down in front of me and began to lightly run her hands and fingers all over my cock. She ask me how big it was. I said 8″long and 5 3/4″ around. She said you here that Frank he is twice your size! Then she paused and said no Frank was 4 and a QUARTER so it wasn’t quite double. We had a laugh at Frank’s expense.
For me fantasy and reality had now met. I had envisioned something like this many many times!!! Now here I was living it!!! I am standing naked with my erect cock , a lovely married woman playing with it and her husband close by getting a close up view of the action. Linda was directly in front of me while Frank was at a 90 degree angle and in a good spot to view this sex show starring his wife!! What wicked bliss!!!
For me fantasy and reality had now met. I had envisioned something like this many many times!!! Now here I was living it!!! I am standing naked with my erect cock , a lovely married woman playing with it and her husband close by getting a close up view of the action. Linda was directly in front of me while Frank was at a 90 degree angle and in a good spot to view this sex show starring his wife!! What wicked bliss!!!
Needless to say she began to work her tongue on my cock. She took the pointed tip of her tongue and began tracing pathways from the base to the tip and back again. And doing the same on the underside as well. Slowly she began to focus her attention on the head of my organ. She moaned as she tasted the pre cum juice dripping from the tip. Her tongue began to swirl around thus wetting the head in preparation to take it into her mouth. Finally, she began to slowly engulf my engorged member. My eyes darted back and forth between watching her and checking out Frank’s reaction. His full attention was riveted to watching his wife suck my cock.
Her mouth slid over the head of my cock and she continued until she reached a point beyond the head and her lips locked around the soft smooth shaft. Her tongue was in constant motion as she slowly worked her way back to the tip. She took several of these trips at one point with her hand holding my cock near the base, she pulled completely off to speak to Frank. She told him it felt so good to finally suck a real man’s cock. She told him he was a pathetic loser. As she began yet another trip down my shaft, I chirped in by calling him a fucking wimp. Immediately she pulled back off my cock and looked at me saying NO he doesn’t fuck he’s just a wimp. We both cracked up. In a loud voice she demanded that he tell me what kind of cock he had. He looked down then up at me and said it was a limp one. What an admission for him to make while his wife was in the middle of sucking on another man’s cock virtually twice his size. As much as I was enjoying his wife’s oral skills, on some level I hoped he was savoring this moment of humiliation. Then to add further insult , while her mouth was active on my cock head, she took her hand and began to work it from the base back to her mouth. She made sure her wedding band was on prominent display while sliding it on my cock. The very symbol of their marriage , her fidelity, was now engaged in pleasuring another man right in front of his face.
She need a break so I helped her to her to stand and again we kissed and embraced. Commanding Frank to get us some water she layed back on the bed with her ass near the foot. Frank was back and we each took a few sips of water. I then stood between her legs and said it was her turn to receive pleasure.
I started planting kisses on her mouth and then her ears, and neck. I took my time to savor her body before I began to enjoy her nipples. As I worked on them her nipples had that unmistakable look of being aroused. I kissed my way down to her pussy, I paused where her pubic hair began. Lightly I began to run my fingers from her knees to her upper thighs, and up to her stomach. I touched everywhere except her pussy. Then I started to pay more attention to her inner thighs. As I said she had great legs and these were thighs to die for. Mixing the kissing of each inner thigh with my touches I slowly worked my way to her honey pot.
She was really squirming and keep trying to push her pussy into my face. However, I would do it my way. By tugging small patches of her pubic hair all over she was really moving around. Step by step I worked on her until I positioned my hands on each of her outer pussy lips. Pushing my hands nearly flat I moved them up and down in different directions at the same time. It didn’t take long to have an effect on her clit. I kept working on her moving my hands like that, while tugging those lips apart. It was time to move my mouth down there. I began to lick her outer lips. Then I placed my tongue near her clit and ran it around the area returning to the clit from the other side. My tongue began to probe between her inner and outer lips. I then began to take the inner lips into my mouth and gently suck on them. After a while I gave her clit area a broad flat lick of my tongue. Then I began to lightly flick at the clit. While all this oral attention was going on, the fingers of my right hand were exploring her vagina. I then by using my thumb on my left hand I placed it just above her clit. I pushed back so that the clit was anchored and exposed to my tongue. I found that what was effective for her was to focus the tip of my tongue right next to the clit rather than a direct assault. Needless to say the combination of my tongue and fingers brought her a crescendo of sexual pleasure.
We then took a small break so she could catch her breath and Frank brought us some water. I took a piss. After several minutes we sat together at the foot of the bed we began to kiss and caress each other. Suddenly she stopped and smiled looking at me deep into my eyes, she said do you know what time it is? I just smiled. Speaking to Frank she said he is going to fuck me Frank. My cock had been taking a long break as well. It began to spring to life again as I heard those words. I worked on her pussy while she on my cock to prepare them for the fucking that was about to happen. I ordered Frank to sit in front of us. I looked him right in the eye and announced, “I am going to fuck your wife Frank. ” I told her let’s start doggie style.
Linda got herself situated and was ready to be fucked. Playing with the head of my cock to keep it hard, I then reached over with my right to grab Frank’s leash. I positioned Frank close and just barley off to the right as I approached Linda’s waiting pussy. Making sure Frank could see this I slowly pushed the head of my cock in to Linda’s dripping hole. I had penetrated just covering the head. Slowly I began to penetrate her inch by inch until I was in as far as I could go, at this angle I could not press all the way to the hilt. My goal was to give Frank a great view. Judging by his expression I had succeeded. I then began a slow steady grind of strokes. Once, I sensed that her pussy had adjusted to the probing of my cock, I began to increase the speed of my strokes. Linda’s breathing increase and she began to call out. But I suddenly stopped and just held my cock still in her pussy. I stopped because I would have cum but I wanted to have more fun. After I stopped to gain control I slowly pulled it out full length so that Frank could see my cock was coated with her pussy juice. I then began a series of slow long strokes by placing the head of my cock at the entry of her pussy then pushing all the way in then slowly all the way back out. It was as if the head of my cock was playing hide and seek with Frank watching. After a few strokes like that I then returned to the shorter quicker strokes bringing both Linda and I closer to climax. But again I went back to the long slow strokes, of completely withdrawing and re-entering and pushing all the way in. All though this I was holding Frank’s leash to make sure he saw it all, but that wasn’t necessary as he was where he really wanted and needed to be.
After I continued to fuck Linda like this for awhile, I knew it was about time to fill her pussy with my hot cum. I had Linda lay on her back on the bed, again I position my self and Frank just like before. Linda also stuck out her left leg to afford Frank the best view possible. In this position Frank could put his face closer to the action. I repeated some of the same mix of quick short strokes with long withdrawing ones. I really enjoyed when I withdrew completely and holding it for a second to again give him maximum viewing pleasure. It wasn’t long before I shot my load, filling her pussy with plenty of hot cum. After I pulled out I made sure that every excess drop I could fell on her pussy area. I then grabbed his leash and said it it time to clean your wife up. With that I pushed his face in her freshly fucked pussy. He began to lap it up like a kitten does milk. With her husband between her legs eating her cum filled pussy, Linda wanted to give my cock some tender loving, deep kisses.
After it was all over I wanted to sleep with Linda that night, but she said with the drive home and the things they needed to do, kids, work etc so not this time. As I always do with couples I leave it to them to call me if they want to meet again. Unlike my first couple I had a feeling they would call soon.
When she called to set up our next meeting there was a hint of trouble on the horizon for me. She said I think it would be great if Frank sucked your cock. I evaded her. We met a second time it went like the first one and it too was great. Again I didn’t get to sleep with her. When she called to set up the third meeting she was a little stronger in saying, do you know how much it would turn me on to see Frank suck your cock? Once again I some how managed to get through the third session evading the question. Nor did I sleep with her, same excuses. I knew her question would not go away this is an issue I knew I must resolve before they called again.
Before we met the second time she said I think it would be great if Frank sucked your cock. I evaded her. Our second meeting went like this first one and it too was great. Again I didn’t get to sleep with her. When she called to set up the third meeting she was a little stronger in saying, do you know how much it would turn me on to see Frank suck your cock? Once again I some how managed to get through the third session evading the question. Nor did I sleep with her, same excuses. I knew her question would not go away this is an issue I knew I must resolve before they called again. We were meeting about once a month.
Having a cuck suck my cock was an issue I had not yet resolved in my mind but I had to decide soon. As I was now faced with a real live couple and they both wanted to have him suck me. For me this was a real crossing of the Rubicon.
What about the future if I met other couples they would probably be interested in the same thing at some point. While I know, not all cuck hubbies suck cock. But on the other hand if I allow this it seems more options with couples would be open to me. I began to really think about the nature of this whole Bull and cuck dynamic. And how this applies to my flavor of this practice. I love the dominance and submission aspects to interact with a cuck. Which can be richly enjoyed in a long term relationship with couples. In such a context the relationship of the BULL/cuck is role based.
I believe that at his core, the cuck is most fulfilled when allowed to to express his submissive desires. One way of expressing submission is through specific acts of service to be performed for the benefit or pleasure of the Bull. In my mind I saw the oral services of a cuck on my cock as his complete submission and acknowledgement of the Bulls power. This is in addition to provide his wife for the Bull to enjoy. He also chooses to give up his own sex desires. His oral service performed on the Bull’s cock is an outward manifestation of his earnest dedication to the Bull’s service. It is a confirmation of status.
Now, I was ready, if they asked I would accept oral service from Frank. Well, I didn’t have to wait long. I got a phone call at mid week it was Frank. Normally Linda called and made all the arrangement. After, our introductory remarks he began to hem and haw. Based on Linda’s prior comments that she wanted to see him suck my cock I knew where this was going. I just sat back and enjoyed his humiliation of having to ask to suck my cock. Finally, he stammered out, that when we first met he stated he was there to serve Linda’s pussy and my cock, he now wanted to serve my cock. He also praised my cock, giving the type of compliments I love to hear. Suddenly he went silent there was a long pause, I told him, I would agree to receive his service. Needless to say he was very excited, thanked me and gave the phone to Linda. Linda told me that when we meet on the upcoming Saturday, we would meet a little earlier than usual in the evening so her and I could dine together.
That Saturday finally came. We met in a different town this time, west of me. Linda greeted me at the door, dressed in a black skirt, that came to her knees. She wore a beige frilly blouse. We kissed and ran our hands over each other lightly. She said it was time to feed Frank before we go. Reaching into a fast food sack she pulled out the food and smashed it up in a dog dish and beside it was another filled with water. He was wearing his collar and attached leash. She lead him to the bowls and commanded “EAT”. Before we left she tethered the leash so he could not wander far. ( yes, he had an emergency release)
Linda and I went to a restaurant and got a booth in a corner. Soon we placed our order and began to talk. We sat next to each other like we were glued together. As we kissed my hand began to lightly play with the inside of her knee. She then told me she had a surprise for me. Smiling she said that she was wearing garter belt and hose, and she was not wearing any panties. She knew of my desire to see her in lingerie and garter belt and hose was and is among my favorites. I was turned on! Fortunately, the table cloths were long and the place was almost vacant. Placing my hand up her skirt, my fingers danced back and forth from her hose to bare skin and lightly brushing her pussy hair. After playing around our food came.
Linda and I went to a restaurant and got a booth in a corner. Soon we placed our order and began to talk. We sat next to each other like we were glued together. As we kissed my hand began to lightly play with the inside of her knee. She then told me she had a surprise for me. Smiling she said that she was wearing garter belt and hose, and she was not wearing any panties. She knew of my desire to see her in lingerie and garter belt and hose was and is among my favorites. I was turned on! Fortunately, the table cloths were long and the place was almost vacant. Placing my hand up her skirt, my fingers danced back and forth from her hose to bare skin and lightly brushing her pussy hair. After playing around our food came.
While eating we talked about how ironic it is that Frank was a business man with a few dozen employees, successful and powerful in that world, was just the opposite in the sex world. He went from a world he controlled to a world of no control. From powerful to powerless. She told me that she had sensed that my decision to receive Franks oral service had been a big one for me. Yes, I told her I had to wrestle with it but I now felt comfortable. She then told me that she had a plan to pull this off smoothly. Knowing she had such an erotic mind I agreed to follow her lead when we got back to the room. She paid the bill, ( it was Frank’s money of course) as it is always nice that the cuck was paying for me to date his wife!
When we got back to the motel we sat in the car and kissed. After our embrace she whispered in a voice full of lust and excitement “Lets go feed my husband some cock.” We came into the room there was Frank still tethered and on his knees, finished with dinner. Leaving the leash attached to the collar she untied it so it was no longer tethered. Frank sat on his knees and watched as we kissed and caressed each other. Dutifully, as our clothes were removed Frank put them away. When I got her blouse off she had a black bra on, and joked that it would be a push up bra but she didn’t have much to push up. I assured her she looked lovely indeed! She undid her skirt and let it fall. What a sight!! Her full bush pussy framed by the black garter belt and hose. It is a view I never get tired of. I caressed and played with her beautiful body. She then began to undress me.
Running her hands all over me she then removed my shirt, then my pants. She sat at the foot of the bed, and I stood in front of her wearing only my jockey shorts. Frank was behind me. “Take his shorts off” she commanded Frank. It was a strange feeling having a man do that. It was as if on one level Frank was exposing me and offering me to his wife. Linda began to play with my cock with her hands and mouth. Frank was directly behind me so he could not see her working on me. She teased him, wow Frank it looks really big tonight!. Then she told him to kiss my ass. As he kissed each cheek, she joked that many of his employees have probably said that he could kiss theirs. Linda then motioned for me to lay on the bed.
I layed down with my ass near the edge. Linda got on top of me in the 69 position. She stayed up on her knees so I could look down and see her suck and lick my cock. Frank was now between my legs and his face close to the action. “You must show him the proper respect”, she barked to Frank. She then directed him to kiss my balls, then to kiss my cock, near the midpoint on my shaft. She then told him to lick my balls as she sucked and licked my cock. My scrotum was pulled up tight as he ran the tip of his tongue around the area. Then she had him lick my shaft to meet her as she continued to suck. She then pulled her mouth off my cock. She began to instruct him to lick my cock all over paying special attention to the head. He was enjoying a copious amount of pre-cum fluid. Moving her grip to near the base she told him to swallow as much cock as he could. Taking as much cock in his mouth as he could, his lips clamped on my shaft just a little past the head. She told him to slowly work his mouth off it. He repeated this action several times. At the same time she ordered him to keep his tongue active as he ingested my cock. Linda then decided to instruct Frank on some finer points of cock sucking and she would demonstrate and then he did as he was shown. It was quite a feeling having a husband and wife share my cock! Suddenly, Linda announced she wanted to get fucked.
As I layed there Linda reversed herself, we were facing each other and kissing. Then she commanded Frank to hold my cock up so she could fuck it. He grabbed my shaft and held it up as she lowered her pussy. When her pussy got near he moved my cock so the head rubbed her clit, she moaned in pleasure. He continued to move my cock along her slit until it was in position. Frank then pulled back on my shaft pulling it taut as she lowered herself and began to slowly fuck me. I then commanded Frank to lick my balls as we fucked. Then as we fucked I pulled her ass cheeks apart , I told Frank to lick my shaft and balls as his wife fucked me. Looking deeply into my eyes Linda said I want to see him lick hot cum straight from your cock!
I told them that I would need Linda to fuck me until I was at the brink of cumming and then Frank could hold it up and lick the cum as it came out. In order to pull this off I had to instruct them what they needed to do. First, I told Frank he was to have a hold of my shaft when Linda’s thrusts would push me closer to cumming. When I gave the word Linda was to pull off and out of the way. Frank was to grab my shaft and hold it as much as possible strait up and down (a 90 degree angle) and pull it taut. Then he could lick it as it came out, I knew the first spurts would fall into my pubic region. I had them practice this a few times so that everyone knew what to do. Finally, when I knew they were ready I said let’s do it!!
Linda’s quicken her pace and drove me to the point of no return. As I reached that point I told them I was cumming and slapped her ass as she got off me and moved to a position to be beside me so she could watch the show. Frank had a hold on my cock as I reached that point. He did a good job of holding it straight up and pulling the skin taut. At first a few long thick globs of cum came out of my cock in piecemeal fashion. As it slowed down and steady flow came from the head and Linda commanded him to keep his tongue on the tip and lap it up. The front of my cock (as it faced me) had a thick wave of cum cascade down it. As the flow slowed from the tip Linda instructed him to slowly lick the thick coat of cum off my cock. He did it a little dab on the tongue at a time.
Having done that, there were still those nice thick ropes of cum that formed a pool in my pubic area close to the base of my cock. Now to give you a clearer picture I use clippers on my pubic region. That means that the hair is very very short, it is similar to shaving except no stubble. It leaves the area very smooth. So here he was about to dine on a pool of cum placed on a velvety smooth pubic plate. Linda had him move to the side of the bed. He still held my cock, which was now at half staff, with his thumb just below the head and a couple of fingers on the other side. She had him stretch out his tongue as far as possible and slowly lower his head until the tip of his tongue got a dollop of cum. He was then ordered to pull it into his mouth and swallow. He repeated this process again and again, stretching his tongue getting a drop of cum each trip. As Linda layed next to me we were mesmerized by his performance.
After he finished, Frank made sure to lick the area clean and then engulfed my srinking cock to get every drop. Frank then profusely thanked me over and over and praised my cock to no end. Frank said that Linda was his queen and I was his king.
Linda and I kissed, she was right it had made her very hot. I looked at the bed and it looked like she had pissed on it she was so wet. After Linda and I enjoyed the after glow for awhile, we both used the restroom and then I thought it was time for me to dress and leave as was our pattern. As I started to dress, Linda said what are you doing? As I started to explain she placed a finger on my lips in the shhh, gesture. She looked at me deeply and said “You and I are sleeping together tonight, as Frank sleeps on the floor”.
It felt so good being in bed with her to have our naked bodies touch in every possible way. As we fell asleep, I began to think about what had happened. It felt so good knowing I had this man fully cucked!!! I mean everything was now going the way I wanted it. First, Frank had submitted himself to serve me orally. This act was a compelling portrayal of each man’s status. Next, Linda’s passion now belonged to me. She was now willing to wear more lingerie and more importantly I had replaced him in bed. I was sleeping with her while he tried to find comfort on the floor. This change would be illustrated the next morning when…
Allowing Frank to suck my cock had now set the stage for the power exchange to play itself out. Looking back I feel that what we had done in the first few sessions had been, if you will, a cut above swinging. Don’t get me wrong it was great but this was a new level. The power I now felt was tangible
This change would be illustrated the next morning when we awoke. Laying naked with Linda in the spoon position as Linda and I came awake , looking across the room we saw Frank dressed and on his knees watching us like a faithful dog. Ignoring Frank, Linda playfully grabbed my cock and lead me to the shower. We enjoyed a wonderful time of soaping each other down and playing like kids. After we dried each other and came out into the room. I stood in front of Frank. My cock nearly erect just inches from his face, I told him I was going to fuck his wife and ordered him to leave. I gave him a specific time to return, and I told him if we weren’t finished when he returned to assume his kneeling position watch and wait for orders once I was finished fucking his wife.
Immediately Linda and I found ourselves in a full body embrace. It seem as if we wanted to hug so tight as to melt into one being. After a lot of touching and caressing I cupped her face in my hands, my thumbs just in front of her ears. This allowed me to slowly guide her lips to mine. As we kissed I lightly touched her hair, neck and around her shoulders. She ran her hands up and down my back and played with my ass. What we had done before was great. However, this was a change from having sex to making love.
We just took our time as we fondled each other in a sensuous manner that exceeded anything we had experienced to this point. We kissed each other everywhere. We each strove to give each other as much pleasure as possible. Using my hands and tongue on her body and especially her pussy I made her cum several times. When she worked on my cock it was a beautiful sight to see her mouth and hands deliver such delightful pleasure. After all this wonderful play it was time to fuck.
Laying on my back, she squatted over me and slipped her very wet pussy on my waiting stiff cock. It was a splendid sight to watch her pussy swallow my cock. This pussy was hungry for man meat and I was giving it an ample supply. Running my hands all over her body, especially her back, ass, nipples and legs, added to her delight. As she began to glide herself up and down on my engorged member. It was then that Frank came it and got on his knees to watch. This added to my thrill as I knew that here was a cuck hubby who had to watch, as his lovely wife was squirming in pure ecstasy on my cock. She was calling out my name NOT his.
As we continued, from time to time she leaned forward to kiss me and let our tongues dance. I held on as she fucked me until she came. Having had several orgasms during our session she was on fire!!! After sliding up and down on my cock for awhile, I traded positions with her. It was time for me to slam my meat deep in her pussy. I was now on top and began to pump her. Frank watched my ass flex back and forth as I fucked his wife. She came again, first moaning and crying out my name. With her legs wrapped around me she locked me in position where I couldn’t move. Finally, she was ready for more and urged me to fuck her some more, shouting she wanted me to cum in her pussy. Again calling my name over and over. Yelling to fuck her harder and harder. Soon, I could feel my own orgasm building to the point of no return. I could no longer hold back so I pumped my load deep in her pussy. Her pussy had a generous helping of meat which was now followed by quart of cream! We enjoyed the after glow and let it linger for a long time, whispering to each other and lightly kissing each other. Finally, she patted my ass as we parted.
On purpose I stood in front of Frank my cock now at about half staff. He could see the wonderful mixture of love juices coating my cock. I guess you could say I was hanging long and loose and covered with juice! I put on my shirt, then my shorts and pants but left them at my mid thigh. Leaving my cock exposed to him as long as I could. I suddenly pulled up shorts and pants in one move. He looked disappointed, I am sure he wanted some tube steak with special sauce! However, I knew it was time for the power of denial to began to work on his mind. Then he looked hopefully at Linda and she smirked at him and then opened her legs. Pulling apart the folds of her pussy he could see another cream filled pie that he so far had always enjoyed. The cum was very thick and was oozing out of her pussy down to her ass hole. In fact cum was all over the area. I think to Frank it looked like a mother load of cum. After letting him look at it for awhile. Suddenly and quickly, Linda closed her legs and said, this is mine. She jumped up and put on her panties, and began to dress. As she did so she ordered Frank to load the car with their stuff. After he finished, while we were waiting for Linda, I told him how much I enjoyed fucking his wife.
As we walked to the car Linda and I walked arms around each other and Frank behind us. He got in and sat in the drivers seat. I played with her ass, as we stood on the other side of the car, for our good- bye kiss. As she sat down she said to Frank, that perhaps next time he could have a hot cream pie, or maybe some cum on a cock, IF we felt he earned it.
As we went our different directions my mind began to come up some wicked things we could do. A couple of days later Linda called and told me how much she enjoyed the last weekend. I told her about my wicked plans and I wanted our next meeting to be at their house. Upon hearing my plans she understood how effective that would be, but needed time to set things up. Calling the next week she told me the date when the kids would be gone and we could meet at their house.
The day finally came over three weeks later. I gave both of them some instructions . Some hours before I was to arrive, Frank was to prepare his wife for my visit. He was to give her a sensuous bath with whatever oils and additives she desired, let her really enjoy a luxurious total body experience. He was then to dry her off, then massage any oils or creams she choose, into her lovely skin. Knowing my guidelines of what I consider sexy he was to help her pick out her outfit and what she would wear underneath it. If he wanted any “treats” he had better do a good job.
As he dressed her she was to tell him about how good my caressing and kissing would feel over each part. He would be reminded how he would NOT be enjoying her, I would. She told him his little dick was just too small. Adding to his embarrassment she said it was so nice to be fucked by a man for a change.
After preparing his wife for my visit with his collar on and Linda in control of his leash, he was walking on all fours as they heard my knock on the door. To say I anticipated this would be an understatement. I mean I felt I could have unzipped my pants and knocked with my cock! Linda stayed in the bedroom sending Frank to answer it. After taking a quick peek to make sure it was me and not someone else.
He opened the door and said good evening Sir, it is very nice to see you. I just smiled slightly at him. He got down on all fours and went to the bedroom to fetch his wife. They came into the living room, Linda holding his leash. She stopped just in front of me, dressed in a very sexy short black skirt, slit on partly up her thigh. She was also wearing a sleeveless red blouse, with the proper compliment of jewelry.
I held out an open hand. As per my instructions, Frank rose to his knees and took Linda by the hand and placed it in mine. ” I present my lovely wife to you Sir, …. she is yours.” Frank said. Taking her hand and reaching out for the other one, I pulled her to me and we enjoyed a wonderful kiss. Frank’s mind fuck was about to be taken to another level……

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