Can Black Cock Save The Earth?

Rotock smiled as his spaceship slowed and docked in orbit around this planet the locals called ‘Earth.’ He nodded to his co-pilot, Glicktoo. “Well Glick, it took us way too long to get here. When we discovered that we had warped too far forward in the continuum and had to backtrack 6 trillion miles, we lost three weeks.”
“Yeah,” echoed Glick. “My balls are burning from not getting any sex.” He looked down on the planet below, looking so much bluer than their own planet which over the past half-million years had slowly been getting drier. “That planet looks so blue compared to our brown planet. Do you suppose it is true that there are millions of the female species on this place called Earth?”
“That’s what our advance ship reported,” Rotock answered. “The initial landing party went into a place where they apparently eat and sleep and reported that the females of the species have their pleasure place located almost identical as to where our females are.”
“In the back?”
“No, but close. These females are built in such a way that you can face them while you take your pleasure. Their pleasure place is on the front side.”
“They can look into your face while you do your sniggling?”
“Yes” nodded Rotock, “and according to the advance party, they enjoy it.”
“They enjoy it, the same as men?” That would be different. Our females only do it to make babies ever since our planet passed through that radiation belt and took away their pleasure sensors.”
“Well, I suppose it would be nice to do some sniggling with these Earth creatures but our mission is to search for ways to conquer the planet.”
“That will be a difficult task,” said Glick. “This planet has millions living on it, while our planet is down to a few thousand.”
Rotock sighed. “We must find a way, and soon. Not only is our planet running out of people, but water as well. Set the automatic controls and we shall beam down to the planet.”
“Where to?”
They were on the dark side of the Earth, the Western Hemisphere, and they could see the lights of the U.S.A. below them. “Let’s beam down there. That lit up place on Earth seems like it may have lots of living creatures.”
“And many of them female,” giggled Glick.
“Perhaps we can do some sniggling,” answered Rotock, “but our main purpose on this planet is to find a way to dominate it.”
Fifteen minutes later Rotock and Glick had beamed into a place they would learn was named Chattanooga by the locals. They were wearing apparel that had been brought back by the original scouting party so as they walked amongst the locals they did not stand out, except for their height.
Both of them stood over six feet tall. Not only over, but six inches over. By Earth standards they both would be considered handsome, and Rotock and Glicktoo noticed that the females seated at sidewalk tables and partaking of food were staring up at them as they walked by, even though they were with men of their species.
“Let us sit here and try this Earth food,” suggested Glick. They had been provided with items of exchange called money by the scouting party so were not worried about being able to obtain food. The trouble is, they did not know the value of their money.
Walking into the eating area by an opening in the metal fence they took a seat at an outdoor table and almost immediately were greeted by a hostess who informed them that they were supposed to ‘check in’ at her podium first and then she would seat them.
“I’m sorry” replied Rotock. “We are new here and didn’t know.”
That’s alright; since it’s not crowded right now you can stay here.” She eyeballed them both. “Are you guys basketball players?”
“What is this…’basketball,’ asked Glicktoo? “ We are not from here.”
“Oh really,” she breathed. “Where from?”
“The other side of Earth, where it’s light right now, replied Glick.
“We are from Germany,” Rotock quickly answered. He had studied provided maps.
“Well, you guys sure speak good English,” she replied, her eyes sparkling. “Wait while I get you a menu,” and she walked off.
“Is she what these Earthlings would consider attractive” asked Glick?
“I believe so. Her baby feeders are quite large and her face is very pleasing to the eye. Also I noticed some of the males of the species looking at her and their eyes were scanning her all over, front and back.”
“Do you suppose her pleasure place is located in the front like they say,” asked Glick?
Rotock was shaking his head. “I guess we will need to investigate and get this over with so we can concentrate on our mission of learning a way to dominate Earth.”
Instead of the beautiful blonde they had been talking to a lovely brunette walked up with a menu. “Hi! I’m Tina and I’ll be your waitress.” She eyeballed them. “Terry told me you guys were hunks and she was right. What are you two doing later? I get off at ten.”
“Get off,” asked Glick?
Tina blushed. “I finish work at ten and I’m available.”
This was all new to Rotock and Glicktoo. On their planet the females no longer cared about sniggling. The only time sniggling occurred was when the men demanded it, and since the women no longer enjoyed it, the population had been declining for centuries.
“You want us both?”
Tina giggled. “Well, that might be nice but Terry mentioned that she would find the time if you guys are so inclined.”
The way she was defining herself was very strange to them but both Rotock and Glicktoo were getting the picture. Apparently, the way it sounded, these females were willing to sniggle.
“We are new here and do not as yet have a place to stay,” Rotock offered.
Tina frowned. “You guys are homeless?”
Glick pulled out a roll of bills the advance party had informed them could be used as exchange for food and bed. “Will this do for our food and a place to stay?”
Tina stared at the thick roll of hundred dollar bills. Then Glick pulled one off. “How much will this buy?”
“Well,” Tina responded, “the boss doesn’t like for us to take hundreds because of counterfeiting. Do you have anything smaller?”
Glick frowned. “They’re all the same size”
Terry giggled and held the bill up to the light. “It looks O.K. If I say so the boss will let me take big bills. What would you like to eat?”
“Anything you suggest. We’ll eat anything you say.”
Tina giggled, Anything?” But they did not understand her meaning. On their planet, oral sex was unknown. After all, since the females felt no pleasure, they did not give any.
“I’ll bring you both tonight’s house special, roast beef and mashed potatoes au gratin.”
“That will be fine,” and off she went.
An hour later after having experienced food more delicious than anything on their own planet, the two of them were waiting while Tina and Terry closed down their individual sections.
“Do you want to follow us in your car,” asked Terry?
“We don’t have a car, we just arrived here,” replied Glick.
“O.K. Come with us,” Terry said with an ornery smile. Tina and I came to work together.”
They walked together down a block and into a reserved parking lot. Coming up to her Honda Civic Terry asked, “Do you guys want to ride in the back together or one in front and one in back?”
“You choose,” replied Rotock.
Terry looked at Tina. “You have any preference?” But Tina had noticed that Terry seemed to favor Rotock. “Glick can sit in back with me.” She giggled. “Where did you guys get those strange names anyhow, ‘Glick and Rotock? That doesn’t sound German to me.”
As Glick observed how Tina slid into the back seat, he duplicated her move. “We are from a southern section of Germany and the names are different there.”
“Oh I see,” giggled Tina, and as Glick settled in she immediately slid over close to him and placed her right hand gently on his thigh. “You like to snuggle,” she asked, giggling? “I like snuggling.”
Both Rotock and Glick were confused. Was this ‘snuggling’ the same thing as ‘sniggling?’ And she had said she liked snuggling or maybe sniggling, the first time either of them had ever heard that.
“Do you like this ‘snuggling’ facing the male, or with your back to him?”
Tina was rubbing Glick’s leg now, and in the front, Rotock was unable to move closer to Terry because of the shifter, but he was facing her. Terry answered for Tina, “Tee hee, I think we both like to snuggle sideways.”
Both Rotock and Glick were to find out that on Earth, you had to first snuggle, and then you could sniggle.
But while Rotock and Glick were having their eyes opened, Terry and Tina were having their pussies opened, and amazingly so.
You see, on their home planet of Knobbia, a physical development has been ongoing for centuries. The males of the species have penises that are adjustable. They can thicken them, make them longer, or both at the same time. Also their penises can be made to curve up, down or sideways.
Terry was under Rotock, who at the moment was making his cock ripple in grooves as he pumped in and out. Terry was going wild. “Oh Rotock, this is even better than black cock!”
“Black cock? There are cocks that are black?”
Terry was having another orgasm and at the moment could not respond. After several seconds she gasped out, “You were asking something?”
“Yes, this black cock. What is that?”
“Well, actually that’s just an expression. Most of them are brown in color, but yours is the first white one I have had that feels this good.”
“Would you like mine to be brown?” As he pulled out, Rotock displayed his cock to her. It had turned brown.
“What? How do you do that? This is so weird. Put it back in me!”
“Like this? Rotock had just delivered 10 inches of thick brown cock into a pussy that was used to having the best.
“Yes, it feels fantastic, just the same as a real one. Oh I love this so. You Germans are so strange. Now fuck me with it.”
“This fucking you talk about. It seems to be the same as sniggling where I come from, but here it is so much better.”
“Rotock, if you want to spend a while with me, a few days or weeks, I’ll be yours to command.”
Rotock was grinning to himself. “You will allow me to possess you, even more so than this ‘black cock’ you speak of?”
“Yes, anything you want, I’m yours to command.”
Glicktoo was also having similar results. Tina in the past had been having trouble experiencing orgasm, except for when she was getting black cock… Now she was learning what a cock from Knobbia could do. She had experienced three orgasms so far and wanted more. “Yes Glick, make it grow wider. Do it slow.”
Tina was lying on her back, eyes shut, legs open, and grinning as she felt Glick’s penis grow wider inside her. His cock had already been hard, so how could it grow even more? Yet it was happening and Tina loved it.
“Like this,” asked Glick? His penis was stretching her walls to a point where she was feeling very tight as he slowly pumped in and out.
“Just a little more. I like them thick, like black cocks. Yes, that’s enough, stop there. That feels wonderful?” She was squirming under him while digging her fingers into his ass. “Oh Glick, you, your cock, the two of you own me, forever if you like.”
“I own you? You will do as I say?”
“Yes darling, as long as you keep treating me nice and don’t refuse to give me your cock.”
“You will obey me and not go back to black cock?”
Tina sighed. “I never thought I would be saying it, but I love your adjustable white cock more than black cock.”
Both Rotock and Glicktoo were to learn, tonight, what it is like to have their cocks sucked. It was inevitable that the four of them would end up in the same bed, and the two space aliens would enjoy having not just one but two Earth females sucking on their adjustable cock at the same time.
“Since they both have adjustable cocks, I wonder if they each feel different?” Terry was eyeballing Glick.
Terry had asked, and Tina, though she was now quite attached to Glick, wanted to please her best friend. “I don’t know, let’s find out!”
Tina spread her legs and taking Rotock by the hand, said “Mount me.”
“Oooooh fuck!” Without warning Rotock was inside and on impulse was making his cock curve upwards. Terry for the first time was feeling her G spot being rubbed, not just lightly but firm and rough. “Shit! I’m cumming already! What are you doing to me?”
Rotock was laughing. He was pleased that Tina was responding so well to his upward curve. So far he had not showed that technique to Terry. “You like that? I’m making it curve up?”
“Oh yes, it’s the best, the best ever.”
Terry was experiencing a twinge of jealousy. Rotock had not curved up in her. She looked over at Glick. “Can you make yours curve up?”
“Oh yes, grinned Glick, and as Terri stared, his firm ten inch prick began to curve up. “Say when.”
“Oh, that’s enough for now. Put it in and then you can curve it up further until I say ‘Stop.”
Rotock and Glicktoo were enjoying themselves immensely. Never in their 120 year lives had they felt anything as nice as these Earth women.
Why haven’t you kissed me, either of you,” asked Terry as she looked back and forth at both men?
“What is kissed?” Glicktoo and Rotock stared at one another.
“You don’t know about kissing? On what planet have you guys been living on?” Terry asked
“The planet Knobbia,” answered Glicktoo and then he shut up when Rotock shook his head at him.
Terry and Tina thought Glick had been kidding of course. Tina winked at Terry. “I’ll show Glick how to kiss and you show Rotock.”
It was then that the two spacemen learned the advantages of fucking Earth women over Knobbia women as they learned how to fuck and kiss at the same time and eventually how to use their tongues in multi-talented ways.
The fucking and swapping went on, and after a while both Terry and Tina found that they had no preference as to which man they preferred. Both of their penises could do things that they had never dreamed was possible.
‘Why don’t you guys cum,” asked Terry with a puzzled look on her face. I feel you throbbing but nothing seems to come out. When we are getting black cock we always end up full of cum.””
Glick answered first. “You want us to send the juice that makes babies to you? We only do that when we want to create child.”
Terry had her mouth opened wide. “You can control that too?”
Well, let it out. I want to feel you cumming in me.”
“Me too.” Tina chimed in.
You want babies? There are so many on this world now.”
“No silly, Terry replied to both of them. “We are on birth control so we can’t get pregnant unless we want to.”
Rotock and Glicktoo did not know of this ‘birth control.’ but they could produce tons of cum. After that, the women felt their pussies being filled with loads such as they had never experienced.
Both women had been fucked by more than one black man, and on one night when they had been on a trip together to Atlanta, they had served as cum dumps for four black men, all at the same time.
Fucking black men was something they enjoyed when no one who knew them was around, but when they ‘dated’ publicly, they chose to be seen with white men. Now at last, Tina and Terry had found their fantasy white fucks!
Another hour had passed. As both women lay sprawled across the king-sized mattress with their legs opened wide and cum pouring out, they were asleep, and both had a smile on their lips. Rotock and Glicktoo, still full of energy, met in the bathroom.
For the past hour, they had been watching a news channel of TV after the girls had showed them how. Now, after have been hard for six hours, their penises were hanging in their normal state, eight inches soft and thick.
“Glick,” said Rotock. “I think I have found the way we can control this planet.”
“How’s that,” responded Glick.
“Listen as I send a message up to the mother ship to be relayed to Knobbia.”
“Hello fellow Knobbia men. This is Rotock speaking to you from the planet called Earth. I have found a very simple way to render control of this planet. .
This planet Earth has a larger percentage of females over males. We have been watching reports on something called ‘TV’ of what goes on around this planet, and it seems that the men are determined to kill each other off. This will make it a simpler task in our takeover mission.
This portion of the Earth we have set foot on seems to be the dominate power at this time. This portion called ‘America’ seems to be ruled by something called ‘black cock.’ In fact, the leader of this ‘America’ is a black man. We have seen him on TV, and it would appear that his female mate is the dominate force since she is larger.
These Earth women seem to be addicted to this ‘black cock,’ but I think our adjustable equipment can overcome that.
All we have to do is populate this portion of the planet with a few thousand of our men. Leave the females behind and just send men
We will be outnumbered by this black cock, so we must penetrate as many American Earth females as possible and do it quickly. These Earth women, also called ‘females,’ are easily controlled when being given this black cock, but our testing indicates that we have the ability to take control.
Once we control the women of this USA, our superior weaponry, combined with the assets of this nation will allow us to control the planet in no time.
We are awaiting your reply. In the meantime we shall remain here, gathering more information.

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