Am I a Cuckold?

My story actually took place about six months ago. Winter was over and Spring was just starting. I am a 33 year old male living in the West Michigan area. The community is overly conservative and honestly a bit dull. I have already been divorced one time. As I look for a long term relationship, I’ve realized how hard it is to meet new people. Because of this, I am usually open to dating women even if they weren’t necessarily my type. I’d probably consider myself as a bit of a nerd. I’m on the heavy side and have a boyish looking face. I do okay on the money front and that’s probably the best thing that I have going for me.
I had met Leeann at a New Year’s Eve party. We had both been drinking a lot and ended up hooking up. Looking back, I often wonder whether it was simply the alcohol that caused Leeann to hook up with me. Whereas I looked like a portly grade school altar boy, she always seemed like she was a wild child. She wore tight clothes, flirted a lot, cussed a lot and seemed like she belonged on the back of a Harley bike. Leeann had also been married and divorced. She claims her ex was the bad boy type. She said that was fine when you were young, but didn’t make for a good marriage.
Leeann was about 5’7”, long strawberry colored hair and green eyes. She wasn’t skinny but she wasn’t fat either. Her ass was big but it was offset by her great breasts. They were d cup with big thick nipples. Her body was so well proportioned that she looked extremely sensual despite not being a pencil thin model. She hadn’t had any kids and her skin was so smooth, firm and tan.
Despite meeting during a drunken romp fest, we continued to date each other afterwards. We never said we were exclusive, but it was generally understood that we were boyfriend & girlfriend. We hung out a lot on weekends. We called each other a lot and met each other’s friends. The truth of the matter was that I never quite fit in with her friends. They would smoke weed and I wouldn’t partake. Her friends would talk about subjects in which I would never be able to relate.
I think Leeann realized it wasn’t a great match too. However she would claim that she liked being with a “nice” guy for a change. I’m not sure about others, but being known always as the “nice guy” gets a bit old after awhile. I always had lingering doubts about myself and this “nice guy” moniker just reinforced those doubts. For example, during sex I would always end way too quickly. Really quick. It always felt so nice that after a few strokes I would simply explode. It would be over right there. In my head, I felt like I was compensating for this by giving Leeann great oral sex. Sometimes she would orgasm and sometimes she wouldn’t. But regardless, I was able to do that for a while to make up for what I lacked in stamina.
The other issue of course was my body itself. I am about 5’9” and probably weigh about 200lbs. I’m not huge, but I do have a gut and am generally a bit soft My penis is about 5”, if even that. Its kind of got a rather skinny shaft, but I don’t think it would be classified as pencil thin either.
Out of natural curiousity, I had asked Leeann how her ex was in bed. Leeann never pulled any punches. She always said it how it was and she didn’t hold back on this subject either. Apparently her ex had a big thick cock and he knew how to use it. They had sex several times a week even after being married for years. They had done in public bathrooms, parks, cars, etc. No where was off limits to them. Leeann admitted that she got a special thrill from doing it in risky situations or public places. For me, that just made me find her that much more sexy. However, it was also very intimidating since I wasn’t a sexual animal.
Fast forward a few months to the night of this story. We had gone out to dinner and some drinks. We then met up with some of her friends at a billiards hall right and played some pool. Oddly enough, this pool hall wasn’t allowed to serve alcohol. Everyone sort of just got around this restriction, by bringing their own. Some people were obvious about it and others were more sly. But all in all, almost everyone was drinking. I had never been to this particular place. It was a rather rough crowd. Even though this lily white community didn’t have many minorites, it seems like the few that did live here were all at this pool hall. It was a weird mix of gangsta looking types, rednecks, Mexicans and Asians. The oddest thing is that although everyone was in the same pool hall together, the groups kept to their own types for the most part. In this case, I basically stood out like a sore thumb but kept with Leeann and her friends.
I’m not sure who drank more, Leeann or I. I was drinking to forget how uncomfortable I felt. Her friends would ignore me. When they weren’t ignoring me, they were criticizing me. Leeann has this habit of also criticizing me when she is drinking. She always thinks of it as playful fun, but for the most part she is simply making fun of my shortcomings. Its almost like its her way of pushing me away so that she can go have some fun with her girlfriends.
One example would be when I was about to shoot and her friends says “I hope you handle that pool stick a lot better than you handle your dick”. All Leeann’s friends laughed. Later, another friend held up the pool stick and asked Leeann to identify at what point the stick’s thickness/width matched the thickness of my dick. The friend started at the thick edge and kept going towards the skinnier edge. Leeann let her go all the way to the tip where its not very thick. All the friends laughed. I wasn’t going to make a scene and didn’t want to act like I couldn’t take a joke. On the other hand, it felt like Leeann had definitely been complaining to her friends about my lack of skills or equipment.
It was nearly 1am and we were still drinking. At this point, people were mingling more. People would go out to the parking lot and drink something and come back in. Leeann was all around the place. She’d talk to guys and girls. You could see her get awfully close and flirty with some of the guys as she made her rounds. Was I jealous? Sure.
At this point, the night sped up quickly. A Filopino looking guy started acting like a DJ. I don’t know where his microphone came from, but you could see him standing at one of the pool hall and standing up on a chair or something. He was claiming that it was time for the wet tshirt contest. He had guys throw money into a bag. The winner of the wet tshirt contest would get all the cash in the bag. For a “Dry” billiards hall, I had never seen so many drunk girls volunteering. You could see cash being thrown into the bag by the guys as girls were trying to summon their courage to try it out.
I hadn’t been standing near Leeann when this DJ announced the contest. When I scooted over to where she was talking to her girlfriends, she announced to me that she and one of her friends would be entering the contest. It wasn’t a matter of asking for permission. She had made up her mind and was doing it. I did say something to the extent that I thought it was a bad idea. She ignored me. Her friend dryly said to me: “just don’t get a boner looking at my tits, perv”. Not sure what I had done to her to get the “perv” status. I think she just didn’t like me.
Leeann and her friend held hands as they waundered off to enter the contest. Their other friends also started swaying through the crowd to get closer to the front. At this point, I found that everyone in the place was starting to push towards the front. I sort of stood out in the back. I was confused, frustrated, bewildered and out of my element. I felt very self conscience and almost embarrassed for myself.
There were probably only six girls that actually were in the contest. It started as a wet tshirt contest with a guy pouring icy cold water over the chests of the girls. The girls would prance around mostly from the chilliness of the ice water. But music was playing, and they soon would find themselves dancing to the beat on top of three old pool tables that had been pushed together. The guys clapped. The girls cheered. The first girl came and went. I was too far away to get any details really. One of the girls danced in her bra. The guys were yelling at her to take off her top. She didn’t do it and she was booed as she got done. So the next girl took the bait and went ahead and stripped out of her shirt.
The guys hooted. The girls cheered. And the entire contest went downhill from there. I was really too drunk and shocked to think clearly. It was almost like I was watching a movie. When Leeann started prancing around with her wet shirt on, I just stood amazed at how great she looked. She was soaking in the attention and didn’t waste much time before taking off her soaked shirt. I could tell her nipples had become hard from the icy water. Her skin was slick and wet as she gyrated to the music. Her tummy looked taunt and thin when viewed in comparison to her jiggling breasts. She kept her jeans on the entire time. And just like that, she was done. She was helped off the table and another girl took her place.
The DJ was talking and mentioned about how contest was close and that another round of judging was needed. Everyone cheered. Some booed. At least two girls dropped out, including one that hadn’t bared any flesh in the first round. The contest was pretty silly as I think back to it. They weren’t dancing to entire songs. The judging was merely based upon who got the most cheers. Leeann’s second dance was getting a lot of cheering because she had held her breasts up to her mouth and sucked on her own nipples. The guys loved it. Her friends laughed. Even from my distance, I could see her nipples were engorged and sticking out.
The last girl that was dancing was gorgeous. She had some sort of ethnic blood to her. I’m not sure if it was Asian and Caucausian or Mexican and Causcausian, but she had slightly darker skin. Her hair was dark. Her eyes were dark. Her body was amazing. Her breasts were probably c cup, but looked bigger on her small frame. When she danced topless to her last song, she actually took off her panties from under her skirt and threw them at some throng of guys. I couldn’t actually see anything between her legs as she maneurved her panties off, but I’m assuming those in the front could. She continued to dance and periodically would flip her skirt up briefly and flash her mound. It seems like I was never in a great position to see much, but the crowed appreciated it.
The DJ had decided that it was too close to call between Leeann and the final girl. He called them both up to dance at the same time. They were both topless. Leeann had her jeans on and the other girl had her skirt on. Nobody even bothered throwing water on them anymore. Every one just watched them dance on the table. Within a minute, Leeann went over to the exotic looking girl and knelt down, pulled up the girls skirt, and buried her face into the girl’s crotch. The skirt draped over Leeann’s head, but I honestly think Leeann was licking her. The exotic girl was giggling, but held Leeann’s head in place and mocked as if she was humping her tongue. The crowd was cheering and I was honestly worried that the noise would be overly audible from outside the store.
Leeann probably wasn’t under there very long. In all likelihood, it probably was only like 15 or 20 seconds. When she came back up, you could see that she was extremely drunk from the way she staggered just slightly. The dance continued for a minute or two longer. The exotic girl was just so beautiful, and at one point suckled briefly on Leeann’s big breasts.
When the song was over, the DJ called for an applause for each of the women. The cheers were both loud, but probably a bit louder for the hot exotic girl. She was awarded the bag of cash. The contest was over. Leeann clambored back down off the table to join her friends. I moved through the crowd to join Leeann. Leeann seemed to have forgotten all about the fact that we were on a date. By the time I got towards the front, she and one of her girlfriends was walking towards a different back door. I quickly caught up to her and asked where they were going.
Leeann replied that her friend was taking her next door to the tattoo parlor. The friend knew the owner and knew that a few people were still hanging out there. Apparently Leeann was getting the shivers from being wet and they were going to borrow a tshirt from the tattoo parlor. I asked Leeann if I should wait or come with or what. She then snapped at me and barked out: “do whatever the fuck you want to do! I don’t give a shit!” I was a bit intimidated and sort of scurried behind in an effort to follow them.
Leeann’s friend led her out a back door to the backside of the strip mall. The tattoo parlor was right next to the Billiards Hall, but its main entrance was on the backside of the strip mall. The cold fresh air felt nice and almost sobered me up. But quickly we walked right next door to the tattoo parlor. The lights were on, but the door was locked. Leeann’s friend knocked and some guy came over. He unlocked the door and let us all in. He locked the door behind us.
Leeann’s friend was talking to the guy as we all followed him back to a different room. When we entered the room, there were a few people smoking joints. There was a guy who was a tad bit older (maybe 40ish) who was balding. He was a stocky fellow with a big gut and tattoos all over his skin. He looked strong and burly. His name was Jake. There was an average looking girl who seemed to be in her young 20s. Her name was Emily. She was probably 5’5”, average build, hair was pulled into pigtails on the side. She was not dolled up at all. She had no makeup and wore jeans and a tshirt. She gave the appearance that she probably grew up with money in her family and this was her way of rebelling. Her act of rebellion was essentially hanging out with a crowd that her family would disapprove of. I didn’t actually talk to her much, but this is the impression that I got from her. The last person was a guy in his late 20’s named Al. Al was probably black/white mix. He was probably 6’1” or so and looked athletic. I think Al and Emily were boyfriend and girlfriend.
We were introduced and I sat down on an old black vinyl couch as everyone talked and smoked. Leeann and her friend explained how she almost won a bunch of cash but was freezing now. Her friend slipped off to go get a shirt off one of the racks at the front of the store. My mind was getting hazy again from the smoke in the air. I’m not sure how much time was spent here until Leeann’s friend and the guy that let us into the store mentioned something about heading out to get some more liquor. I noticed that they had thrown a white tshirt over to Leeann. Without hesitating, Leeann removed her damp shirt in front of everyone and pulled the dry shirt on. She was still braless.
I am imagining it was probably after 2am but before 3am at this point. It was late. It was weird. I was on a date with Leeann but was finding myself in the back room of a tattoo parlor with a burly guy named Jake, a black guy named Al, a rebellion named Emily, and my girlfriend Leeann. I think my eyes had been getting droopy but I do know that Jake was directing a lot of attention to Leeann. His hands would touch her arm, thighs, etc. She was giggling and carrying on. She would lean into him when he told a joke. I could see Jake’s eyes looking at her breasts quite a bit.
Jake at some point convinced Leeann that she should get a tattoo. She had a tiny one already on her ankle, but Jake was saying that was too lame. He had her climb up in to a chair that reminded me a bit of a dental hygienist chair or reclining barber chair maybe. She was now the center of attention. Jake pulled up her white tshirt over Leeann’s tits. He mindlessly grabbed one and started to massage it. Right in front of me, he simply kneaded my girlfriend’s tits as if it wasn’t any big deal. Al and Emily were laughing with a tone that definitely was directed towards me. Jake simply kept talking about how she should get one put at the top of her breast……..maybe a small one…..maybe a big one…maybe one circling her nipple. As he did this, Jake would stroke over her breasts and nipples. I noticed that his hands were strong and thick. He seemed like a tough guy. I imagine that Leeann’s ex was probably similar to some extent.
Eventually I spoke up. I had to say something. I simply said: “Hey, do you mind not sampling the melons?” Jake didn’t even acknowledge me. He simply replied: “I’m just talking tattoos.” Leeann just giggled and said “oh yeah right!”.
Jake didn’t stop. Instead he started talking about the virtues of tattoos around the panty line. He walked down towards Leeann’s jeans. His thick thumbs unbuttoned them and unzipped them. Leeann actually snapped at him and playfully about what he thought he was doing. It seemed like a feigned resistance, and I think Jake sensed that too. He replied that he would leave the panties on and not to worry. That certainly wasn’t much of an argument, but it must have been enough for Leeann. She lifted her ass off the chair as he pulled the jeans down.
Emily and Al looked as if they couldn’t believe it. I don’t know if they were amazed at Jake’s brashness, Leeann’s acceptance of it, or the fact that I hadn’t resisted much. I kept thinking Leeann will put a stop to it. Afterall, this is the girl that had no problem ridiculing me or putting me in my place. But here she was with simply a white tshirt on and panties.
Jake would playfully walk his fingers over Leeann’s body. They would banter a bit back and forth. It wasn’t more than a minute before his fingers snaked under her panties. Right in front of me, Al and Emily, I could see that Jake was starting to finger my girlfriend. At this point, I realized it was up to me. I said sternly: “Man, cut that shit out.” Jake continued to do it, and asked Leeann if it was hurting her. Leeann had her eyes lightly shut and said: “oooo, it feels nice.”. Jake continued to massage her under her panties when I said “seriously”. Jake withdrew his fingers and smiled. Again without looking at me, he simply said: “I’m just talking to her about tattoos man.” His fingers were wet though.
Jake changed the subject and asked Leeann if she wanted a better shirt. Leeann replied yes. Jake told Al to take me up front and pick out any shirt I wanted. Without having any better ideas, I seemed to mindlessly follow Al to the front of the store. He was talking about this shirt and that. Occasionally, he’d throw in a comment about how Leeann was smoking hot. He told me not to pay much attention to Jake. That was simply how Jake was. We walked back around to the back room of the store. The door was locked, but I swear I heard a moan. We knocked and there was some giggling. Just a second later, Emily popped the door open. When I walked in, Leeann was just smiling and laughing out loud. Her tshirt was back up. I noticed right away that Jake had a bulge in his jeans. I didn’t actually see anything take place however and decided to act like nothing had been happening.
I threw the tshirt over to Leeann. She just shrugged and said “gee, thanks.” I said that we should get going soon because it was late. Leeann started getting brash and mocking me for being such a baby about the time. They all told me just to relax and chill out for a while. I slumped back into the couch. I noticed Emily and Al whispering and then laughing a bit.
At this point, Jake was still acting like he was trying to sell a tattoo to Leeann. He was holding up little tattoos to her thighs or abdomen or breast or whatever. Jake then yelled over for me to go pick a sample off the wall. It was a certain design that I should find over by wall A-3 or something like that. I honestly don’t know what the heck the directions were to find the tattoo he was looking for, but I waundered off out of the room acting as if I understood. I had already been made fun of enough that night and wasn’t in the mood to give them more opportunities. As I went out the cooridor from the back room, I heard Emily or Al laughing or something.
In the lobby, I searched in vain for the tattoo sample that Jake and Leeann told me to get. I yelled out that I couldn’t find it. That’s when I realized that it was definitely a set up. I didn’t realize it, but they had shut the door to the back room after I left. As I yelled out, I heard Emily open the door and ask “what I yelled out”. Since I was in the lobby, I couldn’t see Emily but I am sure that I had heard her open the backroom door in order to talk to me. I told her that I couldn’t find the tattoo sample. She simply told me to keep looking and I heard her shut the door again. Okay. Why was the door shut?
I walked out of the lobby and back into the cooridor towards the backroom. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I knocked. Nothing. I knocked again. Jake yelled out “we’re all busy”. Al laughed. I knocked again. Just like that the door was unlocked. I turned the knob and pushed. Emily was right near the door. She simply smiled and said “you want in so bad…here you go.”
I looked past Emily and saw Leeann reclined in the chair. Her head was turned to the side and her eyes were closed. Jake was standing over her and was feeding her the fattest cock I had seen close up. He was pushing his hips in and out as he slide his cock into her warm wet mouth. Occasionally his thick burly hands would waunder over her body and pull at her nipples or slide down to slip a hand into her waist band.
Each times his fingers massaged her, Leeann would moan or gasp or grunt. She was in heat. I had never seen her like this. Her hips would buck up against his fingers in an effort to draw them in further. Jake saw me staring dumbfounded. He looked at me and calmly said: “it looks like she’s in some desparate need for a cock, don’t you think?”
I don’t know why I didn’t react. I guess it was too hot to stop. I just stood there peering in past Emily’s shoulder. I looked around the room and saw Al in a dark corner smoking. Emily walked up to the chair and pulled Leeann’s panties off. Leeann gladly lifted her ass to help. Emily then proceeded to play with Leeann’s pussy. She’d finger it, stretch it, rub it. Al would occasionally throw out an encouragement like “looks like she’s got a hot pussy.” I felt my hard on grow as I stood there transfixed.
I entered the room and moved over to the couch. “You think she’s ready Al?” Jake asked. Al mumbled something in agreement. Emily started to undress. Her breasts were still perky and firm. The nipples sat high on top of her tits. Whereas Leeann’s breasts hung down, Emily’s seemed tanunt. Her pussy was shaved bare. Her legs were a bit thick but nicely shaven and smooth. Emily said out loud to anyone that was listening: “I hear Leeann likes to go down on other girls……..let’s see.”
Jake pulled his cock out of Leeann’s mouth. Leeann looked at me for the first time. She sort of laughed out loud “oh god, I can’t believe he is watching this. Look at him.” The rest of them could care less whether I was there or not. They didn’t bother to look at me. Jakes cock was not long. Maybe it was 6 or 6.5” inches. But it was thick. It looked like a beer can or something. It looked like it was more fat than was normal. It seemed obvious now why Leeann found it so sexy. It looked simply like a big thick piece of meat. It was glistening in the light from Leeann’s saliva.
At this point, Emily lowered herself over Leeann’s mouth. You could tell Emily was somewhat uncomfortable with the position she had chosen. But once Leeann’s mouth attacked her pussy, Emily didn’t seem to care. Immediately Emily’s head was thrown back in lust or she’d peer down to see what Leeann’s tongue was up to. Jake went below and started rubbing his cock up and down Leeann’s slit Leeann’s legs were spread as wide as they could in the chair, but it wasn’t going to be a great position for getting fucked. Despite this, every time that Jake rubbed his cockhead over her slit, Leeann would pause from her oral duties and gasp.
Jake motioned to Emily that he wanted to move things to the couch. Emily lifted herself up off the chair while Jake sort of pulled Leeann and gently encouraged her over to the couch. I was watching a real life porno, but it starred my very girlfriend. At this point, Leeann laid back on the couch with her ass just barely on the cushions. Leeann looked up at Jake and nodded yes when he asked if she needed to get fucked. Emily crouched back over Leeann’s mouth and said “I’m not done with that tongue yet bitch.” Leeann just giggled as she got back to work. Emily looked a lot more comfortable now and started to heat up awfully quickly.
At this same time, Jake started pushing his cockhead into my girlfriend. It was rather gentle but deliberate and steady. He wasn’t going to be denied. Within a few strokes he established a quick rhythm. He was fucking Leeann. Her tits jiggled like water balloons or jello. The nipples on top were hard and pointy. Emily continued to coo and whisper encouragement. Leeann looked like she was really into eating the younger girl. Emily would periodically comment to Jake. For example, one time she said “mmm, why do dykes always like going down on me so much?” Jake just replied: “cause they’re dykes.”
Just like that, Emily climbed off and walked over to her boyfriend Al. She proceeded to unzip Al’s pants and take out his cock. She knelt before him and started sucking his cock. Al took off his shirt. He was very fit and muscular. His cock grew inside his girlfriend’s mouth to a size that I hadn’t seen before. It was probably 8” and thick with a big head. Emily was worshipping that cock with all she was worth.
When Emily got off Leeann, Jake flipped her over. Leeann’s knees were on the ground, her ass was up in the air and she was positioned doggy style over the cushion of the couch. Jake took off his shirt to reveal more tattoos. He was big strong, but not lean. His fat cock jutted out from his body. It was more swollen than ever. I hadn’t talked at all during this. I was just watching. But at this point, I realized I had been rubbing my cock through my pants.
I took it out and started stroking it. Oh god it felt so nice. Jake had remounted Leeann and was driving in from her behind very slowly. You could tell he was enjoying it. Meanwhile, Leeann had reached under herself with a hand and was frigging her clit while he fucked her. She would move her hips back with each one of his strokes to meet his cock. Within a minute she had given herself an orgasm. She came all over Jake’s dick.
Jake pulled Leeann off the couch and started fucking her on all fours on the floor. Leeann’s big breasts swayed back and forth under her. They were like cow udders they were so big. Jake’s paws would grope them and squeeze them. All the while he kept pounding in and out of her pussy. I took a few steps over and offered my cock to Leeann to suck. She ignored it and Jake commanded me to “Get the fuck out of the way….”
I stepped back to the side. I noticed that Al was laying Emily back and positioning himself above her. Without her attitude, Emily suddenly looked so young and innocent as the hulking black Al prepared to fuck her.
With one last quick burst, Jake fucked away at Leeann. He leaned into her one last time and shot his sperm into her. You could tell they were both exhausted. Leeann had reached underneath and was massaging his nuts while he came. Jake seemed to be shooting cum into my girlfriend forever. When he finally withdrew, his cock was still fat and purple. It had sticky goo all over it.
Without missing a beat, he urged me over. I gestured as to what it is that he wanted. I didn’t like him and I didn’t trust him. He continued to wave me over. I figure he was giving me my chance with Leeann. I came over and I layed down. Jake dryly announced, why don’t you clean her out. I don’t want her getting pregnant. As I was trying to reply that Leeann was on the pill and there wasn’t any danger, Leeann was lowering herself to my mouth. She was smiling as she squat over me. I immediately felt the hotness flow into my mouth. It was like metallic tasting snot or something that was sliding into my mouth. I realized I was eating Jake’s cum.
Leeann started really getting into it. It seems her wetness was genuine and I started reaching up to play with those breasts. Her giggles at my predictament were replaced by actual cooes and moans as I showed Leeann what my tongue could do for her. I started reaching down and jacking myself off. Just then, Jake sort of pushed into Leeann and pushed her off of me. Within a second, I found Leeann’s wet hairy pussy being replaced by Jake’s thick but semi hard penis. “Here you go…clean this off for me too”, Jake commanded. I closed my lips as he rubbed it over my mouth. Eventually he pushed it in and I accepted it. I started sucking on the tip. Although I couldn’t see her, I heard Leeann right over to the side laughing “oh my god, he’s a fag.”
Jake hardened again in short order. He briefly hung his nuts over my lips and I admittedly licked at them. This all was relatively brief. Jake got back up and walked over to Leeann. He mounted her again in the missionary position and fucked her again. This time was quicker. Leeann continued to massage her breasts and clitty as Jake fucked her. I continued to jack off. I came all over my stomach. At about this same time, Jake was pulling out and cumming on Leeann’s tits.
Al had already finished fucking Emily at some point when I was not paying attention. Emily had a shirt and panties back on. Al was in boxers and they were over in the corner smoking. Leeann got up to clean herself off and I stood up to get my pants back on. Jake just laid on the floor for a second catching his breath.
He was yelling over to Leeann in the bathroom about how they should see each other again. He was complimenting her on being such a hot fuck. Leeann told him to call her sometime. I was dumbfounded. I was her boyfriend. This was crazy.
The car ride home was a bit quiet. Leeann told me that she preferred to be alone that night so she could sleep. The next day when we talked again, I informed her that she couldn’t do that ever again. I instructed her to never talk to Jake again. Leeann copt an attitude. She was not apologetic. She told me that she could fuck whoever she wanted and whenever she wanted. I was hurt and embarrassed. I felt like I had to break up with her. And so I did. The day after that escapade at the tattoo parlor, we broke up.
I often wonder if I made the right decision. By far, that was the hottest day of my life. It was embarrassing and humiliating. Its something Ill never admit to any of my friends. But it was still hot. I think of Leeann and her breasts. I think of how Jake fucked her in front of me. I think of Emily’s younger hot body. I sometimes think that I should call Leeann and ask her to take me back.
I had heard from one of her friends, that Leeann never stopped fucking her ex husband even when she was dating me. I’ve started to realize that Leeann was probably using me a bit for my money. I almost don’t care. If I enjoyed what happened, and can live with Leeann’s wild child personality, then I should probably not care whether its traditional or not.
But at this moment, I still haven’t called her to talk. Its been several months and I’m not sure that Ill ever get that moment of my head. What do people think? Is this really a cuckold story? Its probably not, because we weren’t married. However when I found this site, I felt like it was too much of coincidence and that I had to share my experience. I’m sorry that I went on for so long.

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