Cuckold Evening

The other afternoon, I felt the need to get dressed up. My wife knows of
this affliction of mine. She doesn’t like it, but she tolerates it. I thought
I would make us a special dinner of a roast chicken and dressing. Since it
takes a couple of hours to prepare, she decided she needed to go out and do
some shopping. She said have the table set when she gets home then, because
she will probably be hungry from all the shopping.
I put on my plaid skirt and green turtleneck, felt so good to be in a
skirt again. Started preparing dinner.. Peeled potatoes, we don’t use instant
unless we are in a hurry. The stuffing had celery, onions, sage sausage and
freesh bread cubes, and the other seasonings. Everything smelled so good
while I was getting the table and other settings ready. I kept thinking how
nice it would be to sit down to dinner with her and enjoy this meal.
I heard her car pull in so I hurried and took off my apron and filled a
wine glass for her to greet her with. I heard a second door close so I knew
she was bringing in her items she shopped for. Then I heard another car door
close. Then I heard chatter outside and the click of her heels coming up the
walkway. I hurried down the hall way to get out of sight.
I heard her say, “MMMMm mmm doesn’t it smell good in here. I told you
she was a good cook.”
Oh my she did bring someone home.. I had always fantasised about serving
for her and one of her girlfriends.. but I also knew with her it would never
“Damn you’re right,” a strong male voice said out loud.
My wife knew where I was hiding in the bedroom and she came down the
hall to talk to me. She said, “I brought a male friend home with me for
dinner. I expect you to do as you are told. You are to serve us dinner.”
I asked her why. She said, “You know you have been wanting this. And now
I figured it’s time for it to happen.” I was almost in tears and a nervous
She grabbed my hand and led me down the hall back to the living room..
She introduced me to this tall man,, about 6` 6″. And the real shocker was
that he was a black man. His name was Jacob. I extended my hand to shake
hands and he took mine and gave it a hell of a squeeze. I knew then the
power he had.
My wife then asked if dinner was ready and I told her, “Yes all set.
I just need to set another place for Jacob.” She then said, “If it’s set
for two then it’s done. You are not eating dinner with us. You are a server,
and that is all you are tonight.” I was excited,, but I was also hurt.
She had never treated me like this before. So the two of them sat down
to dinner.
I had to stand at the corner of the table between the two of them running
back and forth between the kitchen and dining area getting them refills and
more helpings when they asked. While they were having coffee, they were talking
and carrying on like a couple on a date. I kept having to refill the coffee and
then they were ready for wine again.
My wife has a problem when it comes to alcohol, she gets giddy and horny
unless she drinks too much. They kept touching each other’s hands while
My wife had to go to the restroom. So Jacob asked me to refill his wine.
As I was refilling I told him that I hope he enjoyed the dinner but be careful
with the wine as I didnt’ want him to get in trouble when driving. He told me
he planned on spending the night here and he hopes I don’t mind. I told him
that would be ok, that the couch pulls out to a bed.
When My wife came back to the table, Jacob grabbed her and pulled her
onto his lap. He told her, “Tami said I could spend the night since the couch
opens up to a bed.” She told him, “I hope she is comfortable on it.” Then they
both started laughing like crazy at me.
She then said, “Tami, I am going to take Jacob to our bed. I’m going to
get fucked like I know I have never had it before. So go in now and get your
night gown so you wont bother us.”
I had a hard time sleeping that night. They were at it forever. I kept
hearing her saying how good it was to have a man instead of a sissy. In the
middle of the morning she came in to the living room and sat on my face to have
me lick Jacob’s sperm from her.
She said I had bettter aquire a taste for it.. because I will be doing it
a lot.
After she felt I was done licking her clean, she got up off of me and sat
by me on the sofabed. She leaned down and gave me one of those damned sweet
kisses of hers. She asked me how I felt about what has happend. I told her
I was embarassed, hurt, Jealous, but also strangely happy. I told her how I
heard her screams of passion while she was being made love too.. that is when
she cried out,, you bastard… I was not making love with Jacob. Well I know
what I heard and the look on my face to her when she said that.. She said,,
I fucked Jacob.. you I make love with.. Then I started crying. She held me
and kissed me again.. and told me to get some sleep.. she also told me to wake
them up with breakfast at 9am,, but I was to be back in my sissy hubbie clothes
when I wake them up. And that after Jacob leaves we will talk.
I got up at 6, made coffee, and headed into the shower to get shaved
all over, extra close this time. I had to go through the bedroom to get to our
shower. I saw the 2 of them together in the dim light of the TV. I saw Jacob
spoon up to my wife and the jealousy really hit. So I hurried into the shower.
After the shower I dressed up in just the knee flowered straight
skirt and green turtle neck. I wore flats because of the working in the
Before I knew it it was time to get the two passion beavers up. I had
biscuits ready, bacon, scrambled eggs, home fries with onions.
I went in and kissed my wife and told her “Good morning, it’s time to get
up.” She then said, “Good morning, but wake Jacob also.” I said, “I’m not
kissing him.” She said, “You are too, but you are going to kiss his cock.”
I could tell by the tone she was dead serious. So I gently put my lips to
his limp dick and gave it a peck. The bastard was awake already. He said,
“Kiss it right bitch!! Use your tongue and go up and down.” Well as I did,
it started to get larger. When my tongue had got it wet he told me to open
up my mouth. He grabbed my head and started to plunge between my lips in and
out. When he felt that I was on my own,, he started playing with my wife’s
pussy and sucking on her nipples. Jacob said he was going to come soon.
My wife said not in tami’s mouth, save it for her pussy. She then told me
to leave and they would be out soon. I had barely got out the door, when she
screamed out OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDD. He must have shoved it in, in one stroke.
He kept driving it into her over and over. She just couldn’t get enough and
kept begging him to never stop fucking her. I think he actually went up the
birth canal.. because she yelled out like a virgin, I heard him tell her that
is the other pussy hole inside of her pussy. Damn, he is going to ruin her!!
Well while they were on thier who knows how many fucks, I finished
putting everything out and put on fresh coffee. When they came out all
smiles Jacob had a extra type of smirk on his face. Wife had one of my t-shirts
on. “Tami, hope you don’t mind, but you won’t be needing these much anymore.”
I also saw cum dripping down both thighs. And Jacob was wearing MY ROBE.
Now that was humiliating!!
After I served their plates I asked to be excused. My wife said no,
she needs to be cleaned, and to do it while she is eating breakfast. So under
the table I went. I hate to admit it but I was really enjoying cleaning her
spunk filled cunt. When I got to the point where it was making her sore, she
told me to clean Jacob’s cock while I was under the table. So this is her game,
I thought I would get even.
I took Jacob’s cock, and first started licking slowly up and down, and
all around it. I started playing with his balls too. Heheh it was funny
listening to him try to eat his breakfast. There was all these little grunts
and groans. I then opened my mouth and started sucking on the very tip, very
gently as to not make him jump. Then even slower started working up and down
moving his cock deeper by very little at a time. His breathing was changing,
heheh it was getting faster and deeper. My wife asked him if I was doing it
right or did he want me to stop. He said let the sissy slut stay right there
and learn. LEARN, heheh I will show him. I went to the last of the 10 inches
and pushed it right down my throat. I made little turns with my head and he
said DAMN, and he shot off. He told my wife, “The cunt is good, she just
made me cum.” My wife got mad at me then. She wanted Jacob’s cum in her pussy.
Well Jacob had to get cleaned up and go. So they both went to shower.
I know they fucked around the shower. I heard them over and over till the
hot water out. My wife gave Jacob a kiss goodbye and she told me I had to
thank Jacob for fucking my wife..And then he left.
My wife and I just stood there looking at each other at a loss of words..
I left to go and get the kitchen cleaned up from breakfast. After I put the
pans in the drainer and the rest in the dishwasher my wife came in and poured
us each a cup and said, Let’s sit at the table and talk.”
She asked me what I thought about it all now. I told her “I’m not sure
yet. It’s still’s exciting but also it’s hard for me to tell where the
game ends, and still keep the love.”
“Tami, let me reasure you. I don’t love Jacob. I do love what he did
to me. I will be sore for the rest of the week. I don’t know if I want to stop
it, because it did feel so good and wild, but that might be the newness also.
I even told him to give me a baby last night.”
“What?” I told her her tubes were cut, tied, cauterized,, there is no
way. She said, “He doesnt know that. It made him fuck me even harder and with
more determination. He wants to fuck me 3 to 4 times a week to get me pregnant.
I want to feel that cock of his in me. It even went into my uterus..I felt so
nasty at times with him shooting his cum on my face and then I would scoop it
up and shove it into my pussy or my mouth. Honey, he really put it to me.
I tried to suck him off, but I’m just not that good and he is too big for my
small mouth…but I kept at it every time he came so I could get him hard
again to fuck me.”
“So where does that leave us?” All she said to me was… “IN LOVE.”
then she kissed me and asked if we could try this for a while.. well when she
kisses me.. she can have the world if I can get it for her.

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