Do you think my wife is a Slut?

Things progressed as they do with Krista becoming more dominant in the bedroom trying different scenarios and teasing James again this was something he encouraged and wanted.
The latest idea that Krista came up with was for her to find someone on her own without James being involved (which he normally was) and then to have sex with them whilst he was at work or even if she had to send him out the house for a couple of hours while she entertained her lovers. This really turned them both on because James would have no idea who would be fucking his girlfriend although she would get her lover to take pictures of her sucking his cock or of him fucking her, so she could show James afterwards whilst he was cleaning her pussy of all the strangers cum with his tongue.
James loved this idea as he hoped his girlfriend would feel less inhibited without him looking over her shoulder and then she would do it more often.
One morning after James had gone to work and before Krista left she logged onto one of the swinging websites ( Hotwife Locator )that they subscribed to and created a new ad which went as follows:
W/E man wanted to use me whilst B/F at work
Curvy blonde size 10 with big size 36dd breasts,semi- shaved in all the right places. Wants W/E man to use and abuse me whilst B/F is at work or out of the house. Would like to be dominated and made to experiment and expand my horizons and sexual appetite. Especially enjoy being treated like a slut and would like to be made to push the limits. B/F is very willing for me to do whatever I or you want. We are very much in love but just both very kinky. Krista xXx
Krista posted the ad and added a few pictures of herself including one where she was riding this well endowed black guy who was one of her first lovers after meeting James, then she logged off and went to work.
All throughout the day she kept imagining all the things she could possibly get up to and all the different men she would be having, so much so that she had to go to the toilets a couple of times and bring herself to orgasm. The last time when she was coming out of the toilet she collided into her boss, who was 60 years old, balding, quite flabby and was known to be a complete perv. As they collided into each other she felt his hand slip round and squeeze her ass before he stepped away.
“Whoops sorry Krista, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Then noticing her very flushed and slightly guilty looking face, he asked with a lascivious smile “Are you ok my dear? Or is there anything I can help you with or do for you?”
Quickly getting control of herself but still feeling embarrassed, she blushed and said “No, I’m fine thanks, Mr Smythe sorry for bumping into you I must get back to work.”
Still with that smile he said “It was my pleasure Krista, and I wish you would call me Will or William, Mr Smythe sounds so formal” As he was saying this his eyes were glued to her cleavage “If ever you need me to do anything for you, my door is always open, so don’t be shy. I have been watching you and am very pleased with you.”
Feeling as though insects were crawling over her chest where his eyes were looking Krista said “Well thanks William, but I must get back to it” and started to move past him. He only moved slightly out of the way so that she had to brush against him as she went past and as she walked down the corridor she could feel his eyes on her the whole way.
The rest of the day passed by with no more mis-adventures but all that was on her mind was getting back and checking her inbox to see about any replies.
Leaving work at 4.30 it only took her 5 minutes to get home James wouldn’t be back until about 6.20, when she went through the door she quickly booted up the laptop and logged onto the swinging site, the new mail was flashing and she saw that she had 15 replies to her ad. Sorting through them there were 3 that had no photo’s on their profiles another 4 that were definitely not W/E even though they said they could use what they had well she liked a big cock inside her and then there were 5 that lived more than 100 miles away so would be no good for a quickie. All of these she deleted which left 3, 2 of which were white guys who were quite good looking and 1 black guy who was very impressive in every way.
Krista enjoyed fucking black men most of all, everything from the still slightly taboo aspect to the contrast in skin color as a large black cock hammered into her pale pink pussy. His reply also sounded very interesting.
Hi Krista
First of all let me tell you that you have a fantastic body and that I really enjoyed looking at your pics, especially of you riding that other impressive looking black guy, quite an act to follow but I’m sure that I’m more than adequate.
Secondly let me assure you of my honest intentions, I have had a lot of experience in these matters and in the role which you would like me to fill and all the ladies I have been with are still very happy and still in love with there partners, although they do have more freedom now. Last of all I will push you to your edge and then have you beg me push you further, to get you to do more things than you would ever imagine you are capable of doing.
Enough chat for now I hope you get back to me soon.
Looks perfect and definitely sounds interesting Krista thought. After bringing up another picture of him wearing a pair of white boxer shorts where she could see a very impressive outline inside. She sent him a message saying that she was very interested and would like to chat online to make sure they were both after the same thing including her msn address.
A couple of minutes later as she was about to turn the laptop off and start to prepare something for dinner, her instant messenger screen beeped and started to flash. Clicking on the icon she saw it was from John saying “Hi”
She quickly forgot about dinner and typed back “Hi John, Didn’t expect to hear back from you so soon, How are you?”
“I’m fine thanks. I was just looking at your pics again and noticed that you had replied back to me so I thought I’d see if you are still online. I hope I haven’t caught you at a bad time?”
“No your timing couldn’t have been more perfect I’m all alone at the mo James my b/f wont be back for at least an hour, so we can chat now and see how we get on and probably try and arrange a meeting”
“Great, cant wait to meet you, as I said earlier you really looked like you were enjoying yourself on that guy in the pic, I take it you like having sex with black men then.”
How little he knows she thought and typed back “Oh my god yes I love it, he was one of the first and definitely turned me on to black men, although to be honest I like to fuck anybody really, I guess I’m a bit of a slut really he he”
“You sound just my type of girl, I’m sure we’re gonna get on very well. I take it your b/f is a white guy then what’s his handle on what you want to do?”
“Yeah James is white and he loves me fucking other men probably more than I do I sometimes think, the more the better as far as he is concerned. He really gets off on it as long as I’m enjoying myself.”
“Good, so no jealousy then?”
Krista laughed. “God, no! He’ll let me do anything I want as long as I tell him about it and it doesn’t affect our own love life”
“Sounds like you’ve got your cake and eating it then good girl, being as you want to meet whilst James is at work I take it you don’t work then so you’re home a lot?”
“No I do work, it’s just part time two and a half days a week, pretty boring really just a data entry clerk at some offices in town working for some disgusting old perv who can’t keep his eyes off my tits. What do you do?”
“You always get them old boys don’t you, interesting though. Myself I’m a bit of a writer and make my money that way, so gives me a lot of spare time and means I have a bit of an imagination unlike some others you get on these sites. So would be able to meet up with you anytime you wish”
Things were going very well and Krista was very interested and getting very wet and horny she started to rub herself through her panties and one handed typed “Mmmm yes we’ll have to meet soon, how does tomorrow morning sound about 10 o’clock hope its not too soon but I like the sound of you and cant wait to meet you and have you.”
“Tomorrow may be a problem but I might be able to put something off, in fact I will on one condition which I won’t tell you what it is until you agree ok?”
Rubbing herself a bit faster now she typed back” That’s not fair you can’t expect me to agree to something without knowing what it is”
“I’ll tell you what call me on this number now and I’ll give you clue how’s that” John replied and sent her his mobile number.
Quickly grabbing her mobile phone she dialled in her number and waited for him to pick up.
“Hello is that Krista?” John said his voice quite deep with just a touch of a Jamaican accent
Impressive voice as well she thought “Yes it’s me, hi john, nice to hear your voice. Now what do I have to agree too?”
“You sound sexy Krista and you sound slightly out of breath, are you playing with yourself by any chance?”
Krista didn’t realize but she was rubbing herself even harder now and she did indeed sound slightly out of breath but feeling kinky she said “As a matter of fact I am. I’m thinking of seeing your cock tomorrow now what have I got to agree to?”
Laughing slightly John said “You dirty girl you’ll more and see my cock tomorrow it’ll be buried inside of you, now I’m not telling you anything, I just want to play at controlling you slightly just like what you asked for. Now will you agree or do we have to postpone things.”
Krista was really getting turned on now this could be lots of fun and she did want his cock in her “It’s still not fair but damn it yes I agree to do what you want, so what do I have to do?”
Laughing slightly again John said “It’s not much really just a couple of things, well three things really. The first is that you don’t tell James anything about the meet I would like you to phone him as I’m about to put my cock in you and then let him know. Ok?”
A groan escaped Krista’s lips as her fingers were really working on her clit now, she just managed to say “Mmmm yeah no probs, what else?”
“You sound like you’re getting very excited, now the second thing is that I want you to open the door when I come round wearing nothing but your sexiest thong and a pair of high heels.”
“Oh god!” Krista moaned almost cumming “I can’t do that I have neighbors you know”
Johns voice got a bit regretful “Well if you don’t want to do as I say I can’t see this going much further, after all it’s not much I’m asking you to do. But it’s up to you, last chance.”
“Ok, Ok, I’ll do it” Krista almost shouted she was so turned on by now, she was beginning to lose control.
“That’s my girl now the third thing I want you to do is really simple I want you to fuck James tonight but I want you to imagine its me all the time you are, again without letting him know. Now I’ll leave you to your playing don’t forget all you’ve promised and email me your address and I’ll see you tomorrow. Have fun Krista” With that he hung up.
Krista dropped the phone and with her other hand playing with her breasts and nipples quickly brought herself to orgasm thinking about what would happen tomorrow.

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