Hot Tina

Tina had used her ample assets to move up quickly at her firm, only 3 years out of college she had risen to a level where most of her direct reports were 5 – 10 years older than her. The men in her office were like putty and most of the women were jealous and fearful of her. In fact Tina’s former boss learned the hard way not to fuck with Tina. Tina’s boss the former hot young thing around the office now 35, though still a knock- out, saw Tina as a threat right away and had tried to discredit her around the office. Tina found through a friend that her boss had been fucking around on her husband, who was a senior level executive with the firm. Tina quickly used this against her boss and made her boss work to promote Tina quickly. To continue her former bosses subservience Tina makes her eat lunch in Tina’s office twice a week. Behind closed doors Tina’s exboss is eating Tina’s pussy and ass hole for lunch twice a week. Needless to say no one fucks with Tina now.
As Tina boarded her flight she smiled to herself and thought about her last lunch time servicing earlier that day.
Tina heard a knock at her door.
“Come in,” she answered as she looked up to see Lisa walk in. Tina looked admiringly at Lisa. She had to admit at 35 she was still keeping it together in a big way. Lisa was a tall beauty at 5’10. With short blond hair and an hourglass figure it was easy to see how she was Miss Teen Ohio almost 20 years ago. But that was then, now she was just Tina’s bitch.
“On your knees bitch and don’t forget to lock the door”, Tina commanded.
Lisa approached Tina on her knees. The first few weeks Lisa serviced Tina out of fear, but now Tina sensed that Lisa was enjoying her punishment.
As Tina rocked back in her chair she spread her legs to give Lisa access to her clit.
“You are so my slut Lisa. How would like to start servicing me three times a week and paying me a $100 a week for the privilege to lick my beautiful pussy?”, Tina asked.
Lisa lifted her mouth long enough to answer in the affirmative. “That’s what I thought bitch,” said Tina as she put her hands on the back of Lisa’s head to push her back to her waiting pussy. As Tina began to cum she grabbed Lisa’s head with force.
“Thanks Lisa you might want to clean up your face before you go back to your desk,” Tina teased her beautiful slave. “By the way I’m taking your advice about getting some black cock and I even have a pussy whipped guy who’s going to serve me and help me get the cock. Anyway I’m leaving for the weekend on an early flight so I need you to finish the Hampshire report and get that on my desk by 8 am Monday morning.”
Tina’s thoughts were interrupted by the Stewardess on the plane. Even though it was only an hour’s flight to the East Coast Tina had demanded that her new slave purchase her a first class ticket for the trip. Tina was going to use her first class status and she ordered a nice stiff drink. Tina drifted back to her thoughts. When she had fist confronted Lisa about her cheating ways Lisa broke down and admitted that she had cheated on her husband. Lisa said her husband ,though rich and distinguished, had a small cock and was worthless in bed. A girlfriend of Lisa’s had got her into black cock back in college and she was addicted ever since. It was Lisa’s description of 10 inch cocks that it took her two hands to get around that prompted Tina to place an ad add on one of those white women with black men Internet sites. The response that interested her the most was a 30 year old white male from DC who promised to service Tina and provide her with large black cock in a safe environment. After a series of e-mails Tina agreed to fly out for the weekend and see how things went.
The plane soon landed and Tina pussy tingled at the thought of the upcoming weekend’s delights. As she entered the airport she saw her new slave waiting obediently. He was a good looking guy she thought and would provide perfect cover for her to pursue her true endeavors.
“How was your flight Tina,” he asked.
A scowl crossed Tina’s face,” I thought I told you to address me as Mistress when we met.”
“I didn’t think you meant in public, I’m sorry, he stammered.
“Of course in public, I don’t care who knows that you’re my slave. You only serve to assist me so don’t let it happen again,” Tina snapped.
Before he could answer she grabbed him by the balls, “You’re not a bad looking guy, but by the end of this weekend you will serve my pussy and suck big black cocks for me is that understood?” A black porter was close enough to hear and just snickered.
“Yes Mistress Tina,” he answered correctly this time.
On the drive back to her slave’s place she laid out the plans for the weekend. At the house he was to be naked at all time for her pleasure in public he would wear panties to help him remember his place. He would draw a hot bath for her upon their arrival and be prepared to eat her pussy at Tina’s beck and call. They would spend all day tomorrow at a local spa on his dime to prepare for the night’s activities.
The next 24 hours went by quickly as Tina was pampered and she prepared for a long night’s fucking and her first black cock. Tina had her slave rent a limo for the night and purchase her a new black party dress for the occasion. The dress was very similar to the red one which she had worn in the picture she had placed on the Internet so she new her slave would be salivating to service her. The dress wrapped around her neck, but had no back and barely contained her tits which were threatening to pop out at anytime. The dress barely covered her ass and pussy and of course Tina would not wear bra or panties tonight.
The limo driver arrived promptly at eight and took them downtown to a four star restaurant. As they entered in heads snapped to soak in Tina’s beauty. As dinner went on Tina caught many men make angry their wives by trying to steal a glance at Tina’s orbs.
“Damn I look good tonight,” Tina exclaimed to no one in particular. “They all probably think I’m with you and you’re going to get a piece of my fine pussy tonight, well we better nip that in the bed hadn’t we,” Tina said with a mischievous smile.
The next time their busboy was in view Tina waived him over. He was a good looking 20 year old black kid.
“Ma’am, more water?” he asked.
“No I was just wondering, my boyfriend here has a really small dick and I was looking for a good club nearby where I can pick up some good looking black men,” Tina said loud enough for several nearby tables to hear.
A knowing smile crept across his face,” Oh sure I know just the place in fact I can page my older brother he and his friends will be there tonight, but I want a blow job first.”
“No problem we’re almost done here meet us in back where are limo is in about 20 minutes.”
As the bus boy walked away Tina turned to her slave,” Well I think that gave everyone a better impression of what’s really happening here don’t you?”
They quickly finished their dinner and as they walked out of the restaurant there was much snickering and whispers. Tina’s slave turned beat red when he heard an old woman telling her friend, ” he’s got a small dick and she’s going to blow the bus boy right now.”
When they entered the limo they had the driver take them around back. A couple of minutes later the door openend at the bus boy poked his head.
“Ah here’s that white slut I was telling you about,” he entered the limo followed by an older black man. “This is one of our dishwashers he didn’t believe me so I bet him a $100 I was going to get a blow job from a sexy white broad while her old man watches.”
Tina smiled, “First what’s the name of that club and does your brother have a big dick?”
“Oh yeah it’s bigger than mine. You’ll find him at the Silver Shadows your driver will know where that is,” he said as he began to unzip his pants. “Now get your mouth on my dick bitch and stop talking,” he commanded. Tina was shocked to see at least a 9″ monster spring out of the boy’s pants. It was as thick as a soda can. Tina let out a little gasp as she wrapped her long fingers around it.
“You never had one like that did you bitch? Well get on it,” he said as he guided Tina’s head into his lap. Soon Tina was going up and down his shaft with a good rhythm. “Damn baby you like sucking black cock don’t you? Don’t answer that you’re busy,” he sneered. He looked over at Tina’s slave boy who was mesmerized by the scene unfolding in front of him. “You like watching your girl blow my big black dick? It’s too bad your dicks too small to keep her happy. Why don’t you make yourself useful and take care of my buddy.”
The slave looked over at the dish washer who had his dick out and was stocking it furiously. While it wasn’t it as big as the one Tina was sucking it was still quite large. When he hesitated Tina stopped sucking for a moment, “Do it slave. Suck his black dick and drink his cum,” Tina commanded.
With that the slave got on his knees in front of the older man and began to kiss the top of his large mushroom shaped head. “Shit man or woman I don’t care it’s been a long time since I had my jimmy shined. Make sure you get your mouth around all of it,” he directed. As Tina and her slave worked their heads bobbed up and down in unison as both men were approaching climax. The old man went first as he grabbed the back of the slaves head tightly. “Oh yeah, drink that cum you FAGGOT.”
Just then then the younger man started cumming in buckets down Tina’s throat. “Slurp up that black seed baby. You are such a white slut.” As they were zipping up to leave Tina said,” Why don’t you show them how appreciative you are for them cumming for us. Give them your business card. Now boys I’m only here for the weekend, but you give my slave a call and he’ll give each of you another blow job on me. From the looks of it I don’t think he’ll object at all,” Tina giggled as she looked over to see cum dripping out of the side of her slaves mouth.
After the guys had left Tina ordered her slave back on his knees. “That’s not a bad start at all to the night. I want to cum before we get to the club so get to work. If his brother’s bigger than that I can’t wait.” As her slave munched away on her pussy Tina ordered the driver to the club the busboy had mentioned.
They quickly pulled up to the club and went inside. It was darkly lit smoky club that was playing loud house music. There was a good mix of men and women grinding on the floor, but even here many a neck snapped as Tina and her slave walked to the back of the club to sit at a small booth.
“Slave go get us two beers,” ordered Tina.
“Make that 4 bitch,” said a voice suddenly entering the conversation. Tina and her slave turned to see two black men both about 6’3 and very muscular standing there.
“I’m Mike and this is my friend LaRon,” said the first guy with a broad smile on his face. “My brother TJ told you about me.” Tina put out her hand to shake Mike’s, but she had a puzzled look on her face. “You know the guy you just gave a blow job to.”
“Oh, I never got his name, but I did blow his big dick,” Tina answered with a sheepish grin on her face.
“Damn baby, TJ wasn’t lying you are one fine ho. Me and my man LaRon are going to rock your shit tonight.”
“I just hope he wasn’t lying about the size of your equipment Mike,” Tina cooed.
As Mike and Laron slid into the booth on either side of her he took her hand and put it in her lap,” Feel for yourself baby this is an eleven inch pipe and we’re going to do some serious pipe work on your ass tonight. You are one hot white bitch. What about your man?”
“Don’t worry about him at all. He’s here to serve me and you two for that matter. I’ll show when he gets back with the beer.
Tina’s slave came back with the four beers to find Mike and Laron sitting snugly on either side of Tina with their hands exploring her body freely.
“You’re woman has one hot body my man, thats of good of you to let us use her like this,” sneered Laron.
“You remember what I told you,” reminded Tina.
Her slave looked embarrassed but followed his instructions anyway, “Thank you very much for fucking Tina and I’m happy to please you in any way including cleaning your dicks for more pleasure with Tina.”
“We’ll take you up on that later, but right now we’re going to get this ho on the dance floor,” Mike said as he led Tina by the hand onto the floor. Tina gave her slave a knowing wink as she was pulled away.
For over an hour the three of them grinded away on the dance floor. Tina was in the middle of a Mike and Laron sandwich as one was grinding on her backside while the other was taking liberties from the front. The dance floor was crowded and the three made for a very erotic scene as they went all out. Mike had popped both of Tina’s breasts free and his large darks hands were all over her milky white breasts. Tina had Laron’s cock out of pants and every so often she would crouch down low and take it in her mouth right on the dance floor. One of Mike’s friends walked by and give him a high five,” Freak that white bitch Mike.”
Tina’s pussy was on fire and it was time to get moving with why she came to DC. “Come on boys it’s time to take this somewhere more private.” Tina signaled for her slave to join them out front.
“Damn you have a limo? You all do know how to party,” said Laron as the limo driver pulled around to pick them up.
“Well that’s courtesy of this cute little cock sucker right here,” Tina said as she pinched her slaves cheeks. “He wanted to see me fuck black cock so badly he arranged everything.” Tina went on to them the whole story of her ad on the Internet and how things worked out.
“Well we are happy to provide you with your first black cock, but I’m pretty sure with a wild bitch like you it won’t be your last,” Mike laughed.
“I think you’re right about that. I can get used to big cocks like this very fast, Tina said as she pulled out Mike’s huge black snake from his pants. “I want both these guys to be on round two by the time we get back home so they’ll last longer while they pound my pussy so you blow Laron while I take care of Mike,” Tina indicated to her slave. Tina worshipped Mike’s cock with kissed on the head and up and down his long shaft. Her tongue darted out to lick his sweaty balls. “That’s right slut lick my big black balls. Look your pussy whipped man is enjoying black cock as much as you I think,” Mike observed as he watched his friend getting blown at the same time. After a few minutes the pair were treated to their second helping of black cum for the night.
They soon pulled back into the driveway and the limo driver opened the door to let them out. “It has been pleasure to serve you tonight Tina, you put on one hot show. I haven’t been this worked up since I drove around a couple of guys from the Wizards with all their hot women. Tina looked at the driver, a young latino guy, with a smile on her face,” We’ll I’m glad we entertained you tonight. You did a good job. I’m going inside to get royally fucked by these studs but my slave will take care of you.” Turning to face her slave Tina said,” Give him a blow job and then bring us drinks upstairs we’ll be busy by the time you get there. “Well, I’d rather have Tina, but you’ll do I’m ready to explode. Get in the back and get ready to feed,” the driver commanded as he pushed Tina’s slave back in the limo.
Tina shed her dress as soon as she entered the front door. “It’s time my pussy gets treated right,” Tina cooed as she led Mike up the stairs by his hand. “Oh baby you have a fine ass,” Laron said as he admired Tina’s voluptuous bottom.
The three entered the large master bedroom and Mike led Tina onto the bed and positioned her on all fours so he could pound her pussy from behind. Tina was so turned on Mike was able to work his monster into Tina’s waiting pussy. Tina let out a little gasp as Mike’s cock touched virgin areas in her pussy. “Never had a cock like that before did you?,” chuckled Mike. Before she could answer Laron slid in front of Tina and fed his cock into her waiting mouth. Mike’s cock was entering Tina’s pussy like a piston as he alternated between smacking her ass and grabbing it tightly. “Oh yes this is one fine tight pussy. You’ll really never be able to enjoy small white cock after this. You’re going to be a black cock slut after this. After twenty minutes all three were working up a good sweat as Mike approached orgasm. “Get ready bitch here comes my black seed,” yelled Mike as gripped Tina’s ass as he began to cum. Soon after Laron erupted in Tina’s mouth.
All three of them collapsed onto the bed in a pile of large black arms and legs intertwined with sweet white ones. They looked over to see Tina’s slave sitting on a chair in the corner beating his little cock furiously. “Look at that little thing no wonder he wanted to see what a real cock looked like,” Laron laughed. “Did you get your taste of Latin cock?,” Tina giggled. “Now stop beating off and bring our drinks over.” Once the drinks were brought over Tina commanded her slave further, “Get between my legs and soothe my pussy with your tongue.” He quickly complied his Mistress’ demands.
After a few minutes Tina reached a violent orgasm. “Now clean the boys cocks and get them hard for me.” After a few minutes of tender care both Mike and Laron’s cocks leapt back to life for another round of sticky, sweaty fun. This time Laron got behind Tina and Mike fed her his cock for the second time. Though not quite as big as Mike, Laron’s cock was quite large enough to stretch Tina’s pussy again. When Laron came in her pussy Tina again had her pussy soothed and then had her slave clean her lovers again.
“Come on baby one more time,” Mike urged. Tina looked at the clock it was 4 am and her body was exhausted. “I’m spent boys, but why don’t you use my slave while I watch. I think as an added bonus you can pop his ass cherry.”
“Oh yeah that ass is all mine,” said Mike as lubbed the slave’s ass with liquid from Tina’s pussy. Mike and Laron placed their new sex toy between them as Mike slowly pushed his mushroom head into the waiting ass. At first the slave pulled away in pain, but slowly he began to get into and started pushing back into Mike. After a few minutes in that tight whole Mike erupted sending cum streaming into the slave’s asshole. Mike withdrew and began kissing with Tina softly while Laron finished fucking his bitch in the mouth. Finally Laron to began to cum with force as he grabbed the slaves head and fucked his mouth with quick thrusts.
“Now boys I have to get some sleep. Thank you so much for a pleasurable evening my slave will drive you back to your places. Slave when you return sleep on the couch and have breakfast ready for me at ten when I awake. You can drive me to the airport after that, Tina said dismissing her loyal slave with her hand. Tina smiled to herself as she started falling asleep, she could get used to this lifestyle on a more permanent basis.

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