Invasion of Her Body’s Snatch

Natalie’s eyes popped open, but she did not move. She laid silently, listening. Natalie sensed rather than saw anything. Something, someone was in her room! It was almost pitch black in her apartment, which consisted of a combo Kitchen and living room, and a bath between the living room and her one bedroom.
It would seem, her having been asleep, that Natalie’s eyes would already be adjusted to the dark. But as she lay awake, Natalie needed a few seconds to better focus around her bedroom. There was some light coming in around the window blind, but not much.
There! She heard it again. The sound of maybe a footstep on the carpet. She quickly sat up and as she reached for the light switch on the lamp beside her bed, someone grabbed her, pinning her down and holding a hand over her mouth. It was only an instant later that she realized that two persons had grabbed and were holding her.
Unable to break free from the powerful arms pinning her to the bed, Natalie struggled, but she instinctively knew that it was all in vain. These two were not going to let her get up or away. She had been sleeping nude on the top half, wearing only panties, and now her upper body was exposed to their view, but it was dark.
One of the two was pinning her right arm to the bed and he was so strong that he only needed one hand to hold her in place. He released his hand that was over her mouth but Natalie, instead of trying to scream, used the opportunity to draw in a deep breath of fresh air. Then, before she could say anything, tape was placed over her mouth, and then a blindfold was slipped over her eyes.
“Get the light on.” Natalie thought the command came from one of the two holding her captive.
With a loud click of the switch, a light was flipped on, the lamp on her left and because there were still two persons holding her, Natalie realized that since someone else had hit the light switch, there had to be three or more intruders in her room.
‘Three! What is this? This surely can’t be just a robbery.’ But Natalie knew what was coming. They plan to rape me!’ Her fear was confirmed when the covering over her lower body was pulled down, and she heard someone giggle while another set of hands pulled her panties down and then off.
‘My pussy! They can see it.’ She tried to squirm out of their grasp, but it was no use. The men holding Natalie were smiling at her efforts to resist them because as she was moving around, the men were being provided with nice views of her opened snatch.
The intruders, whoever they were, worked swiftly. Apparently they had come prepared, because they were using some kind of cords to tie her arms to the bedposts. With her arms now unable to resist their movements, she felt hands on both her legs around the ankles. They were spreading her, opening her legs and her pussy, to their view. Again she felt some kind of cord going around her ankles, and she was bound spread-eagled on her bed.
Then there was a strange silence. Natalie laid quietly, and unseen under her blindfold and tape, her face was red. She didn’t know what was going on. They certainly didn’t seem to be in any hurry.
‘They are just standing there, staring at me with my body so exposed, my legs so open.’ A strange image popped into her head, of three or more men standing around the bed, their cocks out and stroking them as they prepared to mount her, one after the other.
“Fuck guys, that’s some nice snatch, real nice.” There was a moment of silence, and then the voice added: “Haven’t see her face, but that body is about the nicest ever!”
Another voice chimed in; “Look at them red sheets. I ain’t never seen red sheets on a bed before. but her body sure looks nice on top of them.”
There was another period of silence, lasting perhaps ten seconds, and to Natalie it was a lifetime. Now she knew for sure, the intruders were all staring down at her nakedness. Her nakedness, her snatch as the voice had said, was really something nice to look at.
With her long brown flowing hair almost to her shoulders, a set of B cups that did not flatten as she laid on her back, a flat and hard stomach and below that a soft fur covered pussy that always seemed to look shiny in the center, she was indeed, real nice. The men could not really see her ass at the moment, but that was yet to come, and again, she would look real nice.
“Alright Juan,” Natalie heard a voice say, “You can go first.” She recognized the voice as the same one who had given the command to get the light on and who also had commented on her figure.
“Hey man. No names, O.K.?”
“Sorry Juan. I forgot. It doesn’t matter though. There must be a hundred Juans living in the area in any case.”
She could hear the sound of a zipper coming down, and then sort of a scuffle sound as Juan, apparently, was removing his pants. Natalie was listening intently, trying to make a note of, and memorize everything said, and the sounds of the men’s voices so if it ever came to that, she could identify them.
Then she heard a new voice. “Shit guys. Look at the balls Juan has hanging under that cock!”
And then she heard another voice, the one who had been giving the commands she thought, but wasn’t sure. “His cock looks pretty big too. Watch that thick mother grow.”
There was more silence, and no one seemed to be moving. Natalie sensed, correctly, that Juan was masturbating, achieving his erection while he stared at her snatch, and the other men were watching.
Then Natalie felt the mattress give under her and knew, could feel someone climbing onto the bed and then: ‘He’s coming up between my legs!’
She tried uselessly to squirm out of his way, but it was to no avail as Juan placed the thick head of his dark-skinned and uncircumsised penis against the tender lips of her pussy. He tried to push, and was denied entry.
“She’s all dry man,” Juan said to no one in particular. “I need to get this shit wet.”
“Spit on it,” she heard the man in charge say, his voice laughing.
Natalie was holding her breath as she heard the Mexican gurgle up some spit out of his throat and then she felt his fingers, his wet fingers, rubbing wetness all around her lips, first on the outside, and then after another gurgle, some more wetness being applied to her inner lips. In the process, her clitoris was being rubbed, and Natalie felt her juices begin to flow.
“Now man, she’s ready.” As he was speaking, Natalie felt his fingers leave her vagina and suddenly re-appear on her breasts as he had himself a good feel of both, and then as they began teasing her rigid nipples, she could feel his penis come up and lodge between her lips.
Compared to the cool air of the room, his penis felt warm to the touch, and Natalie felt a familiar tingle begginning at her crotch. It was against her, almost starting in, and there the penis remained as her intruder continued to tease her nipples.
“Fuck Juan. She won’t be needing any spit in a minute, the way your cock is dripping that juice all over her.”
Juan laughed as he slowly eased his lower half forward. “She’s getting it now!”
“Mmmmmpppppphhhhh!” With the tape over her mouth, Natalie could not cry out, could not say anything, as she felt the hugeness split her open and slide deep inside. Unseen to the men, under her mask her eyes were wide with fright. Her heart was pounding. But that was not all as she felt him pull back, move his knees as he adjusted his hips, and push again.
‘Please. Not too deep!’ Natalie was thinking it but could not voice her fear out loud. ‘He’s going to hurt me!’
“Mmmmmpppphhhh!” Hear fear was not realized. Juan had not plunged it into her with a lot of force, though this time he had buried it. Natalie, despite her fear and anger, was thankful that Juan was not as long as she had feared. Big around yes, but somehow, she knew she would be able to handle him. He seemed to be wider than longer as he began to pump, first staying up and off her, and then, after a dozen or so strokes, lying down with almost all his weight on her.
She didn’t want it to, but he was feeling good. ‘He’s so heavy. If I could just wrap my legs around him it would feel better maybe, and for sure more comfortable.’
“Fuck man, stay up a little so we can see your cock working that snatch.”
In response, Juan raised up onto his knees, but kept his upper body down close enough that his sparse chest hairs were caressing her hard nipples. Natalie was squirming as she tried to adjust her lower body to better accommodate his movements, maybe even enjoy them, but her legs were tied to the bed.
They could see her squirming, and under her tape, hear her moaning. What they were enjoying the most though was the view they were now being provided of her pretty little snatch and how it was being spread and worked by Juan’s thick cock.
“Hey bitch.” Natalie recognized the voice of the man who seemed to be giving directions again. She could only make a ‘hmmmm?’ sound in response. Juan had quit pumping for a moment.
If we undo your legs and take the tape off your mouth so you can be more comfortable, do you promise not to scream? It’ll be easier on you if you play along.”
They seemed to be waiting. Natalie knew, had realized her situation, and decided that the best thing to do was to go along and hope that when it was over, that they would allow her to live. She nodded her head visibly up and down and at the same time made a “Mmmmm Hmmmm” sound under the tape.
Natalie gulped in a deep breath of air as she felt the tape being ripped from her lips. At the same time, someone, two men were undoing the bindings around her ankles.
“Oooh, thank you. That’s much better,” Natalie said, being allowed to speak for the first time as she moved her legs together into a straight position and then slowly, almost reluctantly because they would think she wanted to be fucked, placed them up and around the legs of the man who was inside her.
“That’s nice guys. I think now our little gal is ready to do some fancy fucking.”
It was that voice in charge again, and sure enough, as Juan began pumping, Natalie at first kept her legs around Juan’s, and as time went by, maybe another minute, her legs rose higher, still higher, until they were above his wide ass and almost around his waist.
Natalie was torn. Her pussy was being torn, but also, she was torn in her thinking as to whether she should let things go and try to enjoy her ordeal, or continue to resist. She had to admit to herself that Juan’s thickish cock was feeling pretty good as he began giving her long, slow pumps.
A minute passed, then two, and Natalie could see that Juan, and maybe all these men, seemed to be in no hurry.
“Fuck Juan.. You’re looking a little bit lazy there. Let’s see those big balls of yours do some damage to that cute little ass.”
And Juan did, rising higher over Natalie and as he reached his highest position, he almost pulled his dick out. He began fucking, hard, and Natalie began gasping each time his pelvic area came into contact with hers, and under, he had those balls. She could feel them now, and they were slamming against her upraised ass.
Natalie knew that at least two men were staring at her vagina and ass, watching as Juan seemed to be doing his best to destroy her, and in the process, beginning to feel good. Natalie did not want this to feel good, but she couldn’t help it. She had only been fucked by two men before tonight, and both had been smaller, smaller in width that is. Despite her desire to deny Juan his pleasure, Natalie’s hips began doing a glide, rising to meet him halfway each time he slammed down at her.
“Shit! Looks like she is into this. Undo her arms so she can wrap everything she has around our boy.”
Natalie felt her arms, first one, and then the other spring free and she wasted no time wrapping them around Juan, around his wide shoulders. Now they were totally involved, and if this kept up, Natalie was going to reach orgasm.
Still, amazingly, Juan was able to hold back. Most men would have blasted their load by now, but Juan had come to this party with some liquor in his system, and he could last a long while if need be, and if needed, his cock could rise again to the occasion in no time.
Juan had sneaked across the border, a regular routine for him, just this past week. In Juarez, he still had a girlfriend, and she worked as a prostitute downtown. When Juan was back in town visiting her, Maria would come home in the early morning hours, and Juan would fuck her repeatedly. She would be tired, but always give him what he needed, telling him that he was spending more time inside her than any of her customers.
Since the drug wars had begun, the prostitution business had fallen way off. In the old days before Maria was old enough to fuck, the customers that came into the house she now worked in had been from the USA. Now, most people were afraid to come across the border, and she had more Mexican bodies on her then American.
Maria had a nice set of tits, C cups, almost a D when she gained some weight, but she tried to stay slim because Juan liked her that way.
Maria had started out young at the house her uncle owned. Her uncle that even though she was family kept most of her money. At a young age she had cleaned and scrubbed. Later, once reaching adulthood but not wanting to be a prostitute, she came into the rooms after the girls were done and washed the cocks on the customers. She always made it a point to dress conservatively, in something that did not show off her body. But her face was pretty, and it was pretty hard to conceal what was under her garments.
Sometimes, if they were afraid of catching something ever after having worn a rubber, she would slip the long slender tip of a tube into the urethra on the end of their dick and squeeze some of the germicide contents into their penis, and then, after emptying the rest of the tube onto their penis all around and sometimes under the foreskin if they were uncut, she would wrap a cloth like a bandage around the cock and send them on their way.
Sometimes but not usually, a customer would try to get little feels of her body as she washed a slippery dick until it was clean, and then, if the guy was not acting like an asshole, she would take her time drying it. By then, her breasts would have received a pretty good feel, and she would hold out her hand for a tip. Half the time she would receive one, but usually the customers acted like they were broke if she asked for more.
Her uncle one night when things were slow told her that it was time she went to work. Then, without asking, he went ahead and put her to work, her first customer and he was breaking her virginity. He seemed surprised and hesitant after pushing into her and feeling her tear inside. Then, knowing he was her first, he proceeded to give her the best fuck he was capable of, hoping to impress her.
Maria knew what she should do after hearing so many of the girls and how they acted with a client. She moaned and acted all satisfied, but she was coming nowhere near having an orgasm, at least not so far.
She kept her head, her face available in case he tried to kiss her. Kissing her uncle was not something she would consider on her own, but now he was inside her, and if he wanted to kiss, she would try and return his passion, though she personally felt nothing for him. But he never did try to kiss her.
After having seen and handled so many penises, most of them soft but not always, she was surprised to find that her uncle would be amongst the smaller ones.
Strangely, despite being forced, she found that she was enjoying this, yes, even her uncle. After all, before this, she had seen and touched so many cocks. Maybe her uncle did not give a damn, but he made no effort to slip on a rubber, nor did he ask her if she was on the pill.
Maria’s eyes widened as she felt his penis stiffen and begin blasting his warm load into her bleeding pussy. He was moaning and she could feel his body shaking, and she held him tenderly, consoling him like he was in pain or something. At last she was feeling what she had heard so many times when she had waited in a hallway. An orgasm was happening, and this time it was in her!
When he slipped out of her and climbed off, he took a moment to look down at the damage he had done, and allowing it, Maria continued to lie there, her legs spread, her pussy flowing with cum and little tinges of red. Almost holding her breath, Maria continued to lie quietly, hoping for some kind of compliment from her uncle. But none came. Finally, he told her to get up and clean herself.
His load was surprisingly large, and it was running out of her and down both legs when she climbed off the bed. She needed to clean up, but first she had to clean him up. In the past, she had been washing cocks while the prostitute would be cleaning up and getting ready for the next customer.
Now she wanted to do this, to see and handle her uncle’s cock, the one that had taken her virginity. She had done this so many times, and now it was after she had made a cock dirty.
But when she moved to the wash basin, he shook his head ‘No’ and completely shocked Maria when he yelled out “Nina!”
Nina came in, another girl who also washed cocks after sex, and she began washing his cock, the cock that had just been inside Maria. Apparently she had been told to wait outside the room while her uncle fucked her.
Maria suddenly, surprisingly, found herself playing the part of the prostitute who is washing herself while another girl cleans the customer’s cock. Still, having to use some warmed water from a pail near the stand where her uncle was being cleaned, she managed to steal a look at the cock in Nina’s hands and saw that it looked to be surprisingly small once it had gone down.
His cock now clean and putting it away, he left the room without speaking to Maria. It would seem that her uncle was embarrassed about either taking her this way and finding that she was a virgin, or perhaps he did not want his penis to be examined close hand, and compared to all the other cocks she had seen and cleaned.
Her first orgasm though was to come not from her uncle or a customer, but from a ‘boyfriend’ of the time.
Now, after having done this for two years, Maria ‘worked’ six nights a week when she was not having her period, and on weeknights, sometimes she would only have one or two customers. Sometimes, between her and the other girls, no customer at all.
On the weekend, things picked up and Maria might service up to half a dozen men, sometimes two at a time if they wanted. But the house took most of the money she earned. If she didn’t like it, there were other girls willing to take her place.
Juan didn’t mind all that much that she was being fucked. He knew that most of the time Maria received no pleasure from her customers, but she was complaining now that since business was down, she needed money, and Juan would send or bring her money from time to time. Because of that, Juan was beginning to feel that she might be thinking of him as just another client.
This American girl he was fucking though, now she is nice. Her pussy was feeling tight, almost like a virgin, and he could tell, she was liking what he was giving. ‘This is the kind of girlfriend I want!’
That thought sent his penis on the way up, up up and up, and despite his efforts to hold back, he was going to cum!
“Look at that girl go!”
Yes, Natalie was going, going to cum, and soon if this kept up. Then she felt it, Juan’s penis, his wide penis, and it was feeling larger, harder, and yes, now it was bucking inside her, cumming, and shooting his Mexican seed deep into her womb.
In response, Natalie came too, but did her best to keep them from knowing. She tried to be quiet, letting only a soft gasp escape her lips, and because Juan was groaning loudly and not only shaking her body in his pleasure but the bed as well, she hoped they would not know.
Juan was finished now. He had tried to tear up her pussy, and almost exceeded, but instead, he had succeeded in making her reach an orgasm, perhaps one of her best. Juan laid quietly on her, and Natalie, unsure as to how she should be reacting, said nothing and laid quietly under Juan, just waiting.
“That’s it,” the voice in charge said with a tone that sounded like he was laughing. Natalie was still blindfolded but she sensed that now their attention was being turned towards whoever was next to be fucking her.
“Let me finish draining my dick,” Juan said as he began pumping again, giving Natalie three, four and five more strokes with his softening dick. This was strange. Natalie was feeling warm, even affectionate towards this strange rapist whom had just given her a wonderful orgasm. She tightened her arms and legs around him, and unseen by the other men, but Juan felt her, she began responding again with her hips.
He was pumping, and continuing to pump like he never planned to get off. Apparently there was some kind of agreement between these men, because no one was telling or hurrying him to get off. There was sweat between their bodies now since Juan was more lying on her then over her.
Then Juan was rising off of her and as his now soft and slimy penis pulled out, she felt the cooling air of the room not only hit her body but also enter her snatch, which now might be stretched, she feared.
“Your turn,” Natalie heard the familiar voice say. She wondered who was next and unseen to her, it was DeMarcus, a black man, and if Natalie thought that she had just been given a big cock, she was about to learn that there is larger in the world as her pussy, and her eyes, are opened.
“Fuck. I thought Juan was never going to get off, but I plan to take my time and enjoy that shit just like he did. She’s lookin’ real fine with her pussy all opened up and ready for me.”
Natalie could tell by his voice and the way he was talking. The man was black. Natalie had never taken two men in a row, and now she was first getting a Mexican, and then a black man. She wondered where they had come from and why this was happening.
The mask, sort of a rag they had placed around her head to cover her eyes was starting to slip, and now she could see light, and images, under one side.
Natalie had only been sleeping alone in this apartment for a couple of months. Before that she had been married, a newlywed actually, and her marriage, the togetherness portion had lasted all of a month or so. The day after her marriage, attended by a few friends in a quiet ceremony, Jerry, her husband, had taken her on a five day trip up along the coast of California to Bodega Bay, north of San Francisco, and they had spent three nights in a nice cabin on the bay.
Natalie was a movie buff, and she had told her new husband that this was where THE BIRDS, a scary movie by Alfred Hitchcock had been filmed, and Jerry, being into video games and not movies, had simply said ‘Oh yeah?’ like it was no big deal.
But Natalie had enjoyed her time on the bay, and had even managed to have Jerry take her over and inland to the little town of Bodega, about five miles away, and she had finally managed to see the ‘schoolhouse’ where the birds had gathered on a playground before attacking and killing the teacher and chasing the children down the hill into Bodega Bay, which in the film was right there, but in reality was miles away.
It had been a nice five days for Natalie. She had not been a virgin on the wedding night since she had allowed Jerry access to the magic between her legs for a month before their marriage. She had given in only after Jerry had announced his plans to marry in advance. But there had still been a first for her on the honeymoon as she had finally, after maybe her fifteenth attempt at coital sex counting the month before marriage, had achieved orgasm.
Yes, an orgasm, then more, with her husband while making love to one another. But Natalie’s first orgasms had been given to her by the talented tongue of a girlfriend, a roommate while she had been away during her first year of college. Then, with the unexpected and early death of her father, Natalie’s money had ran out and she was planning, eventually, on finishing college closer to home.
Perhaps it could have been a good marriage, but something had happened to change things. A month after their honeymoon, Jerry had taken Natalie to a party, a ‘kegger’ party he had called it. After three hours, everyone, or almost everyone, seemed to be drunk, or stoned. Natalie had been drinking too. She was fairly well soused, well not so much that she couldn’t stand, but close.
During one round of yakking it up, she heard from a girlfriend, and then her husband, who was sitting beside her, that a couple of girls were in one of the back bedrooms and giving it up.
“Up?” Natalie had asked. “What do you mean by ‘up?’”
Jerry had laughed. “Hell, baby, I didn’t know you were so naïve. There’s some girls in back spreading their legs and doing it for fun.”
“Oh!” Natalie had sniffed and turned red. “Well, I hope they’re having fun. I would never give it up like that, to just anybody.”
“Of course not baby, you’re mine now.” Jerry had kissed her lightly on the cheek and a couple of minutes later gone off with one of his ‘buds’ to talk sports, or so he claimed.
Natalie knew only a few people there, and unknown to her, while she was laughing and drinking with some girlfriends, her husband left with a buddy to go buy another keg. Natalie found herself alone for the first time, and a guy she knew casually, a ‘friend’ of her husband rather then her, slid onto the couch next to her and just like that, put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her head towards his.
It seemed like he planned to kiss her, and Natalie resisted, but weakly since she was half smashed. “What do you think you’re doing, Freddy? You know that I’m married now. You can’t just sit down beside me and grab me like this.”
But Freddy figured, in his mind, that he was ‘entitled.’ Freddy had already had some feels of her body, and on her wedding night. Yes, her wedding night a month ago. Jerry and Natalie’s trip to Bodega Bay was going to begin in the morning. But they still had the wedding night to enjoy, and so far because everyone was partying, the bed seemed far away.
They were in a friend’s condo, one that overlooked the city below, and everyone was drinking. They were not only celebrating her marriage to Jerry, but also, it seemed, having a ‘grand opening’ of the guy’s new condo, which he had purchased just days before.
That was when Natalie had first met Freddy, who was a friend of the condo owner. Not personally knowing the groom, so therefore not giving a damn, Freddy had followed Natalie down a hall and waited while she went into a bathroom, of which there were three in the condo.
He ‘caught’ Natalie when she opened the door to come out, supposedly by accident, and before she could step out, he stepped in.
“What…what are you doing?” Natalie protested as Freddy closed the door behind him and placed his arms around her. Before she could get the next words out Freddy had his lips locked over hers. The kiss started out forcible, but as Natalie quit resisting the kiss continued, lasting perhaps twenty seconds. Before it was over, his tongue had came into contact with Natalie’s but then she had quickly pulled it away.
Freddy ended the kiss, and Natalie, still in shock as she felt his skinny but firm body pressed up against hers, asked: “Why are you doing this?”
Freddy chuckled, but he had not released his hold on her body. “Aren’t you the new bride? I’m Freddy, a friend of the owner of this condo, and a few minutes ago I was introduced to your husband. I just thought that since you and I haven’t been introduced that I would take my chance to kiss the bride.”
“Oh. OK” Natalie responded with a giggle. “Now you have kissed the bride, so let me out.”
“Just one more honey, now that you know what I was doing, to make it official.” Smiling into her face, Freddy placed his lips over hers and this time, since it was all in good clean fun, or so she thought, Natalie responded. But because she was half-smashed, she was responding in a way that could only have encouraged Freddy to go further.
Natalie was wearing a loose fitting skirt. She was standing with her legs apart for balance and he took advantage of the opportunity to place both of his legs around her right leg. Then, sort of like a male dog mounting a bitch, he pressed his groin up against her thigh. As she felt the lower half of his body pressing against hers, Natalie allowed her tongue to mingle with his, althought this certainly was more than just a kissing the bride type of kiss.
Somehow, his right knee seemed to find her vagina, and as he pressed sort of in and up, her clitoris was being stimulated. Her face burning along with her vagina, Natalie hastily pulled her lower body back, but not very far since she was now pressed up against the sink.
Now there was some space between his right leg and her left, and Freddy’s right hand began to roam. While Natalie’s thoughts were on his tongue, which was exploring hers, his hand was up and under her skirt. His fingers were sliding into her panties from the side before Natalie, who was half way towards being drunk, knew what he was doing.
In shock, she pulled her head away. “What are you doing? Stop it!”
But Natalie had whispered it into his ear, not yelled it, and Freddy did not believe her sincerity. Besides, in order to maintain her balance, she was again standing with her legs wide apart. He persisted and in an instant his fingers were onto her pubic hair and beginning to caress. His finger found her clitoris, and found it to be erect and waiting.
His fingers were working, and his heart was pounding, but his mind, ever sharp, was thinking: ‘Shit, this gal might be just-married, but I think she’s ready to be fucked by me.’
His lips went back into action and Natalie was trying to resist, but there was so much to resist against. His lips were locked onto hers, and down there, besides what felt like something hard rubbing up against her right thigh, his fingers were now sliding up and down through her lips, her inner lips.
She had become wet, instantly it seemed, and his fingers were sliding up and down through her wetness, oh so nice. In seconds, she knew, his fingers, or at least one of them, would be inside her.
Just as his finger began to penetrate, she somehow found the strength to pull her head away and at the same time, her hips. As she lunged away from him below, his hand came out of her panties. “What are you trying to do? Don’t you realize that this is my wedding night?”
The mood had suddenly changed from hot and heavy to almost a coldness. Freddy knew it was now time to back off.
Freddy was disappointed that this had not gone further, but he really had not expected to even get this far with this lovely new bride. Once again he became the smooth operator. “Shit baby, don’t you know? I was just trying to see if the groom was getting himself a virgin on his wedding night.”
Natalie was indignant now. “Well, I can assure you that he is,” she lied. “And later tonight he will be finding out for himself, and you can be alone in your bed and thinking about what you missed. So there!”
And with that, Natalie had moved around him, fumbled with the door knob, and stormed out of the bathroom. Halfway down the hall though, on her way back to looking for her new husband, she had a thought about what had just occurred. “That was fun. In another life, I might have fucked him.”
Later that night, while Natalie was sitting with and rubbing up against her husband, Jerry had actually seated himself near them and engaged himself in conversation with Jerry. Natalie could only think to herself ‘what nerve.’ But of course she never breathed a word to her new husband about what had happened, or almost.
However, in order to get some kind of ‘revenge,’ as she was thinking it, she made it a point to be especially loving with Jerry while sitting beside him, and making sure that Freddy saw it. At one point their eyes met, and Natalie gave him a big smile as she slowly slid her right hand down and over the area of her husband’s crotch.
‘That’s right Freddy,’ she was thinking. This is the cock that will be inside me tonight, and you can only fantasize about it.’ But unknown to her, she was sending out a challenge to Freddy, one that he would not forget.
Now, about a month after her marriage to Jerry, here she was once again, alone with Freddy. This time she felt safe enough to allow Freddy to linger and talk because they were out in the open and sitting on a couch, unlike before when he had trapped her in a bathroom.
Freddy was a smooth operator, and he took her lack of enthusiasm for his moves in stride. “Shit baby. Don’t be so uptight. After all, if your husband is getting some, you should too.”
“Getting some? My husband? What do you mean?” She had heard about the girls in back, and Natalie felt her insides twisting as she thought that Jerry might be off with some woman. She was remembering: Freddy had gone off with a buddy only a couple of minutes after the girls had been mentioned.
Freddy knew that Jerry had left to buy a keg, and it would be at least 30 minutes before he returned. Freddy was not only a ‘smooth operator,’ he was also a skilled liar. “I saw your husband heading towards the back with a buddy, and they were talking about checking out those naked gals in the bedroom.”
“He wouldn’t do that, would he?” Natalie, in her state of near drunkedness, was not so sure of anything by this time.
“I don’t know. Let’s go see for ourselves.”
Freddy had already checked out the two girls in back. He had gone in and watched, and at one point had even allowed one gal to suck on his dick while she was being fucked by another guy. But he had held off on blasting his load into that warm and welcoming mouth, because earlier tonight he had spotted Natalie.
Freddy couldn’t believe it. Here she was, the lovely new bride he had felt up in a bathroom a few weeks ago. In his heart he believed that had it not been her wedding night and her being a virgin, so she claimed, that she would have fucked him. Now it looked like he was being given another chance.
Right then and there, Freddy had resolved to have a go at her. There was other possible pussy at this party, but Freddy could only see one of them. All he had to do was wait and watch, and catch her alone, just like he had done on her wedding night.
Natalie was drinking, and quite heavily it looked like as he watched her from a distance. If she had been a virgin that night, she wasn’t anymore, and he hoped to sample some of that. Now, as if my magic, her husband had left the premises, and she was alone and vulnerable. Freddy had a plan for her, and all he had to do was get her to go with him into the back and into a certain bedroom.
As Freddy stood and grabbed her hand, Natalie rose without protest and found herself following Freddy down a hall and into a bedroom with an open door. As Natalie went in, she saw that there was no one in the room or on the bed.
“There’s no one here,” Natalie said with a frown, and as she turned to leave, Freddy, who was still holding her hand, pulled her further into the room and said: “It must be one of the other bedrooms. But wait a minute, because I’ve got some stash hidden here.”
Natalie’s face brightened. “You have some weed?”
Freddy knew then that he was probably going to succeed in his plan. “Yes, and it’s good stuff too, ‘Acapulco Gold,’ some of the best.”
And then Natalie made her fatal mistake. “Let’s smoke one and then go look.”
“It’s right here,” and Natalie didn’t think anything of it as Freddy pulled a bag out from under the bed in a house he did not own. “I’d better close this door,” Freddy said after handing her the bag. A minute later they were sitting together on the edge of the bed.
Inwardly, Freddy was praising himself for being so clever. By being deceptive, he had managed to get this lovely little wife away from everyone and alone, and, since there was nowhere to sit but on the bed, half his battle was already won.
Freddy had already prepared a joint in advance, and it was thick and long, the kind that requires almost no effort to inhale. It was good weed, and before Natalie realized what was happening, Freddy was inside her blouse and squeezing her breasts each time she took a drag as they passed the joint back and forth.
Freddy was enjoying what he was feeling. These breasts he had not touched the last time, and he was getting some good feels of small apple-sized and shaped breasts that were not tonight, covered by a brassiere.
“Enjoying yourself?” Natalie giggled as she took another drag.
“You have some nice tits baby. Best I’ve felt all night.”
She was pretty tipsy now and getting giggly. “All night? How many others have you felt?”
“Just yours baby. When I saw that you were at this party, I had eyes only for you.”
“That’s nice, so nice of you to say that.” As she responded, Natalie sort of allowed her upper body to fall towards his, and they were pressed together at the shoulders. Still, at this point and even though her breasts were being fondled, and she was sitting alone on the bed, Natalie was not thinking of getting laid. Her husband was out there somewhere, probably in another bedroom, and she wanted to see what he might be up to.
But that joint was a big one, and Freddy was making sure that most of the smoke was being reserved for her.
The joint finished, Natalie found herself on her back on the bed with her legs almost touching the floor.
The room was spinning and if felt good to just lie here and enjoy what was happening. Her blouse was opened, her breasts with the nipples so rigid now visible to his wondering eyes. After getting some loving feels of her breasts, so nice even when she was on her back, Freddy was sliding his hand up her thigh and going under her skirt.
She should have protested and maybe sat up. But instead all she did was say: “This position isn’t comfortable,” and she said it with a giggle.
“I can fix that!” Freddy stood up and lifting her legs from the floor, turned Natalie’s body so that she was lying full upon the mattress. In the process her skirt ended up almost around her waist and Freddy’s eyes grew wide as he saw the rise of her pubes visible through her white panties. Then he laid himself beside her.
Natalie had her eyes closed, and if Freddy did not continue in his quest, she would soon be asleep. He began caressing her on the outside of her panties, and she moaned softly. Then, rather than try pushing his fingers under her panties like he had done in that bathroom, he decided to get the danged things out of the way. He rose up onto his knees and began tugging her panties down, tugging hard because he had to get them out from under her ass.
“Wait, what are you doing?” Natalie asked in a giggling protest that did not sound very convincing.
“This baby, this.” And with that, Freddy went into action as he put his feet onto the floor and standing up, yanked her panties from under her curvy ass, and then past her knees and further down. Before she fully began to comprehend what was happening, Freddy had her panties off, his pants down around his ankles, and he was climbing between her legs, legs that he was spreading as he advanced.
He had planned to lie beside her, kissing and fondling first while looking into her eyes. time was growing short. Somewhere out there, down the hill and maybe on his way back by now, was her husband, and Freddy needed to be inside her now!
At last! Freddy had waited a month to get her into this position, and to Freddy, that month had been an eternity. Now here she is, completely revealed in her nudity. Her blouse was opened, and her skirt was up around her waist. All those items of clothing could do now was add emphasis to what was being revealed, the most lovely snatch on the most lovely gal he had ever known.
His heart was pounding so hard that Freddy thought she might hear it. There it is, that snatch I have felt with my fingers but never got to see. And now it is mine, all mine.’ He slid closer to her on his knees, and in seconds his body was just inches from her shiny and inviting womanhood.
His body was just inches, maybe almost nine inches away, but his cock was within an inch of parting her lips.
Somehow Natalie found the strength to raise her upper body a little and look down. She took a quick glance at his rigid penis, standing tall despite the fact that Freddy was stoned. Yes, Freddy was stoned, but on purpose, Freddy was not as high as she was. His circumcised penis looked somewhat skinny at the head compared to her husband’s, but overall it was way longer. She could see a shiny drop of fluid on the tip.
“No, don’t!” But it was too late as Freddy had already gone past her wet lips and was sliding inside, deep and then deeper. Despite his cock being a little thinner than her husband’s at the head, his shaft was the same width she was used to and her snug lips gripped him tight and held on all the way until he reached his maximum possible depth.
“Freddy, please…” But her protest, such as it was, sounded weak and insincere. It was obvious, Natalie was wanting what she was not wanting. Before he had reached bottom, her arms had started going around his waist.
“It’s alright baby. If Jerry can be getting some, you can too.” He was pumping now, and his slim penis was feeling good, very good, because Natalie was high. Her legs came up at the same time her hands went down to his ass and began guiding him. Their lips met, and feeling genuine affection towards Freddy now, she had the urge to somehow, through her tongue, go into Freddy in the same way he was going into her
And then she said something that would forever warm his soul, build his ego, and make Freddy feel that Natalie had been thinking of him ever since her wedding night. Actually, in real life, she had placed him and what had happened in the back of her mind, and preferred not to think about what she had done.
“Freddy, oh darling, I know you’ve wanted this for so long. I’m sorry you had to wait to do this.” Natalie was feeling the effects of the grass fully now, and what she was saying at the moment she would never had said without the grass. Her second man ever was inside her, and it seemed to be right, somehow.
But things were not right, and her husband by now had returned with a buddy and a keg and after setting up the keg in the kitchen he was looking for her.
“I don’t know man,” one guy answered when Jerry asked in the recreation room. “She went back there somewhere with some guy,” he said, pointed to the rear. He laughed out loud. “She might be looking for you!”
That was true, Natalie had gone looking for her husband, but temporarily, her quest had been put on hold. She was being fucked, and Freddy was making some pretty good moves.
Freddy was enjoying himself thoroughly. He was finally inside his dream girl, and in his mind she had been wanting this for weeks. She was feeling fine, and he was in no hurry to cum. Each stroke into her, each seven or so out of eight inches he was able to penetrate her with while keeping her stretched, was another victory. He was under the influence too, and the lips on her pussy seemed to be clutching and loving on the shaft of his cock.
And her lips, those other lips, her lips so nice with a warm firm yet soft tongue had gone into action along with his. They were kissing and it seemed as if they were one, truly one with themselves and the world.
He began twisting sideways into her, making his long shaft work the walls of her vagina, and Natalie moaned. Jerry had never made these moves on and in her, and if he had, it would not have felt the same since his penis was shorter. To Natalie at this moment, this was fucking at its finest, and they were doing it.
Jerry headed down a hall, but unfortunately for him, he went down the right side first. Each second that passed, his wife was being penetrated down deep into her vagina, over and over, and by his heading in the wrong direction, his wife and the scroudrel on top of her had been allotted more time to enjoy their fucking.
Jerry was on a search. He hit the ‘hot’ bedroom first and saw that though no one was fucking at the moment, there were two naked girls whom he did not recognize and three guys in a stage of partial dress with their shirts still on but naked below.
They had some weed and the air was thick with smoke. One of the gals was seated on the edge of the bed and sucking on a hard cock that was standing in front of her. The other gal was on her back, spread-eagled and a guy Jerry did not recognize was eating her.
Buzz, the owner of the cock being sucked spotted him. “Come on in Jerry. We’ve already done some fucking and these gals are ready for some more.”
Jerry moved closer, partially because he wanted a better look at the gal but also to make a comparison of his casual friend’s cock, just to see how much he was sporting between his legs. At one time, his wife had dated Buzz ‘once or twice.’ Her ‘once or twice’ supposedly was a ride in his car, and the next time she had been picked up by Buzz and taken to a theater.
What had worried Jerry was that her dates with Buzz had occurred after she had met Jerry but had not really started up with him as yet.
Natalie claimed to not have done anything with Buzz on those dates, but still, you never know. Jerry knew that Natalie had been a virgin when he first tapped her, but there was always the possibility that his wife had made out with and maybe even fondled men in the past.
His search temporarily put on hold, Jerry watched as Buzz held onto the girl’s head with both hands and sort of guided her back and forth movement. Wanting a closer look, Jerry moved in until he was able to look almost straight down at the action.
The tattooed lady pulled her mouth off when Jerry approached, and as she smiled up at him, Jerry saw that she had a shiny metal rod with a little ball on top sticking all the way through her tongue.
Buzz giggled. “See that rod on her tongue? It feels really great on the head of my dick.”
Jerry was looking, but he was mostly looking at the shiny wet with saliva head on Buzz’s cock. It looked to be kind of thickish, larger than his own. Below, her hand was wrapped around the shaft, but it too, while not as thick as the head, was on the large side in both width and length.
‘Fuck, it’s bigger than mine!’ Jerry wondered if his wife had ever, maybe seen or touched the cock that he was staring down at. He basically trusted Natalie, but he knew that she was kind of a tease, a playful tease.
“Want to feel what a blow job feels like with her doing it?”
Jerry was tempted, and his cock was tingling, but he had a thought in the back of his mind. ‘Buzz probably wants to compare my cock to his own to see what Natalie married.’ He smiled over at Buzz and then down at the tattooed lady, as he was calling her in his mind. He was feeling a big urge to whip his semi-erection out and feel the warm mouth and that rod, working the end of his penis. But if he did that, Buzz would get to see his cock.
Jerry was correct in his thinking. Buzz did want to see Jerry’s cock, because while sitting in the car with Natalie after leaving the movie theater, they had done a little making out. Natalie seemed to like this kissing bit, and without her knowing it, Buzz had pulled his cock out and placed her hand over it while they were performing the lip lock and tongue swapping dance.
Buzz had kissed harder, putting true feelings of passion into the kiss and trying to extend the time and see if maybe Natalie would keep her hand on his penis instead of yanking it away. He had held his hand over hers, keeping it there on his penis, and she had not realized what was happening for maybe a full five seconds. Unconsciously her fingers started to automatically wrap about his penis.
Then Natalie had pulled her hand away in shock as she looked down at where her hand had been. There it was, fully illuminated by the light coming into the car from a street lamp. His cock! She knew that she had been tricked but said nothing. What could or should she say? There it was, his penis, and looking big and long and so forbidden!
He was uncircumcised, and for the moment his foreskin was peeled all the way back, exposing his shiny smooth head to her view, a head that was almost a dark purple in color.
She had yanked her hand away, but she was staring. Buzz interpreted her shock and hesitation in saying anything to be maybe, he hoped, excitement on her part. And then Buzz had said, “Go on, just feel it once since you’ve already seen and touched it.”
Natalie had timidly put out her hand and used a thumb and two fingers to give him a little squeeze on the shaft just below the head, feeling how hard, yet soft to the touch it was.
“Like that?” Buzz had whispered. Buzz had ‘heard’ that Natalie was a hot chick waiting to get laid, but what he did not know for sure was that Natalie was still a virgin.
“It’s nice, but you can put it away now.” Her voice was soft.
“Go on Natalie. Get a real feel. Wrap your hand around it, just once.”
Curious, because she had never before actually taken a good feel of a hard cock, Natalie timidly wrapped her fingers around his cock, just below the head.
“Now give it a stroke, up and down. That’s right, now you know what you can be having if you keep seeing me.”
She tightened her grip slightly and moved her hand upwards first, as he suggested, and was surprised when his foreskin came along and completely covered that head as her hand slid up and almost off. She came down again, and his skin followed along. Curious, she tugged his skin down as far as it would go, until it was tight.
Buzz was feeling excitement such as he had never experienced before. His dream girl was stroking his cock, and it was looking like he might get to fuck her. She was holding his skin down and no longer moving.
“Now move it up again. Keep stroking.”
She did, coming up slowly and her eyes grew wide as a large drop of pre-fluid appeared the end of his penis. Then, without warming, it ran down and over her fingers. Buzz giggled, “You’re making a mess baby. Look at how you’ve got me dripping.”
She pulled her hand away, but didn’t know what to do about her slimy fingers. Buzz laughed as he watched Natalie sort of run her fingers together as she felt how slippery it was.
“If you want, you can either lick that off, or just wipe it on my underwear. I’ll probably be leaving some more stain in there anyway once it goes down.”
Natalie was not about to taste him, and she used his shorts to wipe her fingers dry, then pulled her hand away. But his cock was still there, sticking up and proud. Natalie was impressed. His uncircumcised cock did seem to be nice. Hard yet soft and with that foreskin, easy to stroke. But to her, being a virgin, it was scary. ‘This thing would hurt me.’
“O.K. I felt it. It’s nice. Now put it away.”
But Buzz was not yet through, nor was he about to put it away. “I know you told me that you’re a virgin, but are you really?”
Natalie somehow managed to look away from his cock and move her head up to look him directly in the eyes. “Yes Buzz, I’m a virgin, and I’m saving it.”
“But in the process of dating, how many cocks have you seen or felt?”
“Just yours Buzz. Your is the only one that ever came out of the pants.”
Buzz was both pleased and disappointed at the same time. Pleased that she had never felt another cock, but disappointed that she had not seen others, and hopefully, they would have been smaller. “Well, I just want you to know that mine is larger then average, and some women like their cocks to be on the large side.”
Natalie acted haughty. “Well, maybe someday I’ll be making that decision, but it won’t be tonight. Now you can take me home!”
“Alright, if you feel that way. But someday, maybe even after you’re married to someone else, you’ll think of me and wonder what you might have missed.”
“Maybe someday.” With that, Natalie had slid way over to the right side of the seat, indicating that the make out session had ended. Buzz drove her on home without argument, and Natalie, though acting upset, inwardly was pleased. She had finally seen and felt a cock, and it had been exciting.
Because she had started dating Jerry, they had not gone out again, but Buzz knew that she had seen and felt his cock, and when she had married Jerry, Buzz had wondered how he, how his cock compared. Now, with his cock out and on display, he was hoping that maybe Jerry would display his. It would only take a few seconds to see what Natalie had married, and Buzz would know for sure that Natalie had probably compared the two of them in her head.
It would be nice to know that his cock was bigger than Jerry’s, because if Buzz ever had the chance, he planned to make a pass at Natalie and she how she would respond.
Jerry had not responded to the offer Buzz had made, so the girl who was holding onto Buzz’s cock made one of her own. She stuck her tongue out and wriggled it around and she had heard his name. “Jerry? Why don’t you let me give you a blow job and then you can fuck the shit out of me if you want.”
“No thanks,” said Jerry as he eyeballed and smiled down at the cock sucking little female. She looked cute rather than beautiful, and she had a nice set of tits from what he could see, but her body tattoos and piercings were a turn off to him. In any case, he needed to find his wife. The girl looked to be disappointed though, like her feelings were being hurt.
“It’s not you. I think you look real good. It’s just that I’m looking for my wife. She seems to have disappeared while I was off getting a keg.”
Buzz laughed. “I wouldn’t worry about her man. You’re lucky to have her. Natalie’s a pretty sweet gal. She wouldn’t fool around on you, I’d bet on that.”
“I know. I just want to make sure she’s OK.” He thought that maybe Buzz was trying to be nice and understanding, but it annoyed him that Buzz had taken his wife out at one time. He watched as Buzz slowly slipped his proud and hard prick back into that inviting mouth, with that rod that might feel so good.
Leaving the orgy behind, Jerry was still visualizing that cock in his mind and wondering if by any chance his wife had ever seen or touched it. He knew what Natalie had told him, ‘nothing happened.’ But he was also aware that Buzz had a reputation for being pretty fast with the ladies, as was obvious by what he had just witnessed.
Yes, Natalie had seen and felt the cock Buzz was offering, and later, only a few days later when she had started petting with Jerry and first saw and handled his erect cock, she had made a mental comparison and became aware that Jerry was not as big. But she didn’t care since the only cock she knew once it was inside her was Jerry’s, and it felt good though it took a while, on her honeymoon, before she could cum with it.
Earlier tonight, Natalie had seen Buzz, and yes, like Buzz had predicted, she had thought about what he carried between his legs and wondered what she might have missed, but that was only because she was getting high.
Now, while his wife was being penetrated over and over deeply and expertly by a cock longer than his
and enjoying an intense orgasm, Jerry was moving on to another bedroom. There was just one couple in there. They were standing at the side of the bed, fully dressed and making out, like they had just started.
Curious, because he knew the girl casually, he waited long enough to see her top come off and saw that yes, she did have a pretty good rack! He wanted to stay, and just like in that other bedroom, maybe join in, but he had to find Natalie.
Jerry moved on, and of course after quietly opening a door, he found his wife, and to Jerry as he stood at the door, she looked like she was really into it. Though Jerry was down at the foot of the bed and off to the left, her head was on Jerry’s side of the guy’s body and eyes were closed. Jerry could see that she was smiling. Her legs were up, way up and around that guy’s waist, and she was digging her fingers into that guy’s ass, whoever he is.
His mouth wife open, Jerry stared at the sight before him. He could see that naked ass and how it was twisting side-to-side as it worked that cock into Natalie’s pussy. Then, almost as if the owner of that ass and cock knew Jerry was there, it changed movement and starting fucking hard, coming way back and driving forward and hard and making Natalie gasp and moan each time the penetration went deep.
To Jerry, it looked like maybe the fucking had just started, but by now it had been going on for several minutes, and his wife had been given several orgasms. Jerry, despite his shock, anger and disappointment, could see his wife’s vagina being penetrated over and over by what looked like could be a pretty long cock. Jerry could not see all of the cock since it was remaining, the head part of it, inside her, but those strokes the guy was taking looked to be pretty long.
“Aaaaah aaaaah aaaaah!” Natalie was gasping out her pleasure and joy at what she was receiving. Her hands were clutching at that ass, giving guidance and encouragement to the man responsible for giving so much pleasure.
Natalie’s face was turned in his direction but because her head was partially blocking his view, Jerry still could not tell who the guy was that was on her and pumping away. Her eyes were closed as he moved up alongside the bed and closer and then he heard Freddy’s voice as he slowed his movements. “Like that cock, baby?”
Though Jerry did not know Freddy all that well, he recognized the voice. ‘It’s that asshole Freddy!’
Her voice was soft, and sounded strange to Jerry, like she was far far away. “Yes. So good. You’re going to make me cum again long.”
‘Again?’ Jerry, having just having seen a large cock that Natalie might have seen or touched, had already had his mind on big cocks. Now, because of what he had heard, Jerry assumed that Freddy must have a big cock, because that was what it sounded like. Burning inside with rage and jealousy, Jerry watched as his wife moved her lips to Freddy’s to give and return what looked like a very hot kiss.
Jerry could not have arrived at a worst moment, in Natalie’s case, because after hearing her say she was going to come again, the next thing Jerry would hear would be even worse. Coming from one bedroom where he had seen the hard cock on a man who had dated his future wife, and now in another bedroom with a man who was inside his wife, Jerry was to hear something that would forever, convince him that his wife was a cheat and a tramp.
Had she just been fucking, it was possible, there was a chance that she might have been able to convince her husband that this was happening because she had gotten drunk, been left alone, told that her husband was cheating, and then, having been given weed, had been unable to resist. But what Jerry heard next would destroy any chance of Natalie saving her marriage.
“Shit Natalie. Ever since I fingered you in that bathroom on your wedding night, I knew you were a hot chick. You have turned out to be one great fuck.”
“Thank you. I thought about you too, and you are one great fuck.” To Natalie, being stoned, she really was unaware of what she was saying. It was all just idle chatter. Jerry was feeling good, but not fantastically better then her husband. But at that moment, as she answered Freddy, her eyes opened, and she saw someone looking down at her. It took a moment for her eyes to focus and her mind to register.
“Yes bitch. It’s Jerry, your husband. But not for long!” And with that, Jerry stormed out. He probably could have beat the crap out of Freddy, but that was not to be Jerry’s way tonight. Instead, because of the party atmosphere, everyone drinking and apparently, fucking, he chose to leave his wife to her devices and go his own way. She was cheating with Freddy, and who knows with how many others?
Of course, Jerry was not thinking real clearly. He had gotten her cherry a month before the wedding, so any cheating she might have done would have to have been done in just the past two months or so.
‘Let me up Freddy, please.” Natalie was struggling under Freddy to shove him off, but her arms and legs were weakened by the effects of alcohol, drugs and sexual passion.
“No need baby. He’s gone. Probably got his and doesn’t like you getting yours. But if he really gave a shit he would have stopped this. But he left so you could keep fucking me.”
Freddy, as stated before, was an accomplished liar. Now he had been given a chance to keep fucking Natalie. “Your husband left you with me because he got some, and now is your chance. I think that is pretty nice of him. You might as well lie here and let me finish, and maybe you can too.” Freddy had never really stopped pumping, even when her husband had been present.
For some reason she could not fathom, Natalie allowed Freddy to keep fucking her. What Freddy had said made sense. Yes, Jerry was allowing her to get some too.
The fucking went on and on, and after having her first orgasm with Freddy, she began hoping that her husband would come back so that she could look up at him, maybe reach out and hold his hand and explain. ‘This man inside me and making me cum is all a mistake and it doesn’t really mean anything.’
Natalie had already had an orgasm, and now still one more as Freddy continued to pump. He was high on grass and this hard on he was sporting could last as long as her snatch, if need be. He also was enjoying kissing her, because Natalie seemed to be returning his kisses with equal passion. One hot chick, indeed!
Yes, Natalie was cumming with Freddy because, in her mind, Jerry had probably been with another woman. Natalie would not learn until later that her husband had gone to get a keg. They both were lost in their passion at times, and at one point, someone came in, and it happened to be the guy who owned the house.
He recognized Natalie, and he too had desired her. Freddy, the lucky dog, was fucking Natalie, the chick who was probably the best looking girl here tonight. He watched for a few minutes while masturbating. Then, without coming he left quietly. The door facing the foot of the bed made it so easy for anyone who happened to come in to see the action, and from the angle where the penetration was most visible.
“Fuck baby. This is too good to bring to a close, but I’m going to drop a load into you that is so big that when it starts to run out you will probably float right up off that pillow.”
Yes, Freddy, in the process of continuing to fuck, had placed a pillow under her ass. Now, with her legs and ass high in the air, and with one of his fingers in her anus, something she had never before experienced, Natalie was on the edge too. The last two orgasms had been good, yes, but she sensed that the next one would be the orgasm to top any she had ever experienced before.
Unknown to her, but Freddy had seen them while rising to place the pillow under her ass, two guys had quietly entered the room and were now squatting down at the foot of the bed and watching. One of them knew who Natalie was, and he would try to point out her husband to his buddy later but would be unable to, because Jerry had already left the home.
Freddy began putting even more effort into his fucking. Because he had an audience, he even began to exaggerate. “You are such a hot fuck Natalie. So hot for my cock. You’ve already came several times, but I want you to cum once more and this time we’ll make it your best ever orgasm.”
And not knowing she was playing to an audience, Natalie played right into Freddy’s hands. “Oh yes, Freddy. You feel so good. Make me cum again. Use that finger.”
The two men were chuckling to themselves and elbowing each other as they watched. This was unbelievable. They had seen Natalie, had lusted over her, and here she was, getting fucked and begging for more.
Freddy played with her ass, experimenting and alternating between going in deeper and just teasing her with the tip at the entrance to her anus.
They were kissing but now she had to break the kiss because again she had something to say.
“Ooh Freddy, your finger, I like that. Keep doing it and cum in me. Now. Ooooooh shit!
Around his cock, maybe a little. Around his finger, Freddy felt it. Her third orgasm, and it was a big one. Freddy was glad that she had reached the ultimate high first. He was feeling hers, and now she could feel his, and those two guys are watching.
The two men would also witness her orgasm as her anus and yes, her vagina, now turned red, could be seen having spasms around Freddy’s cock and finger. Now, in the middle of her orgasm, it was Freddy’s turn.
“Fuck baby. Here it comes, a big load!”
His most intense orgasm maybe ever flowed forth, and after Freddy had finished throbbing, he slowly eased his cock back and out so that the two watchers could see her vagina, the insides of her vagina, and how soaked it was with his cum. Also they could see a string of cum hanging from the tip of his dick. That string needed to be placed inside her. Then slowly, he re-entered her and sank to the bottom.
Now he wanted them to hear it, and he was hoping, big time that Natalie would say it, even if she was exaggerating. “Tell me baby. Was that your best orgasm ever!”
She was right there, much to his surprise and joy. “Oh yes. It felt like my whole body was cumming!”
Freddy was pleased. His reputation as a cock hound and cocks man was intact. Freddy continued to lie on her for a long time. The two guys, thinking all was over, quietly stood up and left, waving at Freddy at the door because he was looking back at them and grinning.
Yes, Freddy was a total scoundrel. He had gave marijuana and alcohol to and seduced another man’s wife, and in the process put her on display for others, and in a most intimate manner.
Natalie slept for a while, and was unaware that Freddy had started pumping again. Being watched by others had really stimulated him, and if possible, he wanted to put on a show again. He was Freddy, and he was fucking the most beautiful woman here, and she was married. Freddy pumped, but unfortunately for him, no one came into the room.
Freddy decided to cum again and get this over with, but though he achieved almost a full erection, he could not make it cum again. Instead, he decided to just lie here and enjoy his good fortune.
Freddy was whispering nothings into her ear now as he laid on Natalie and slowly pumped. “Nice pussy. Nice snatch. Your lips, both sets. So wet and warm.”
Like her, he was sleepy, and they laid like that for perhaps another twenty minutes, his body on hers, her arms now loose on the bed, and her legs having slid down until they were wrapped around his calves. Every once in a while Freddy would come to life for a minute, pump away, and then sort of doze off again. Somewhere along the line, Freddy ended up having spent more time inside Natalie’s snatch than Jerry had in all their combined acts of lovemaking.
Her snatch was soaked now, not only from his juices, but hers. Natalie didn’t float off the pillow afterwards because of his load. But there was a lot of cum, and when that pillow came out from under her ass, it was soaked.
Natalie had fallen totally asleep, and Freddy, after trying to rouse her, went off and left her alone for a few minutes. A couple came in, saw her naked on the bed and laughed. They too, were stoned, and before they left to find another bed, the guy told his new female friend that they should just crawl onto the bed beside the sleeping woman and ‘go at it.’
“No,” she replied with a giggle, “Someone will be coming back to get her.”
Before leaving, that guy had himself a nice feel of Natalie’s breasts. Fortunately and unknown to Natalie, they did not know who she was or that she was married. left hand with the rings was currently jammed slightly under her ass on the left side.
Freddy returned with a buddy, and the buddy, the same one who owned the house and had jacked off while watching Freddy fuck her, again saw her nakedness and this time totally revealed since Freddy was not lying on her. He wanted to mount her but Freddy shook his head, saying they needed to get her dressed and back into the living room area. Her husband, he said, would probably be coming to get her.
For some reason, the homeowner chose not to tell Freddy that he had watched Freddy fucking Natalie while he stood and masturbated. In his head, he had been thinking that he could come back later and join in. He was wishing now that he had gone ahead and shot his load.
Once again, and unknown to her, a strange man had himself a nice feel of Natalie’s breasts while helping Freddy to get her dressed. Of course, since Freddy and he were buddies, Freddy allowed him to pull one of her legs out to the side while Freddy pulled on the other. They left her that way for a minute, holding her legs so that they were up and bent at the knees. This view was allowing the homeowner a nice look at her inner secrets before they slipped her panties on.
“Are you sure I can’t fuck her,” the guy begged, as unable to resist, he ran his hand over her slippery snatch and then, out of curiosity, slipped a finger deep inside her? Despite her being soaked with cum and her own juices, she still felt somewhat snug. He inserted a second finger beside the first. “Fuck she feels good. Nice and tight.”
“Naww,” answered Freddy. She’s stoned out of her gourd now. If you fucked her and she woke up and protested, it might be considered to be rape.”
In a way, Freddy wanted his buddy to fuck her so he could watch, but tonight, Natalie had belonged to him. He was pretty sure that he was the only man besides her husband to ever fuck her, and for tonight, he wanted it to remain that way. Besides, Freddy he didn’t know what size his homeowner buddy was between the legs, and if Natalie started liking his big cock, if it was, he would feel jealousy.
They sort of half carried, half walked her out to the living room. There weren’t many left now since it was so late. Someone gave Natalie some coffee, and that revived her a little. She asked and looked around, not really remembering and comprehending what all had happened earlier. She knew that Jerry had seen her with Freddy inside her, but it all seemed like a dream.
Her husband was gone, and Natalie had to get a girlfriend to drive her home, and the girlfriend was with a boyfriend. So having to keep what had happened a secret, Natalie rode home in silence, and once there, found that Jerry had not come home. Nor did he the following morning. But when Natalie came home that evening, she found that Jerry had removed all his personal items and left a note: ‘I’ll get even bitch!’
Natalie had tried calling her husband once she found out where he was staying, but Jerry wouldn’t listen. Instead he ranted. She should not have assumed he was fucking someone else since she had not seen him doing so. Her excuse that Freddy had gotten her stoned was no excuse, not after his hearing Freddy say that she had allowed Freddy to finger her snatch on her wedding night. That was the line of her husband’s thinking, and he could not be persuaded otherwise.
Actually, considering the circumstances, Jerry probably had good reason to be upset to the point of separating.
Finally, after three weeks, Natalie realized that her marriage, short as it had been, was finished. She stayed in the apartment. The rent was cheap and the security deposit had already been paid. Natalie was making enough money to cover expenses, for now, but barely.
Now alone, there was no Jerry to protect her, to help her. She was being raped, by three men, and the second one was about to invade her snatch.
The mask they had placed over her eyes, more of a rag than a mask, was sliding down over her cheek, and now she could see, with one eye, the men surrounding her bed.
“Shit guys. Her mask has come off. She’s seen our faces!”
“It don’t matter,” the man she had identified by voice as being black, answered. “I don’t think she’ll be calling the cops.” He looked down at Natalie, and as she looked up at him, she saw that he had his shirt off, but was still wearing his pants. “What do you say honey,” he asked as he reached down and pulled the mask off her face. “You gonna be calling the cops?”
At last Natalie was free. Free of the bindings they had started out with, and now the covering over her eyes. The man was right, she had no intention of calling the police. That is, if they allowed her to live.
“Just do what you want and don’t hurt me. I want to get this over with and I promise not to tell anyone.”
“That’s what I plan to do baby. Get on, get it in, and get it off, and then, before you know it, we’ll be out of here.”
Natalie was appraising him now, his wide shoulders, his powerful looking arms as they were now removing his pants, and his BIG COCK!
He had allowed his loose fitting trouser to just drop to his ankles and was now raising one foot and then the other as he tugged his trousers off. That cock, Natalie could see, was not even fully erect yet and was already the thickness of her wrist.
She was staring up at it so hard that she had not been aware of the comments the other two men were making. The man who had been talking like he was in charge was saying “Fuck Juan. I thought you had given her the big meat, but I guess now she gets a chance for something more.”
The huge black man had begun stroking his uncut cock, and Natalie watched as the shiny chocolate head of his penis would be exposed and then covered again with each stroke. Finally, after a minute, the cock had grown full size and he was no longer pulling the skin up over the fat knob.
“Don’t hurt me with that, please,” Natalie pleaded as the black man crawled up onto the bed and between her legs. She wanted to close them, but knew it was no use. She was going to be fucked, really fucked, and as the old saying goes…RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.
“Don’t worry babe. I plan to work that snatch of yours like it has never been done before, and when I’m through, you’ll probably be asking for more.”
The black guy, whose name was DeMarcus, looked over at the white guy who until now had sort of been in command. “How about you? You want to fuck her before I get her all stretched out?”
DeMarcus was offering to allow a man they knew as Jimmy D a chance to buck the fuck line. Jimmy was still dressed and shook his head as he grabbed at his crotch. “Shit no man. She’s already stretched and soaked from Juan. I plan to get up beside her and allow her to do some sucking while you do the fucking.”
And that was how it began, Natalie’s first fuck with a black man, and her first suck with a total stranger.
“Ooooh please, go slow. Uhhhhnnnnh!” Natalie had just taken the first portion, the head of DeMarcus’s cock within, and she was squirming her hips in an effort to get away, and at the same time, ease his entry.
“Ooooh shit, awww fuck, it’s so big.”
As the brown salami was slowly being worked into her, Natalie felt a penis, white and not so big, hit her on the right cheek. She turned her head and looking up, saw Jimmy staring down at her with a grin as he waved his hard cock back and forth before her eyes.
She didn’t know who this man was, but from the way it appeared, he had brought the Mexican and the black with him, and now he was wanting his cock sucked. Knowing she was going to have to get this over with, and inwardly dreading what might happen, that she might have to swallow cum for the first time, Natalie went to work.
Her lips and tongue went into a smooth fucking motion, working that cock, taking it fairly deep into her mouth because it was small. But below, with her snatch, things were not going so easy. Juan had moved close to the bed and was watching from close up. “She’s got a tight snatch man, I can swear to that. Shit, she can barely take that black dick it looks like.”
Natalie sucked, using this small cock like a teething ring as she inexorably felt that huge piece of warm meat going deeper, ever deeper, stretching her but yet and strangely, not hurting.
DeMarcus was buried now. It was maybe a miracle, but Natalie, somehow was taking him and even responding a little with her hips. His long strokes forward and down began to be matched by her short strokes upward. Natalie moaned, and all three men looked at one another and grinned.
Natalie was somewhat aroused, but inwardly she was still worried. ‘Will these men allow me to just be here, afterwards and trust me not to be calling the police? I need to have a protector, and this black guy is my best bet.’
Natalie wanted to have one of the men so attracted to her that if it came down to it, he might protect her from the others if they actually planned to do her harm. So not caring if the other men saw, she fucked back at DeMarcus, and eventually, as her legs came surprisingly high around his big ass as she adapted more and more to the meat he was using to turn her snatch into pudding, she was using her hands to softly caress him, first on his back, and eventually on his face.
Then they kissed, and Natalie, wanting to turn him on to her in more ways than just sex, responded to his tongue action with equal passion and more. She moaned into his mouth, and dug her fingers into his back whenever she was not caressing the sides of his face.
This was all hard to do since she also had to keep sucking on that cock off to her side. If only that cock was not making demands for her mouth, she could give her full attention to DeMarcus, and his wonderful cock. She needed to concentrate on DeMarcus, and somehow get him all turned on to her, and protective.
Finally, wanting to get the cock in her mouth out of the way, she began to give it her full concentration, or at least her mouth, and sure enough, in just three or four minutes she felt it grow larger in the head. And then the ejaculation started.
It flowed, and it blasted, and Natalie felt the thick cum hitting her on the back of he throat. She had no choice but to swallow, and it helped that she was having a remarkable orgasm with DeMarcus at the same time.
“Look at the little bitch, she’s swallowing it all!”
“Yeah, I can see that, and she’s had her last kiss with me.”
Oops. Now DeMarcus had been taken out of the equation because she had planned to lie under him after his orgasm and cuddle and kiss in an effort to really get him to maybe care about her. Now the kissing was out.
But she gave it her best effort, showing DeMarcus that she was very turned on by, and attracted to him. As his penis stiffened and began blasting into her pulsing cunt, she moaned, wriggled her hips and, yes, yes, she was coming again. She had planned to fake it, but no need.
This was a first. The first time she had came twice in a row, no, make that three times as Marcus kept pumping. She wanted to kiss him, but of course, couldn’t.
But her job was not through. DeMarcus kept pumping, draining his softening penis, and the man who had seemed to be in charge was using his fingers to stroke up the side of his shaft, bringing forth more cum and forcing her to swallow once again, and then once more.
All was quiet as a penis, now half soft, came out of her mouth at the same time a soft but still substantial cock came our of her pussy. ‘Am I through now? Is it over?’ Natalie was lying quietly as DeMarcus removed his body from hers and her soaked, used and abused pussy came into view.
Her nipples were rigid and could be seen moving up and down as her chest heaved. She was shiny with sweat, her entire body, and her lips, both sets, looked extremely wet and shiny. If ever a woman looked like she had been fucked and put up wet, it was now.
Everyone stared. For over a minute they stared down at her. “Fuck, she not only has a lovely snatch, her whole body, but her face is beautiful too.”
Then the white man who was talking and had been in charge looked off to somewhere behind Natalie, at the head of the bed and off to one side where she had never looked. “O.K. Mister. Your turn.”
Shocked, Natalie twisted her head, and there he stood, her husband as he stared down at her heaving and sweaty body.
Jerry came around to the front so that she could better see him without twisting her head. She could see that his face was red, probably from anger as he stared into her eyes.
“I see that you still like to fuck, you little cunt. I warned you that I would get even!”

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