To start off. At one point in my life we really struggled. We had just bought a house completely sure that we could afford it, being both me and my husband was up for promotions. Needles to say our plan went straight to the tube as none of us got it.
From that point on and for some time we lived from paycheck to paycheck and were pretty much broke at least a week every month. We started arguing a lot and there was a lot of frustrations and tensions between us.
Than my first mistake: During the tough times I really had a friend in Roger, on of my workmates at the office. He was truly a big support. And at one point I developed a crush on him. He was going through some rough patches too, and I guess he developed feelings for me to. One time at a company get together we ended up together after way to much to drink. We made love in the copy-room.. I don’t remember much about it, but I know now that it was quite passionate.
My second mistake was off the legal-matter. I can’t really discuss it but it was of the financial nature, and wouldwill give me prison time.
At the time I convinced myself that the night with Roger was a honest mistake and we both decided not to talk about it. And as far as my felony went, well it paid the bills and my marriage was better than ever.
One morning after the staff meeting my boss came to me and told me that he had gotten a job offer over seas that he couldn’t decline, and told me to join him in his offer to meet my new boss. I had changed bosses 3 times at that point so wasn’t really worried, but I sure as hell would be.
As the door opened I saw a brunette about my age in a very expensive dress suit on the phone. She looked really familiar but I didn’t recognize her at the time. Me and my boss just waited for her to hang up before I learned her name.
She got up from her chair and introduced herself : -“ Hello, I’m your new boss Hailey Hudson.” The name didn’t really mean anything to me so I introduced myself and we talked a little with my boss. It wasn’t until the day my boss left the company I got to realize why she seemed so familiar.
-“ Don’t you recognize me Terri?” She asked with a smile on her face. I shook my head and apologized but that I really didn’t. –“ Before I married I was Hailey Henderson. We went to school together.” She smiled as I froze.
I remembered Hailey all to well. In college we were basically arch enemies. Always fighting over guys and everything else. I was quite popular in school, and I guess you could say I was a kind of bully. And I had treated Hailey pretty bad at times. Off course I was not the same person now, but I felt like I had to apologize, wouldn’t want to start off on the wrong foot with my boss.
“ I’m so sorry Hailey…I mean.. I didn’t mean too..” she cut me off -“ not now Terri.”
And we went back to work. I remember I had a bad feeling in my gut, but I had no idea how bad this would get.
The rest of the day went alright, we didn’t talk much, but the few lines between us were civil.
After work I went home and everything was pretty normal.
The next morning when I showed up for work, I found a note on my desk. I read it: it was from Hailey telling me to meet her for lunch at a restaurant downtown. I did my work and took a cab downtown.
As I entered the restaurant I had to look around to find her, she sat in the back, on her phone. I truly believed we were here to talk business.( In a sense we were). As I approached her table I heard her say -“ I have to go now. I’ll call you back in 5 minutes. Ciao.” As she hung up.
-“ Terri, I’m glad you’re here, have a seat.” She smiled and pointed me down at the chair across from her, I sat down and she pulled up a paper-bag from her purse and picked up what looked like a mini-DVD player, she pressed play and gave it to me.
I took it in my hands and watched the screen, for a few seconds it was just static, but then:
The screen split and there was one video on each side. My jaw dropped as I realized what I saw. The first screen was footage from the copy room where me and Roger apparently made love, it looked really brutal and rough and made me sick. The other screen was footage of me committing my crime. I was crying now, I looked at Hailey and she just smiled at me.
“ This can’t get out…This will ruin my marriage…this will send me to jail…Please…”
Hailey didn’t say anything just smiled at me.
“ What do you want Hailey??” I stammered out.
-“ I wanna eat. I`m starving.” She said as she called for the waiter.
I cried out “ I mean what do you want from me? This can’t get out.”
She told the waiter we needed a few more minutes, before she turned to me and said
-“ I’m glad you asked Terri. You were always a bitch to me in school, so off course there’s nothing I want more than to fuck up your life. But there are more than one way for me to get what I want.” I told her I’d do anything, she laughed and said
-“ I think you need to give that another thought. Heres what’s gonna happen: I call me friend and he’ll send one tape to your husband at work and one to the police, he throws you out, and you go to jail, and you will never get a job again.” She smiled before she continued
-“ Or you become my bitch, and your secrets are safe with me.”
I tried to wrap my head around what had just happened, but she got impatient:
-“ Well looser, what is it gonna be? My bitch or jail?”
“ What does being your “bitch” include? What would I have to do?” I asked her, her answer was crystal clear: -“ What I want, when I want, with who I want. It’s easy.”
I really didn’t know what to do, being her bitch was not sounding very nice, but I couldn’t go to jail, and my husband could never find out I cheated on him.
Before I had answered she picked up her cell-phone again while saying
-“ If you can’t make up your stupid mind, I’ll do it for you” as she started dialing a number.
I panicked now and made my decision. “ I’ll be your bitch! I’ll do anything you want! Please hang up” She said -“ can you hold on one minute?” to the person on the phone, before she said to me -“ Get under the table and eat my pussy.” Looking at me with a very serious grin.
When I didn’t immediately jump under she went back on the phone, I panicked and literally jumped under the table and was met by a panty-less crotch spreading her legs. I put my mouth on it and tasted it. I am not a lesbian, infact the very idea makes me sick. But I knew she meant business and did my best to lick on it.
-“ Terri. That is not the devotion I was hoping for, I’m sure at some point you have been eaten your self, you know that shit you do don’t feel good. Now get to work and eat my fucking pussy or I make the call!” As sick as it may sound, she didn’t have to tell me twice.
I sucked, licked actually ate her pussy as well as I could. She did moan a lot so I guess I did okay, while I ate she ordered a meal and the bartender asked her if her friend had left already Hailey giggled and said -“ She went right for the desert.”
she kept me slurping her pussy for at least a half hour, at the end my jaw was killing me and my tongue was numb.’
-“ Okay, stop bitch.” She barked and I stopped. –“Hold your ugly face still.” She said as I felt her grabbing the back of my head from under the table and push my face in her crotch and actually wiping herself on my face. It was so disgusting and humiliating.
–“ Get up!” she said and I did. I sat back down on the chair as she blurted out laughing
-“ OH MY GOD! You look like a train wreck. And you reek.” She continued laughing.
I cried again and said -“ How long will I have to do this..” she smiled and said
–“ well, that’s the beautiful part. For as long as I want. And the second you choose to disappoint me I can make the call. It’s a winwin. Brilliant!”
I was broken now. I had no idea what sort of things she would make me do, but I knew I was going to hate everything about it. –“ Okay, Terri let’s get back to work, you have a shit load of filing to do.” She smiled as she took the last sip from her water and we left.
We went back to work and I cried my self through some filing. After some time she called me into her office. I knocked on the door and was told to get in.
She sat in her chair and said -“ I have made a few ground rules for your new service, so it will be easier to keep me happy.” She smiled and continued
–“ Get your ass under my desk and get that mouth back to work. You could use some practice”
I placed myself under her desk between her thighs and went back to eating her out.
-“ You may answer me between licks once in a while to let me know you pay attention.”
She barked before she started to talk about my new life. And I have to tell you, being forced to lick your enemies crotch while being told you basically have no life left is hard.
To sum up she told me that from that day forward until she got bored I was going to lick, suck and fuck her and whoever she decided, no questions asked. That I was to perform any sexual act no matter how disgusting or humiliating with no hesitation and a smile on my face. ( that’s right, I had to act like I loved it no matter what!)
She also informed me that she now put me on a “protein-diet” as she called it. Hearing about this one really turned my stomach. You see, I had given my hubby and a few of my ex`s blowjobs, but I always made them cum on my tits or something, the very idea of tasting it had always turned me off.
Hailey now informed me that semen was now a part of my daily diet. That no matter what when a man drained his balls in or on me (her words) , I had to eat it. And to start off she told me that before I went off work today I needed to swallow 2 loads. She had apparently set up an appointment with 2 guys at our office. I wanted to kill her!!
After explaining my new life as property she closed her eyes and laid back on her chair as she barked -“ Now speed up that tongue cuntlick, we don’t have all day!”
She made me eat her to orgasm. Then she told me to stand up and get undressed. I wasn’t comfortable with that at all, but with that look on her face I knew better than to argue. I slowly began to undress my self. Once I was completely naked she pointed me over with her finger.
I stopped in front of her desk at her wish, and she began to explore my body with one hand, roughly. She pulled my nipples until I screamed with a smile on her face. Then she grabbed my pubic hair and pulled on them while calmly saying -“ Guys don’t like that Terri, starting tomorrow you’ll be bald as a baby. Got it?” as I screamed and twitched in pain. After that she told me to sit up on her desk and spread my legs for her.
-“ Play with yourself pig! “ she barked as she sat back comfortably in her chair. It was so humiliating but I reached my hand down and started to simulate my dry vagina, Hailey then spat on it and said -“ There’s some lube, now get that hand working, your not going anywhere until you cum.”
I tried my best to please myself in front of her, I closed my eyes and tried to think about things that turned me on, but she didn’t make it easy for me constantly throwing out comments and calling me names. Eventually as the time went on I got closer and closer to an orgasm and apparently Hailey didn’t just notice but figured she’d make it worse, as I started to fasten my breath and moaning she got up from her chair and said
-“ Keep rubbing it bitch!” and as I came in the most explosive orgasm I have ever had she sat down full weight on my face causing me to scream out in her ass as I heard she laughed!!
Once I came to my self she casually got up and went back to her desk while saying down to me -“ I wanted your first orgasm under me to be one to remember and screaming into my asshole seemed to fit the bill. Now get up and get dressed pig.”
And I got up and in tears got dressed. I had never been so disgusted in my life, but I was as the day went on I was about to be more disgusted and humiliated.
While I finished buttoning up my dress, Hailey turned to me and said
-“ Now this is gonna be so much fun.” As she laughed before she continued
-“ You are about to start your training as my very own “cocksucker” “
My stomach turned and my tears came back
“ Please Hailey…Don’t make me do this…can’t we just be done now? “
She smiled at me and said -“ Don’t be silly Terri , we haven’t even started “
I begged her to stop this , but to no use, she just kept smiling and giggling.
She pushed a button on her speaker and said -“ Ashley, could you be a saint and send Allen into my office.”
I froze. I knew in basic what I was about to do, but Allen, I didn’t even know who that was, the very idea of being forced into doing something like this to a complete stranger made me sick.
A COCKSUCKERS DEBUT pt.1 The second she got off the intercom she told me a few ground rules before Allen showed up.
Hailey told me that she had told him that I was a slut who wanted to learn how to please men with my mouth, and that I had paid her to find men to practice on. ( god, I hated her!). So if I gave him the impression that I hated this, our deal was over.
-“ You need to be a grateful piggy, got it?” she told me very strict.
I was told to be on my knees unless Allen said otherwise. I was told to greet him by giving his crotch a kiss, and then wait for orders.
A few seconds later there was a knock on the door, and Hailey sat down on her desk and told the man to come in. The door opened and in stepped this guy Allen. He was tall, with blond hair, he looked down at me as I stumbled on my knees towards him and kissed his crotch as Hailey had told me to. Allen laughed towards Hailey and said -“ You weren’t joking? Is this really happening?”
Hailey smiled and said -“ I was not joking at all Allen. This bitch really wants to learn”
Hailey Then pulled out her chair and rolled it towards Allen with her foot while she said
-“ sit down, and make yourself comfortable.”
Allen then sat down and said sounding quite confused –“ So, what’s the deal here? You just want to blow me?” to me, I didn’t know what to say, but Hailey answered for me:
-“ Allen, you’re the man here, she wants to do whatever pleases you. You’re a guy, and she does whatever she has to do in order to get guys to cum. Don’t you Terri?”
I nodded and tried not to look angry.
Allen then undid his pants and pulled them down to his ankles, as Hailey said to him:
-“ She likes to be told what to do, and call her names and talk dirty…She LOVES that!”
Allen shook his head, and asked me if that was true. I off course had no choice but to nod and
-“ Well, then show me how bad you want it then. Kiss it, and lick it..bitch.” not sounding very convincing, but I knew I had to do it, Hailey owned me. I swallowed and leaned down between his legs and gave his penis the first of many kisses. His penis was big and his testicles was huge. I kissed those to, tried my best to be as passionate as I could while fighting my stomach and brain the entire time.
-“ Oh, I’m sorry Terri, I forgot to you wanted to film it.” Hailey suddenly said, I froze as I saw Hailey pull out a video-camera from her desk while saying to Allen
-“ She wants to have footage she can watch and practice” with a smile on her face. Hailey then sat down next to me, pushing the camera in my face, as I tried my best to concentrate on the task at hand.
A COCKSUCKERS DEBUT pt2. After a few more minutes Hailey told me to stop, she put the camera down and told Allen that he apparently didn’t get the idea here. She told him that I was shy, but craved to be dominated and needed practice and discipline. That this was a chance to get exactly what he wanted. That he could make me do anything, and that he should slap me around if I didn’t please him.
-“ That’s what you want isn’t it slut?” I nodded. She kept on giving him ideas and basically pep-talking him into treating me like shit. I hated the fact that I couldn’t refuse, or even look upset. Allen needed to believe Hailey.
After this close to 10 minute pep-talk Allen changed. He KNEW I would do anything at this point and between him and Hailey I was really put to work.
I was to start to kiss it again. I did, but clearly not to his wishes as I received a slap, not hard, but enough to hate it. –“ You love cock don’t you? Prove it! Kiss it like you love it bitch!” Allen barked as I leaned back in and began to drenched it in the most passionate kisses I could. Every ones in a while I received a slap, every time him or Hailey felt I got lazy I guess.
-“ Okay slut, you have earned your self a licking.” Allen barked after a good 10 minutes of kissing. –“ Wash my cock and balls with your fucking tongue whore!” , it was so humiliating licking all over his cock and balls , not to mention that my licks had to be just as passionate as my kisses. Hailey made sure that I didn’t miss a inch of his manhood, they even made me lick under his testicles inches from his asshole, I gagged a few times, which pissed off Hailey as she grabbed my hair and yelled -“ Keep that tongue moving pig!” a she roughly directed my mouth.
After a while I was told to start sucking by Allen. I wrapped my lips around his spit-shined penis and began to suck as I had sucked my hubby before. This was not good enough, and from that point on and for at least 15 minutes Allen was constantly barking out orders and slapping me when I didn’t obey fast enough.
The commands actually made me dizzy. I was licking and sucking at the same time, slow and deep, fast and deep, he even learned me to “deep throat”, a technique I was told I needed to know. I was constantly being told where to use my hands, tongue and lips. After what seemed like forever I was told that he was about to feed me. I knew what he meant and got a really bad feeling in my stomach, but fought to keep my game face on.
He stood up and I was told my lick his balls and beg like a doggy. And as nasty and disturbing everything up until that point had been, this was the most degrading thing I had ever done. I licked his balls and whimpered like a dog while he masturbated and called me names, for another to minutes before he yelled –“ Open that mouth and stick out your tongue you fucking whore!” I opened my mouth as he aimed his cock for my mouth and screamed out loud as jets of semen flew out of it and into my mouth , as the first few jets hit my throat I gagged and almost puked, -“ Don’t you miss a fucking drop!” he barked down at me as he emptied himself in my mouth.
He squeezed out every drop in my now overflowing disgusting mouth, as my eyes watered up in disgust and my stomach fighting me.
-“ You may swallow your reward now bitch.” I gagged, and had to swallow 3 or 4 times to get it down before he showed his cock back in my mouth. –“ clean that off.” .
He made me suck and lick on it until it got soft, at least 5 more minutes, before Hailey came over and told me to kiss his cock one more time and thank him for his cum with the camera in my face.
Then she told me to get up and get out and back to work as she handed my a file. As I walked out the door she whispered –“ Be back at 3”. And closed the door behind me.

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