Share my steady Pussy

True story, happened to me. Not a fantasy.
Part one. ‘Come on, fuck my mother, fuck my mother!’
North side of Huntsville, Alabama, the early 60s.
As I turned down the street my steady pussy lived on, I could see no cars, not one parked along the block. That would figure though since the people living along this block consisting of only three or four houses and several vacant lots probably could not afford an automobile.
As I drew near her house, the three room shanty on the left, I pulled down on the selector lever, dropping the dual-range Hydra-matic transmission in my green 1951 Oldsmobile 88 down to third and slowly accelerated. As I passed by I was watching her windows and backing off on the gas. The dual pipes with straight mufflers rumbled nicely as my speed dropped from 45 to around 35 but I saw no movement at the window.
If she had heard me, she needed more time.
I turned off my headlights before I made the U Turn. If he was down there I didn’t want her elderly night watchman husband who worked in the now dark factory another block down and at the end of the street to see me going back past his house.
My eyes were fixed on her house, with the roof that covered the wooden porch. This time I cruised by slowly, but still down in third, and there was no mistaking her presence in the window as she tossed the drapes aside in a big sweeping motion.
I smiled. Two visits past I had gone by, and though she had moved the curtain, I had not seen it. That night had resulted in no get together. So now she was making sure there was no doubt that she was there and all was cool. Yep, her husband was working.
Making another U turn I headed back and parked opposite her house. If her husband happened to look down the street, unlikely since there were no street lights in the middle of the block, he would think the car was for the house across the street.
Age 35 and slim, she pressed her body up against my skinny 20 year old frame before I could even get in the door. Yeah, I was skinny at that time, the amazing body-building changes would come a few years later. If you were to look at signs that someone was in love with someone else without actually saying so , you would think it now. This woman, it would seem by the way she was hugging me, really liked me.
Or was it my cock? Oh oh, you say, here it comes, the giant cock.
Nope. Sorry, just an average, maybe slightly over average almost seven rumbled with medium thickness, and uncut. If a gal should maybe…ask, of course I would always say ‘seven inches,’ and not ‘almost seven.’ But what she liked, I am sure is the fact that my cock could last, and last. I don’t know why, but I always had that ability.
When we kids in the Ohio countryside finally go old enough to ‘shoot’ and used to jack off together, I was the one that couldn’t ‘come fast’ like the rest of them. No, not homosexual activity, just checking out the other guys you might say. Early years teen stuff.
Because I couldn’t or wouldn’t come within a minute or two I was the odd one, those boys thought. At that time, I didn’t know that I was the lucky one. You see, it takes time to build up a good worthwhile fantasy in your mind when you are masturbating. If something feels good, why hurry?
After high school I had carried that ability to last to California. What a change that was. Like a different world. In Ohio, you practically had to marry a girl, or pretend you wanted to in order to get laid. In California, no such thing.
Before I had been laid off at the Bethlehem steel plant on Slauson Avenue in Vernon, CA and subsequently losing my 1957 Chevrolet, I had scored on over 50 some women. Not long after, a few months, and tired of being broke during a ‘recession’ I joined the Army. I took a count one day while in basic training and remembered having scored on 60 over less than a two-year time frame.
I kind of got used to having ‘steady pussy,’ but it was spread out over several women rather that just one.
Now I was in Alabama and the pickings were slim. At that time I never really thought about it, but how that woman who was becoming my steady pussy could exist living in that home was beyond me. The house had no actual foundation under it, but rather sat up above the ground on wooden posts. I suppose that was to save on the cost of pouring a foundation, but some people said it helped to keep the bugs out.
Don’t get me wrong, she was clean, and so was her home. Her shanty, I would call it that even though it had two bedrooms, she kept swept spotlessly clean, but it had no furniture. The two bedrooms were bare to the walls, The living room consisted of one double bed and no couch.
To this day I can still remember the feel of that thin double mattress and the sort of lumpy feel it had. But I wasn’t worried about the feel of that mattress, just what was on it. The rest of the house had maybe a chair of two, I forget. In the back was a kitchen. Out back, an outhouse. Yes, an outhouse, just a mile or so from the main downtown area of Huntsville (we soldiers called it ‘Huntspatch’) Alabama.
No T.V., nothing. Just her, her 60-year-old-husband she had told me, and the bed, living in the house.
One might say that a fairly attractive and slim 35-year-old woman might have married a man 60 years of age for security. Security? With not even a couch in the living room? But I didn’t get into asking her ‘why?’
Instead, I got into her, and as often as possible. I was a horny 20-year old soldier sharing the barracks and sleeping in an open 40 cot bay with a bunch of horny soldiers, (At the Arsenal the barracks were in round metal Quonset huts). Pussy was something that must be sought out, cherished and protected. And I was one of the fortunate ones, I had steady pussy, and free.
What also was nice, because I had owned a car before I joined the Army, I had gone home after basic training and taken it to my next duty assignment, which was guided missile school. Most of the soldiers in the barracks had no car. So car-wise and steady pussy-wise, I was ahead of the game.
Now, so many years later, I don’t remember how I happened to meet this 35 year old housewife, but oh boy do I remember the details of our matings. Now this night, our third time to be together, I was to receive a surprise, one that would shock and later, excite me.
We got into the bed immediately, naked and ready. She climbed in first, and since the right foot of the bed was sort of facing the front door and closer I got in on her left at first. Later, since I am right-handed, I would gravitate to the other side of her and on her right.
We hadn’t even started to really make out yet when suddenly, without warning, there was a quick loud knock at the door, and before I could even react, the door burst open! She had not locked it.
In they came, through the door and right over to the bed. As I was to find out later, the older one was the mother and aged 41. She was decent in the body, fair on the face, and had no front teeth! When I say ‘no front teeth.’ I don’t just mean the front two, but all four. That’s right, all four in the front were missing.
I don’t know if they had been knocked out or removed, but she apparently had no money for a dentist, I guess, and no money for bridgework. She lived behind, on the next block.
With her, the woman had brought, here it comes, her daughter! The mother was brunette, but the daughter was blonde for this night, with medium length hair. And she was stacked. I mean, as in BUILT! You wanna talk about firm tits, in the days before plastic? Well, this gal had them.
Her waist was small, and her ass was superb along with her legs, but those tits, well, I couldn’t take my eyes off them. Yes, she was dressed, but wearing a tight summer blouse in white which concealed nothing. And she was pretty. Very. Just 18 (ahem) and almost…I say almost…innocent.
Innocent my ass. In shock over their sudden unannounced entry I had barely grabbed the white sheet and pulled it over my naked body when the two of them were over on the bed, sitting beside me and the young one had pulled down the cover, grabbed my now totally soft uncut cock and started jacking hurriedly.
And what was she saying, this lovely amazingly built little blonde? “COME ON, FUCK MY MOTHER, FUCK MY MOTHER!”
No shit. I mean, that is what she was saying and loudly as she furiously jacked my dick. No introductions, no ‘Hi, my name is…and how are you?’ No, it was ‘FUCK MY MOTHER’ and she said it twice.
Don’t believe it? Well, I wouldn’t blame you, especially since this was so far back in time, before the internet and R-rated movies on T.V. But here it was, in real time, and it was happening to me.
Did I fuck her mother?
Why, you ask, and what about the daughter with the fantastic tits?
Remember back there I said that I had this steady pussy? Well, I was thinking along the lines of the woman in bed with me getting jealous and I would lose my steady pussy. Very nice pussy by the way.
I didn’t even have time to ask what was going on, because right about then my steady pussy woman had climbed out of bed naked and looked out through the front window curtains.
“My husband is coming down the street!”
Without time to get dressed, I stupidly ran through the kitchen and out the back door, totally naked, embarrassed and bare foot. I didn’t even take time to grab my clothes. Her husband was a night guard and was armed.
Naked and shivering, I hid out back behind a shed for what seemed like an eternity. It was around September now, it was getting colder at nights, and my guided missile training at Redstone Arsenal was almost over.
I shivered, and my cock shriveled. I waited, and finally, out came the housewife, and she said ‘He’s gone now, you can come back inside.” I followed her in, and the first thing I noticed was that the young one had suddenly tried to hide my billfold. When my housewife had gone outside to get me, this innocent little gal had apparently grabbed it out of my pants that had gone under the bed at first, and was maybe wanting to help herself to some money.
But I was a private in the Army back in the days before Vietnam raised all the salaries, and there was no money to be had in my billfold, maybe a couple of bucks. I pretended not to notice and looking away, gave her time to put my billfold back into the pants.
Turns out that it had all been set up. My steady pussy had told her friend around the corner about me and had offered to share me with her. But I didn’t know that and I don’t think that the plan was for me to know in advance.
My steady pussy’s husband had seen my car parked across the street and came down to investigate. The youngest one saved the day and had told him that my car was one of her boyfriend’s who had drove off with a buddy. The guard had returned to his job, and my dick had not been shot off or fallen off because of the cold.
Because I had not had time to talk with my 35 year old about keeping my steady pussy going, I didn’t do anything with the two neighbors that night. What I did do a day later was fix up an older prior service buddy named Kenny with her, and that very night he fucked the 41 year old and yes, I did get the young one in bed with me and my steady pussy.
Kenny was prematurely almost bald, and a little on the heavy side, and even though he was much older then me was not all that adept at seducing women. Me, I was not afraid to try. So I was doing as buddies are supposed to do, helping another buddy to get laid.
Kenny did tell me that the 41 year old could suck some cock. With no front teeth and some gums free to use, I guess that would be true.
Even though I never got a gummy blowjob, I think I had the better of the deal. I had the 35 year old, the young one with the fantastic body, and I had the bed. Kenny took the mother into the other bedroom, with only a blanket for a mattress.
At that stage of my development with women, I, or maybe both Kenny and I, had not reached the point of openly fucking our women in front of each other.
The three women? I think they would have gone for it, but for some reason, something I have often wondered about what was missed, we never all five got into that one bed.
Well, there is nice pussy, and there is tight pussy and all the variations. The 35-year-old had the tightest pussy, more so than the young one. They seemed to want to compete, and I was the instrument they were using to prove who was the best fuck.
I was really enjoying fondling those almost unreal tits on the young one, but all the while I had to act sort of…’indifferent’ about it. I didn’t want to make my steady pussy jealous and maybe lose it, you see.
The 35 year old I fucked and kissed. The 18 year old I fucked and fondled. There is a difference in the message I was sending those two.
I am closer to the older one, so I kiss her. Young gal, you have the nicer young firm tits, so I feel them. Your pussies are equal in stature. But deep down I knew the difference, or maybe I should say deep inside. The older gal had the pussy that felt better to me. The tighter one, even though it also got wetter.
So there you are lady readers, we men can make comparisons too on the size of the genitals.
Oh, in case you are wondering, there was no interchange between my steady pussy and her neighbor’s daughter. They shared me, but did not share their bodies with one another. Not even a kiss, and the thought of it did not even occur to me. That advanced thinking, and the knowledge that women, given the opportunity, will usually make it with one another, would come to me much later in life.
Got two women and want them to go at it with one another? Try the share the cock bit. But this time, instead of saying ‘pass it over to her,’ say ‘both of you suck it at the same time.’ Pretty soon, almost automatically, they will be touching one another’s tongue.
The rest happens naturally. Many times I have had two women sucking on the head of my dick, and all the while be tonguing each other. Two tongues on your cock at the same time, but they are wrestling with one another, while the head of your cock is off to the side, but involved. Hey guys, that really feels good!
But that stuff would be in the future for me. It was nice though, lying there on my back and watching as the two competing women took turns sucking my cock. Young blonde and older brunette, one wanting to keep me around, the other having fun competing and experimenting. Her mother was getting fucked in the bedroom, and that had been the original plan just the night before. Except that now, her mother was getting fucked by my buddy Kenny, and I don’t know if he was able to last.
‘That’s it, now pass it back to her. Aaaah yes. Stroke my foreskin at the same time. Aaaah yes, that feels good.’
I heard later that the blonde had gotten pregnant by a soldier, supposedly, and came to the base and the company commander had some men line up so she could pick one out. I said I heard that, I don’t know if it was true.
Yes, I had shot loads, multi loads into her, and though the pill had just been introduced, I doubt that she had the money to get any, nor my 35 year old for that matter. You know, to this day I don’t know if the 35 year old had any kids. I never heard her mention any. Tight pussy wise, I would say ‘no.’
A young blonde was at Redstone Arsenal trying to find a father of a coming child and maybe turn him into a husband, but by then I was on the way to White Sands Missile Range, (W.S.M.R.), New Mexico with orders and travel money in hand.
On the road! There is nothing better, except steady pussy for me besides being on the road. It was nice. The Army was paying for me to drive my car cross-country, and my prior-service buddy Kenny was with me. He had been to Redstone Arsenal for re-training, and his orders also specified White Sands.
So Kenny, and two other soldiers sharing the gas, rode with me to W.S.M.R. We drove straight though, non-stop. Though we were allocated several days to get there, with passengers I didn’t dally along the way.
I had left my steady Alabama pussy behind.
Part two. “I can feel it, but I wish I could see the way her pussy looks all stretched out.’
What a change W.S.M.R. and new Mexico was from Alabama. Desert replaced trees. To the east giant white sand dunes. To the immediate west, low rolling hills climbing steeply up to a very impressive set of finger shaped peaks above W.S.M.R. called the Organ Needles, highest needle elevation 9,012 and yes, I climbed it.
The Army, of course in their wisdom, had trained me in a missile that was becoming obsolete, the Corporal, and at W.S.M.R. I was assigned to the Redstone Missile, the basis of which launched our first astronauts into space.
My job was to find steady pussy, and I went to work. It didn’t take long. Though most of the soldiers with cars (they drank, I didn’t) made the longer drive from W.S.M.R. across the desert to El Paso, TX and of course Cuidad Juarez and its whore houses across the Rio Grande, I preferred Las Cruces, N.M. on the other side of the Organ Needles.
I don’t pay for pussy you see, at least not directly.
The view of the Organ Needles from Las Cruces is even more spectacular as the fingers in the air effect is even greater. Las Cruces had a drive-in restaurant located right at the corner of where U.S. 70 came into town from W.S.M.R. and turned west towards Deming, Lordsburg, and eventually, California, while US 85 headed North towards Albuquerque, Denver and beyond. It was a good corner for a drive in restaurant, and I found my gal.
Her name was Sue, and she was good, steady pussy. Sue was from somewhere else, and was living with relatives. I won’t say where she came from, because Sue is her real name. Somewhere along the way the ’51 Oldsmobile had morphed into a ’53 and we did it in that Oldsmobile, and almost every night. I kept Kenny as a friend, and made some new ones.
Because I had a car, there were soldiers I knew that wanted to come along. So I did a lot of double-dating, mostly when I had Sue out, and another soldier friend I had dated a gal that went to the New Mexico College of Mining and Agriculture. Back then they called the students who attended there ‘Aggies.’ Today that little college is known as New Mexico State University, and that little town of Las Cruces, pop. around 6,000, is now a huge bustling community.
Yes, even though sometimes a couple was in the back and usually the girl back there was making out but not ‘going all the way’, Sue and I were busy in the front seat doing and going. I could not afford motels on a (promoted) Army Specialist’s salary, and boy did we wish for another location where we could stretch out.
On single dates we found it in a cemetery just down the street from where Sue lived. Yes, a cemetery. You see, the cemetery was the only place, private enough, where there was grass. Grass to lie on. Grass to fuck on. Steady pussy on the grass. Some readers might like the term ‘Ass on the grass.’
Maybe it’s time I give our readers a description of Sue and her body. Tall, brunette. Good natured, very. A smile, always. Face, really cute but not beautiful. Body, big, wide type, strong and athletic, but in all the right places. Tits, larger than my spread hands and firm. Age, I forget, estimate same as my 20.
Her previous sexperience? Two or three guys, she vaguely told me, but none in New Mexico. Her pussy? Tight enough to please my average thick cock. And I could last, as she came to find out.
I had not been very successful in finding dates with any young chicks for Kenny, so in the meantime Kenny had gone off to his home state on leave and brought back his 1954 Dodge. One weekend day, Kenny and I had Sue in Kenny’s Dodge, and I forget where we had gone but it was down El Paso way. On the way back Kenny was driving, and Sue was in the middle between us. Kenny said he had to piss so slowing, he pulled off onto a road that was more of a sand track and stopped when we were out of sight of the highway.
As Kenny was behind the car taking a piss I invited Sue to get into the back seat. She didn’t say ‘No,’ even though she knew what I might have in mind. Instead she said, “Well, girls need to pee too.”
Kenny was starting to climb back into the car as Sue said, “Don’t you guys peek.” I winked at Kenny and climbed out too. I took a piss, and stood where Sue could see. She again said ‘Don’t peek’ and squatted, her dress above her knees.
The Dodge was two doors so in order to get her into the back I had to take her through the front passenger door and pull the seat forward. She had not said no before the pee and I was pleased when she actually went ahead and climbed into the back.
Again I winked at Kenny. I had never actually fucked a girl in front of a guy, not openly in the light, but it looked like it was about to happen. Accompanied by some kissing, Sue allowed me to strip her totally naked, and even though Kenny could see her lovely breasts, she only exhibited a hint of shyness. I guess by now she had spent enough time with Kenny and I that she felt secure with him.
Kenny was sitting in front, over on the passenger side and watching over his left shoulder as I sat on Sue’s right and began to caress her body while making with the heavy lip service. When I slowly eased her legs opened so that I could caress her pussy, and it was opened to Kenny’s view, I knew then that she was going to go all the way.
Kenny was able to see my cock for the first time, and Sue proceeded to show him how she could get it hard. Yes, she sucked me, for just a couple of minutes, but she made it look good. I was debating about which way to fuck her, on her back sideways on the seat or the other options, get between her legs with my knees on the floor, or have her sit on me.
The sitting on me, I decided, might provide Kenny with the best viewing, and besides, I wouldn’t have to work so hard.
Sue sat on my lap and rode me.
But I had Sue taking it slow, so Kenny could watch. Kenny had no woman, and I wanted to share some of my pleasure with him. No plans had been made in advance, and we were feeling our way. To that moment, I had never shared a woman of mine with another boy, or man.
Sue was totally naked, and Kenny could see her ass, so nicely curved, and that nice snatch with the lips that cling. He was watching from over the back of the front seat, and I imagine, jacking his cock as she rode me. Going slow, being romantic, and kissing me. Kenny was up there, just a couple of feet away, close enough to touch, and to this day I don’t know how Sue felt brave enough to do that.
I guess she trusted me. Oh yeah, trusted me. Can you imagine? I decided to bring it all out into the open.
“Kenny, what can you see? Tell me, tell us.”
You could readily detect the excitement in his voice. “I can see her…her lovely rounded ass. It really looks good, and it is moving up and down.”
I took a chance. I didn’t look into Sue’s eyes for permission, instead I decided to go for it. If she protested, well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
“Put your hand on her ass and rub it so you can see that it feels as good as it looks.”
“She didn’t protest! Amazing.
I could see past Sue’s left shoulder as Kenny twisted his body, reached over the front seat and using his right hand, slowly began to caress Sue’s ass. I waited, and Sue pumped, slowly, while Kenny caressed her ass, going from cheek to cheek. I decided to take it further.
“What else can you see, lower down?” All the while I could sense Sue beginning to tremble as she kept moving, up and down, and slow.
“I can see your cock, and how it is stretching her.”
Stretching her? My heart pounded. “How does it look? I’ve never seen that view.”
“Her lips are wrapped all around you, and each time she comes up, they come out.”
“Feel it with your hands, your fingers I mean.”
“Her lips?”
“Yes. Use your fingers and feel all around her pussy, where my cock is and see how tight she is around me.”
“Oooh.” Sue sighed softly as she felt Kenny’s fingers begin to feel her, on the lips and all around where she was snug around my cock. Strangely, I could feel his fingers too, ticking me erotically even though he was not directly in contact with my cock.
I gave Kenny about fifteen seconds to feel his way, and then I asked; “Doe she feel as tight to you as she does to me?”
It might have been a stupid question since Kenny was only feeling the exterior, but he, and maybe Sue, knew exactly what I meant.
“Her lips are really tight. They feel sort of…hard because they are stretched.”
“Put a finger in.”
Here is where it gets really weird. Sue did not ask what or how or protest, and Kenny seemed to know exactly what to do. The only way he could ‘put a finger in’ would be to stretch her lips as he slipped in between my cock and her lips.
There was no doubt, the fit would be extremely tight.
Sue gasped, loud enough to hear, and I guess Kenny had either used her juice to get his finger wet or used slobber, I don’t know, but I felt the extreme pressure of his finger against my cock on the left side as he brought it up against us and slowly pushed upward.
Two people went “Oooh! As we felt his finger make penetration. Fuck it felt tight.
Sue almost immediately said, “That’s really tight honey.” (Actually she said my name, but, you know).
“Does it hurt,” I asked?
“No. Well, yes, sort of.”
“Kenny, how does it feel?”
“Like there is no room for a bigger cock, but my finger is really making her lips push out now.”
“OH SHIT! I can feel it, but I wish I could see the way her pussy looks all stretched out.’
(Readers. Have you guessed what is coming yet? True story, I assure you)
Kenny replied, wistfully, because he never dreamed that it might happen. “There is a way.”
“How’s that?” My mind was whirling now. Sue meant a lot to me, but not to the point of being insanely jealous of her. At least not jealous if she was not going behind my back.
“She could get on me so you can see.”
Sue had stopped pumping because Kenny’s finger was still in there with me and the friction was so tight. She was looking into my face. I don’t know what she was thinking, but she was not making any vocal protests. Of course, I had not asked anything of her, as yet.
I didn’t dare come right out and ask, and besides, I wasn’t yet to the point of being willing to share my…steady pussy. “I wonder how it would look. Give me an idea Kenny, so she can hear too.”
“It might look a little different because I think my cock is a little bigger than yours.”
Uh Oh. The death sentence. This was way back when, before the internet, before men saw the films and read the fantasies. And I guess I should add, before women could see the images on the internet, and all those cocks varying in size.
Kenny had said his cock was a ‘little bigger.’ Little and bigger in the same description? Strange, but the implications were obvious If I allowed Kenny to get under Sue, this would be allowing a man with a bigger cock to be in my woman.
I didn’t know if Kenny was larger, and I had heard no comments from my 35-year-old back in Alabama that her neighbor might have said something about Kenny’s cock. But then, the 41-year-old never got to try my cock, only her daughter had.
But I went for it, and Sue was listening. If a larger cock was an incentive, she had that too. “Sue, can Kenny come back here so I can see how it looks? You, how you look, your pussy around a cock?”
Sue was silent for several seconds, and then she asked, “Can he take his finger out first?”
Kenny didn’t wait for me and slowly eased his finger down and out. I felt Sue sigh at the relief. Then she looked into my eyes. “Do you want to cum first?” That told me that she had decided to go for it.
“No honey. I want him to feel you like you are now.”
Well, I have to admit I was confused, but excited. Mainly, it was that Kenny and I had been at W.S.M.R. for several months now and I wanted to get Kenny laid, and also, see how it looked. Kenny was older, in his later thirties and not all that good-looking, and I wasn’t worried that he might steal my steady pussy.
(In later conversation, another day, Sue told me that she had hoped I would go ahead and cum, and then I would maybe lose interest in sharing her with Kenny. That had been her hope, because she wasn’t turned on to Kenny, only me. But after she learned that I was not mad or jealous afterward, she was glad that she had done it).
Sue, surprisingly, did not protest when she realized that I really wanted to see her fuck Kenny. Well, she didn’t protest all that much, but some. I made sure to stay beside her in the back, actually, keep her sitting on my hard cock until Kenny had gotten out of the right front door, came around to the left side of the car, got in and sat beside us. Now we watched as he struggled to pull down his trousers.
“Go ahead and pull them all the way off Kenny. I’ll keep a watch for any cars coming while I’m also watching you.” There wasn’t much chance of any car coming out into the desert where we had parked, but one always has to be careful. Read my story ‘Wear a Badge and Get Fucked’ and you will see what I mean.
Off came the trousers, and out popped a more than half-hard circumcised cock. It looked a little thicker than mine, but shorter. He was not all the way up yet, and I wondered. I needed to get out of the way since the seating was tight, so naked, I climbed up and over the front seat, giving both of them I am sure, a nice display of cock and balls. Now they could have the back all to themselves.
When I turned to look, Kenny’s cock had gone down slightly, if he had been up in the first place. They were waiting, looking awkward as if unsure as to how to begin, so I helped. “Play with it Sue.”
She did, but experimentally, reluctantly perhaps. But she liked me and wanted to please. Sue wasn’t able to use a foreskin and run her hand up around and over the head like mine, but she managed to get Kenny hard by keeping her hand below the head and stroking. I saw her sort of ‘testing’ his thickness with her fingers, and I knew she was thinking of having him inside, and how he might stretch her.
Stretching her pussy wider than my cock could do was a very recent experience of hers, so she might have been a little bit reluctant about trying it again.
Kenny’s shaft was thicker than me, and that was where her fingers were. His head, I could see, was even a little wider, and she hadn’t felt that, but soon.
Kenny had been right in his estimation. His ‘little bigger’ consisted of shorter but thicker. So the ‘little’ part had been the length. The ‘bigger’ part was the width. The bigger part was enough to be quite noticeable.
Kenny was hard now, and I watched as Sue slowly and nervously turned to face him, raise her right leg and go over his hips. For the first time, I had a good look at her spread slightly ass cheeks, and saw how pretty actually, her anus looked. Pink, unwrinkled, tight looking, and a place where no man had gone.
Now that cock, thicker by some over mine but not a way lot bigger, was about to be enclosed by my steady New Mexico pussy.
All the weeks I had been fucking her, Sue was usually quiet in nature, and she had been especially quiet with Kenny watching, but she did let out a little gasp as she first covered that head with a now dripping, not a lot, but wet, pussy.
We two men had heard that gasp. I wanted to talk to her about it. “Take it just a little way Sue, at first, over the head so I can see how it stretches you.”
Now it was Kenny’s turn to ask. “How does it look?”
“Fuck, Kenny. You look, it looks like she is being stretched way out. I never knew how cute her little cunt could look until now. I know how good she can feel, so now you tell me.”
“Aaaah. I’ve never felt anything as good as this before.” He was looking past her shoulders at me.
“Look at her Kenny and tell her. I don’t think she heard you.”
Oh, she had heard him alright, and Sue giggled as Kenny began to speak as he looked up into her face.
“Your pussy, Sue, feels fantastic. When I was watching you, on him, I knew it had to feel good, but I never dreamed just how good it would feel.”
I needed to hear something from Sue. “Sue, tell me how his cock feels. I know it is stretching you more than mine does. Does it feel good, or better maybe?”
She might have lied, I don’t know. “He…he feels almost too big. It hurts a little.”
I waited while they waited. When she said nothing more, I asked again. “But does it feel good, too?”
Sue tried pumping as she answered me. “I think it will feel good, in a minute when I get used to it.”
Kenny’s breathing was coming harder now and his voice showed the strain. Sue had started pumping, slowly but steadily, back and forth, or rather, up and down over that thick head.
“I was pushing her probably, forcing her to answer, but I wanted Kenny to hear, and maybe feel good.
Does he feel good now?” I had said ‘he’ instead of ‘it.’ By that I wanted to make Kenny part of this fuck and not just his cock.
That might have made it a little easier for Sue to be honest. I had made it Kenny instead of his cock.
“Yes. He feels good.” She was still pumping, and I noticed, still riding that head.
“O.K. Sue, now you can go deeper, if you want.”
She wanted maybe, but she still kept riding that head for another half-dozen strokes. Then she went further down, but she did it in a way that I had hoped she would do. Sue worked herself down over his cock, going slowly, and I think she probably took 20-30 strokes before she had finally bottomed out.
Kenny stopped her at that point, holding her there and bottomed out on him by keeping his hands on her lovely ass. I could see him looking up into her face, and though I could not see her eyes, I assume she was meeting his look with hers.
Oh Sue, you little, well not so little, doll. You did a great job of showing me how it looks. And Kenny, finally, but not until I told him it was O.K., got to put his hands over those beautiful big tits of yours.
That happened Sue, about the time, three or so minutes later, that you went to the bottom over him.
They fucked, and I jacked, but gently as I watched Sue’s tight lips cling to his shiny cock each time she came up. I didn’t want to waste a cum on the back of the front seat by myself, so I waited and watched. I knew that Kenny did not have that ability to last like I do, so I controlled their fucking. Keeping her from coming yes, but mainly him.
Shit, I almost forgot to mention. Sue’s ass was fantastic. In that position she might have had the nicest, firmest, curviest ass in the world. At least she did until my first wife, who was to come not much longer after those days.
Her ass was so nice that I could not resist, and I reached. I caressed her. I wanted to experience her ass in the way Kenny had. And then, my fingers moved down, and I was feeling her snug pussy and how it was stretching around him. I even ran my fingers down over his hard cock, and he told me later that it had felt really wild, tickly but more in the erotic area.
“Honey, (again I changed my name to honey) don’t you try putting your finger in there. It will hurt!”
“I promise.” But I wanted to.
Then, being openly blatant about it, after all Kenny was my buddy but we were not homosexual, I wrapped the fingers of my right hand around his tight balls and lifted them. These were the balls that soon would be shooting a big load into my steady New Mexico pussy, and if it was going to happen, I wanted it to be the biggest load ever.
So I asked, so Sue could hear. “Kenny! How long has it been since you shot a load into a woman?”
“Not since Alabama.”
“And with your hand?”
Kenny might have been embarrassed to admit it, but finally out it came. “About a week, I guess.”
“So then, you have a nice big load built up for Sue then?”
“Oooh yes.”
“Well, not now. Let’s make it last even longer so you can really build a load.”
Giving directions, I made it last for what was probably a full ten minutes or so, and finally, I told Kenny, gave him permission to kiss Sue as he came. Sue was on the pill by then. When we had met, she wasn’t, but she had gone on the pill when I told her how much better it felt to fuck bare back. I had not been her first, but I was her first skin to skin.
Also, those pills, way back then, were heavier in the estrogen content or something, because they had made Sue’s breasts grow even larger. She had told me that towards the end of her cycle, the pills even made her nipples more sensitive.
Those sensitive nipples were now being squeezed between Kenny’s fingers, and once in a while, between his lips.
Then, finally, Kenny dared to try and kiss her, and they met at the lips. In response, Sue pumped a little faster. With a soft groan, she began coming, and the sounds she was making were louder than she might have done with me while Kenny had been watching if I had told her to go ahead and cum.
Kenny finally lost control and began coming, and Sue seemed to be coming even harder when she felt him. I was surprised, but pleased. And yes, a little jealous, especially since they seemed to want to keep kissing once the orgasms were finished. I was torn between looking at their heads and their genitals, but I paid most attention to the view below.
Her pussy had turned red, sorta, all around the lips. The orgasms were finished, but Sue had not quit moving. She pumped, up and down but also Sue was milking him, draining the juice that had been building just for her.
All the while the kissing continued.
I guess Sue had lingered perhaps a little too long over him, because when she got off, the juice was ready to do what gravity dictated. The first thing I noticed as her body slid up was that her legs were trembling. I guess that orgasm she had really took it out of her.
It was messy when a trembling Sue eased up and off of him. Cum poured out and down onto Kenny’s cock, balls, and as she moved higher, onto his belly. I guess his cum was more watery than mine. My cum is thicker and tends to linger inside.
What a view I had when Sue raised her left leg and twisted counter-clockwise so that she could revolve to her right and end up on the seat beside Kenny and sit down on his left. Her pussy had opened up, or maybe stayed open, and I was provided with a look right up inside her snatch. Wet, shining, and not so tight looking at the moment. But I wanted to be in it, and right now.
This was my steady New Mexico pussy, and I needed some.
Kenny got out of the way and I took my turn, but I had Sue on her back. I did that maybe so that she could not make direct comparisons, or maybe so that she could keep that memory of cumming on top of him and then coming with me while lying down, in a different part of her brain.
It had looked like Kenny had been drained completely out of Sue before I got on, but Sue felt pretty wet, and yes, that wetness had an actual feel to it, different than her usual wetness, like someone else’s cum in her. I liked the feel.
“You did good Sue.” I pumped.
“Thank you.”
“And your pussy still feels really tight,” I giggled, “and juicy.”
I was trying to suck on those sensitive nipples, but Sue wanted to kiss me now, really bad. I guess either she was feeling guilty, or maybe insecure about how the relationship was going between her and I now that she had fucked and visibly enjoyed another man, and his thicker cock.
I can last a long time, but I sensed that Sue wanted me to come quicker than usual. This time I planned to come with her or as soon as. As Sue reached her orgasm, I was looking at her face and noticed tears in the corners of her eyes. I was right behind her, and she dug her fingers into my ass, urging me on as my cock blasted into her. Sue had received another load, and this one stayed inside her, at least for a while.
Kenny was watching it all from the front seat, and the grin on his face when I turned to smile at him was as wide as the car. It was time, and though I wanted Kenny to keep enjoying the view of her fine womanly body, it had to be covered. His eyes, nor mine, never left Sue’s body as she covered it, bit by bit.
Then, when the clothes were on, there was no further talk about sex, and an hour later, after cruising through and stopping at the drive in, we ordered a bite to eat. While the food was being prepared, we all three headed for the restrooms. Kenny and I to pee, and Sue, I suppose, to do some cleaning up on that nice pussy.
We climbed out of that car that had seen so much action today and sat at a wooden table while having our burgers and fries. Then, seeing no one had shown up that we knew, Sue was on her way home. It was early, only eight o clock and I knew that Sue had wanted to stay with me till later in the night.
But we were riding in Kenny’s car this time. Still, Sue wanted to linger, and unknown to her, I had already made my plans.
“Before you take me home, can we park and just talk for a while?” Sue wanted to talk, and I knew, make out with me a little. Not fuck, after all we were with Kenny, but spend more time with me just the same.
“Turn down this way Kenny.” I pointed, and Sue looked funny at me.
“To the cemetery?”
“Yes.” Now Sue knew, our fucking was not finished for the night. While we had lingered at the drive-in, it had gotten dark.
Kenny knew about my using the cemetery to fuck Sue, and he knew, maybe, my plan. “I’ll get my sleeping bag out of the trunk.” Kenny always had been the hunting and camping type of guy. Montana will do that.
We picked just the right area, between some tombstones where we could not be seen from the street by the headlights of anyone passing in a car. Sue and I had laid here before, but never with a sleeping bag to soften the surface under us.
“Let’s get her clothes off.”
No one had asked if Sue wanted to participate. We just started doing our thing. Sue was shaking a little as both Kenny and I helped her to strip naked, Kenny pulling one bra strap off her left shoulder while I did the other. We both tugged on her (wet) panties as she laid on the sleeping bag and raised her hips.
“Your turn, Kenny.” Sue looked funny at me, but I guess she had already figured out that she would be fucking us both.
“Just this one last time, tonight, is that alright?” Sue was looking almost pleadingly into my eyes. She would do this, I knew, this time, but she did not want to go on fucking Kenny. I was her steady cock, you see.
“Just tonight Sue, since we already did it once today, I thought it would be nice to do it lying down. With us just taking turns sitting in the car, it is sort of like it never happened. Know what I mean?”
“Yes.” Well, at least she agreed with me, it seemed.
Kenny, now naked from the waist down and erect got between her legs and I got up above her head. I surprised Sue when I grabbed and pulled her arms up towards me. Her breasts really looked good that way, sticking way up in the air like that.
“What are you doing?”
“Holding your arms up so you can’t resist, like he is taking you sort of against your will. Lie back, pretend like you have never fucked him before and enjoy it.”
Kenny had perhaps laughter in his eyes as he excitedly crawled up on his knees between her legs and using his hands at the insides of her smooth thighs, slowly spread her legs further apart. It was dark, no streetlight near, but there was a full moon. I could see his eyes sort of gleam as Kenny, taking aim, placed his dripping cock against her lips.
Earlier that day, with Sue on top of me, Kenny had been able to get a partial view, and then a feel, of her lips all around that pussy. Then it had been down over his cock, and again, he had only received a partial view of her pussy. Now, for the first time, Kenny was viewing it head on, from the front and opened wide.
I said, “Take it Sue, take that cock,” and Kenny, taking the cue, gave it to her, pushing forward and penetrating my steady pussy almost all the way on the first stroke with his thick, circumcised cock.
Sue moaned and twisted a little, but I held her arms in place. She could not resist. Kenny leaned over her, placing his hands beside each of her shoulders and began pumping, penetrating the rest of the way after pulling back and going forward on the next stroke. Sue moaned.
After Kenny had taken several strokes, I said, “Hold back for her Kenny, if you can.”
Kenny held back, saved perhaps by the fact that he had shot his huge built up load into her a couple of hours before, but he had to work at it. All the while he kept reaching forward and teasing her sensitive nipples, nipples made extra sensitive by the pill.
“She’s getting close Kenny. Now lie on her, but keep your weight up.” Kenny laid on her chest, but lightly, just low enough to depress her erect nipples under his.
“Now you’ve got him baby. He’s taken possession of you, all the way. Take it. Take that thick cock, thicker than you usually get. Fix his cock in your mind and enjoy it.”
Still, I would not release her arms, even though she was twisting them, trying to free them from my grip. I could see that she was close.
“Now Kenny, now, she’s ready. Let it go!”
Kenny fucked harder and Sue moaned loudly as the orgasm ripped though her body. She tried, again to pull her arms free, but mean old me, I kept holding them past her head.
Kenny quit pumping and his face looked sort of foolish as he grinned up at me. “I came too. I couldn’t help it since she got so excited.”
Sue sort of sniffed and nodded her head. “I felt him coming.” She looked up at Kenny, still on and above her and giggled. “He’s still hard.”
“Are you still hard, Kenny?”
He grinned. “I’ve got another good one left in me, I think.”
“Well, this time I want you to make Sue come again, and this time it will be her best orgasm, ever.”
I knew that Sue had never climaxed two times in a session. She had been happy, up until now, fucking me and knowing that I would be sure to last until she was ‘there.’ But tonight something new had happened. Sue had reached orgasm with Kenny in record time. I knew that normally, if I had came as fast as Kenny had, that Sue would have been left out.
I could see, even though we only had moonlight that Sue not only had a red face, but that her body was shiny from sweat. It was summertime in southern New Mexico, and lately the daytime temps had been running in the low 90s, but the nights in the southwest tend to be cool. It was cool, but Sue was hot enough from sex to have started sweating, even in the low humidity air.
“Want to come again?” I looked down into Sue’s face.
“With you?” She looked at me hopefully.
“No baby. With Kenny. And this time Kenny is going to make you come harder than you ever have before.”
“I don’t know about that. I’m already about worn out.”
“We’ll show you.” I was gambling, speculating on Kenny’s ability to make her come twice, and hard, but something was telling me that with Kenny already having just come, that he might be able to last.
I was still holding her arms and again, Sue tried to wriggle free. “In a minute Sue I’ll let go of your arms, when you’re ready.”
I looked at Kenny. “Now lie down on her, not all your weight but almost and start grinding your hips sideways. I made her cum that way once here. Run your thick cock back and forth, side-to-side and if you can, hit her clitoris at the same time.”
Kenny knew how to take directions, and he began to do just that. Sue moaned, her eyes closed, and I knew almost for sure now, she could come again.
It was then that I let go of Sue’s arms, and she gratefully, excitedly wrapped them around Kenny. He ground away, and Sue, for the first time I had ever seen her do it, began moving her head back and forth, going side to side slowly with her mouth open and eyes closed.
“Kiss her Kenny, and make that cock work her pussy.”
They began kissing, and it was probably no more than 60 seconds later Sue was moaning loudly, filling the cemetery with ghostly sounds as she allowed her orgasm to spring forth. Her legs were up now, way up, and she was humping her ass. She wanted more!
“Now Sue, talk to Kenny. Talk to him about how it feels, but I want you to change his name.”
“Ch…change his name?”
“Yes. Call him ‘fucker.’
She was hesitant at first, but we had time because now that Kenny had shot a wad into her, he had control. “You made me cum again you fucker. Now do it once more. Fuck me Kenny, errr, fucker. Fuck me you fucker.”
Kenny, also known now as ‘fucker,’ fucked her good. He kept twisting his hips, and I knew that thick cock of his had to be working her tight lips in ways they had never been used before, or maybe, abused.
“Fucker! It feels good, do it you, you fucker!” She was humping her ass up at him now, and more energetically than I thought her capable of.
“Now baby. Now I want you to take his head in your hands and kiss him as you cum. And tell us between kisses how that orgasm feels.”
“I’m going to cum,” yelled Kenny!
“That’s alright. She’s ready.”
As before, Kenny was right behind Sue as he pumped a load that had only had ten to fifteen minutes to build, and now it was shooting into her quivering pussy, but it was still substantial. Kenny, like me, was rather quiet in his orgasm, but Sue was making up for it. Had anyone been walking by, they would have sworn that cemetery was haunted.
I didn’t have to ask. I knew that with all the buildup, and now having her pussy worked side-to-side to side by a thicker than me cock, that Sue had just enjoyed her best orgasm, ever.
Smiling, I watched silently from above Sue’s head as they kissed and slowly came down from their high. It had been a good fuck, that second one resulting in two orgasms, and had lasted just long enough to be thoroughly satisfying. During that fuck, I had keep my hands off Sue, except for holding her arms above her head.
Now it was my turn to be satisfied, but I was sneaky. This one had been for Kenny, his last fuck with a steady pussy loaned by a buddy. Weakly, somehow Kenny managed to climb off. His dangling cock was shiny with come reflecting in the moonlight, and I saw Sue bend her head down to look at it.
“Now you honey.” Sue held out her arms to me as she laid with her legs spread wide.
I had not even opened my pants, though my cock was rock hard. I moved around her and could see some signs of draining cum, but this time, much of it was staying inside her since she was on her back instead of having been on top of a seated Kenny.
I wanted Kenny’s cum to be the only cum in Sue tonight. When she went to bed, I wanted her to think of how she had been fucked by my buddy Kenny, and how she had taken the seed from his thick cock. I knew that our relationship was in no danger, so I dared to do what I did, or didn’t do.
“That’s it Sue. Kenny got to fuck you, and you got to fuck him, lying down, and you both came, him twice and you three times. I want you to remember just that for tonight, and I’ll see you tomorrow night, just you and me.”
Sue looked disappointed, but I think, maybe, inside, Sue was happy about it. “Are you sure” I can see that you have a hard on.”
It’s nice to know that an almost seven-incher can show, even through tight blue jeans.
“That’s O.K. Baby. I’ll save it for you. Now let’s get you home.”
We watched as Sue trembled while trying to stand and slip her panties back on. “Here, let Kenny help you,” I said.
Even now, I wanted this to be for Kenny and her. My cock still hard, I watched as Kenny aided Sue by squatting below her and holding her panties opened as she stepped into them, first with one foot, and then the other. It was rather erotic to watch as Kenny tugged her panties up around her ass.
Now in the car, I decided, once again to put the thought of Kenny and his cock, in her mind. “When you get home, I know you’re going to go sit on the pot to drain Kenny, but while you’re doing that I want you to reach down and feel all around with your fingers. Feel your tender lips and think about how Kenny’s cock was stretching and working them from side-to-side, and after you do that, reach a little ways inside and feel his cum as it drains out of you. Think about it, because that was your last time with him.”
I looked across Sue and over to Kenny as he started the car. “Kenny, we’re going to have to find you a woman.” He grinned and nodded, and Sue reached out and touched his hand. That was to be their last contact.
I held Sue close beside me in the two block ride to her relative’s house, and I even kissed her at the door.
“You did good baby.”
“Thank you.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow night, just me and my car.”
Her relationship with me was safe for now. Steady New Mexico Pussy.
As it would turn out, we would not be able to find Kenny a gal. He was older, looked much older, and all the gang I and Sue ran with were young. Eventually, Kenny and I went our separate ways, but we remained friends.
But that was later. Today and tonight, Kenny had been fucked by, and had fucked a great pussy, my New Mexico steady pussy, and boy oh boy did Kenny and I talk about that pussy all the way over the pass on the way to W.S.M.R.

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