They had spent a long weekend shopping in Mexico City and were now halfway between the City and the U.S. Border. They were in the middle of nowhere. The dusty high desert was hot and dry, but was beautiful in a lonely way.
The 28 year old couple had been college sweet hearts. Jeff had gone to graduate school while Susan had become a 1st grade teacher. Eventually Jeff had gotten a job as an Assistant Professor at the University. Susan had quit working when the baby was born. This trip was during their summer vacation and the Mexican afternoon was brutally hot.
Both Susan and Jeff were wearing shorts and tee shirts. Their luggage and Jeff’s research equipment was in the trunk and loaded on a car top carrier. Jeff Junior slept in the back seat of the car in his Mickey Mouse underpants.
Jeff had turned down a paved mining road, but after 20 miles the road turned to dirt, after it passed an abandoned ore processing plant. A faded sign on the side of the dirt road said, “La Casa Putas – 20 kilometers”. Jeff figured that was another 13 miles. Since the dirt road was smooth and they were getting low on gas, he decided to keep going deeper into the desert mountains. It was still early afternoon and they had plenty of time to get back to the main road. That decision would change the nice families life forever, but mostly Susan’s life.
Jeff hoped that there would be a cool restaurant and a gas station. He also hoped the people would speak English. Neither he nor Susan spoke Spanish. Everywhere they had been so far the people were friendly and many spoke English.
After about 10 miles the road got bumpier and bumpier. When the car finally had a small town in sight the road was barely passable. There were about ten shack homes along the road. There was a closed general store, but there was an adobe restaurant building that had a gas pump out in front and what looked like rental cabins out back. There were five dusty pick-up trucks parked in front. The sign said “Club Cantina.” Jeff recognized the word “Cantina”, and said to Susan that they could probably get a drink and something to eat inside. Jeff pulled the car into the shade under the buildings overhang. This was next to the gas pump. Little Jeff was still asleep. So the couple rolled down the windows. Not much chance of a kidnapping in a sleeply little Mexican village.
Jeff and Susan quietly closed to car doors and walked into the “Cantina”. The Cantina was very dark and cool. There were seven Mexican men sitting at tables and at the long bar. Some were eating and drinking beer. A large Mexican man worked behind the bar. Moving around the room were two women cleaning tables and serving beer. A pretty Mexican girl and an thin, wrinkled slow moving white woman, whose age was hard to determine.
Jeff and Susan moved to an open spot at the bar and asked if they could get a cold drink and gas for their car. The man behind the bar said, that they could get a cold beer, but the gas pump didn’t work. He spoke in broken English. The men in the bar were eyeing Susan. The man behind the bar got two beers out of a cooler and put them down in front of the young couple. He then walked to a CB radio at the end of the bar and spoke in rapid Spanish into the microphone. His huge belly and size made him move slowly.
Susan looked at Jeff nerviously and quietly said, “lets leave”. “We will just finish the beer and go”, Jeff said, “We have enough gas to get back to the main road.”
The pretty Mexican girl can up behind Jeff and said, ‘Hey gringo! you want to have a good time with Juanita?”
Jeff blushed and said, “No thank you”. She flipped her hips and walked away.
Jeff and Susan heard a vehicle pull up in front of the Cantina and they turned to the door. A stocky well groomed middle aged Mexican man walked through the door. Everyone in the Cantina greeted the man with much deference. He walked up to Jeff and Susan, and said, “Hello, my Yankee friends! We are glad that you are visiting us. The barman called me to tell me you were here. We don’t get many visitors in this isolated place. The last visitor was Marilyn over there, and she decided to stay with us.” He pointed his well manicured finger at the old white woman cleaning tables. “She came to visit two years ago. She was such a pretty young thing back then. She looked very much like you my dear”, he smiled a dazzling white teeth smile at Susan. Jeff put his arm around Susan protectively.
“My name is Juan and I run things around here. Is that your boy in the car?” he asked. Jeff said that it was and they were just leaving. “Too bad, but it seems a very bad man is taking your son in his truck. You had better go stop him or you might lose your son.” Susan screamed and Jeff bolted for the door. He turned to see if Susan was following, but Juan was holding her shoulders. Juan said, “you go stop him, your wife will be safe here.” Susan screamed at Jeff to go after their son.
Jeff didn’t know what to do he saw a thin Mexican man putting his son into the cab of a pick up truck and start driving down the road that Jeff and Susan had come into town on. Susan screamed at Jeff to go after Little Jeff. Jeff ran to their car and took off down the road after the pickup.
As Susan and Juan heard the car engines fade in the distance Juan turned to Susan and said, “I’m so glad you are staying with us here in “La Casa Putas”, do you know what the name means?” Susan shook her head no. Juan said, “Marilyn come tell Susan what this place is called in English.” Marilyn shuffeled over to Susan, looked up at her with a tear in her eye, and said, “”La Casa Putas” means “House of Whores”". Everyone in the bar laughed.
Susan trembled as she was held by Juan, “will my husband and son be alright?” “They will if they don’t do anything stupid. I’m not interested in them. It’s you I want to get to know.” Susan sighed with relief when she heard her family would be OK, but then she looked up at Juan and asked, “are you going to sex me?” Juan smiled down as he wrapped both arms around Susan, “Yes my pet! You will be sexed today, but tomorrow you will be fucked, and the day after you will willingly spread your white Yankee legs for any brown Mexican cock that comes your way.”
“Lets start your education right now,” said Juan. He ripped off her tee-shirt with one pull of his strong arms. Then he pushed her shorts down without undoing them. He pushed so hard that her panties went down with the shorts. Juan spun Susan around so that she was facing the room of leering men and unsnapped her bra. He forcefully pulled the bra away, picked up Susan and sat her on the bar. Juan told one of the men at the bar to come over and untie her shoes and pull the shoes, shorts and panties off. As the man worked on her shoe laces he reached up and grabbed her white thigh with his brown fingers. Juan slapped the invading hand away and told the man that he didn’t get to touch her until Juan was finished with her. Susan sat on the bar, one arm covering her breasts the other hand hiding her brown pubic hair.
Juan slapped her hard across the face, “Don’t hide your body, or I will hurt you”, he said. Susan answered, “go ahead, I won’t make this easy for you.” Juan turned to the Bar man and said, “call Gomez on the radio, tell him to leave the little boy out in the desert for the wild dogs to find and tear apart.” Hearing that Susan immediately dropped her arms, displaying her considerable charms to a room of cheering men. “You bastard”, said Susan.
“That’s better darling, if you cooperate, I promise your life will be filled with pleasure, if you don’t there will be much pain and your little boy will suffer terribly”, crowed Juan as he hefted Susan’s mature right tit in his hand.
Juan turned to the men who were all staring at the naked woman. “I have decided that Susan is a rare jewel, I am going to have her to myself for awhile. I want to have her while she still cares, I want her to think of how her body betrays her Yankee husband. I want her to understand with me, before her life becomes a blur of hard cocks and potent Spanish seed spilling into her soft white belly.” As he said that, he took his other hand and rubbed her white stomach just above her pubic hair. Then he asked the barman which cabin was empty. He led the naked Susan through the seated men towards the back of the Cantina. Dirty, calloused hands reached out and stroked her legs and ass as she walked past. At the back door Juan turned and told Juanita to give Susan’s clothes to a village woman because “Susan won’t be needing them any more.”
Juan and Susan emerged from the Cantina into the bright, hot Mexican sun. He kicked at several mongel dogs who were blocking the path. The sun was so bright that Susan had to keep her eyes closed as Juan led her to a small cabin. Juan said, “We must keep you out of this hot sun. Mexican men like the pure white skin of you Yankee women. I don’t want you to begin getting dark like the local whores. If we keep you out of the sun you will get even white-er, No?” They entered the small dark room and Susan’s eyes adjusted. It was a smelly adobe room with a dirt floor. There was a broken down dresser on one wall, a cracked mirror over it. The room was dominated by a sagging double bed that almost filled the small room. There was one sheet on the dirty matress and it had a large yellow stain in the middle. Juan roared out the door, “Marilyn bring some clean sheets in here, Rapido! Rapido!
Marilyn soon appeared, took the old sheet off the bed and replaced it with a clean white sheet. She glanced sadly at Susan then shuffeled off. Juan laughed, “She doesn’t talk much, she’s ashamed of her mouth. You see Susan, she kept biting the Mexican cocks she was supposed to suck. So I had Gomez pull every tooth from her head. Now she is an expert cocksucker. Men come for miles to have the Yankee woman swallow their cum. But the last two years have been hard on her.”
Juan pushed Susan onto the bed and gazed down almost lovingly at her. “How many men have you been with my dear?”, Juan asked. Susan sheepishly answered, “only my husband. I have never been with any other men.” “Excellent! Now I won’t need to wear protection. I wouldn’t want to catch anything. Of course after today it will be different. How big is your husband’s member?” Susan replied, “Thats none of your business.” But the truth be know Jeff was only a mediocre lover and he had a thin 6 inch penis. Juan began to remove his clothes. When he dropped his expensive slacks his impressive cock sprank into view. Susan couldn’t help herself, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the half hard cock. It was brown and smooth. Juan had no pubic hair. No hair anywhere except the slicked back oily hair on his head.
Juan laughed at Susan when he caught her staring. “Mexican men don’t have much body hair, and it’s so hot, I like to keep myself shaved. Also, I can see my cock at work much better without pubic hair. Very erotic don’t you think?” asked Juan. Susan didn’t reply but continued to watch has Juan’s cock began to rise. It bounced upward every few moments as Juan’s heart pumped blood into it. The bounce of the hardening cock mesmerized Susan. It grew until it stuck straight out from Juan’s stocky body. It was easily 8 inches long, but was also very thick. It was uncircumcised. The first uncut cock Susan had ever seen.
“Does your husband have a love muscle like this one?” asked Juan. Susan didn’t reply, but her continued stare told Juan she had never seen a cock as magnificent as his. Juan thought to himself that if he went slow this married bitch might turn out real good. She had already stopped fighting and seemed really interested in his cock. She couldn’t keep her eyes off it.
As Susan laid on the dirty bed, she was thinking that she needed to go along with this terrible man until she knew her family was safe. Why had Jeff brought them here? She was mad at him for getting their family into this, and she was worried about her son. But she couldn’t help herself as she continued to look at Juan’s brown penis. She didn’t know that they came in different shapes and sizes. She only had experience with Jeff.
Juan decided that he would be gentle and take his time. He decided to be a great Spanish lover. The bed sagged even more as his weight settled next to Susan. “What are you going to do?” Susan asked in a whisper. “My darling we are going to make beautiful love. I guess you could say I’m raping you, since you have no choice, but I want you to enjoy this as much as possible”, rasped Juan in Susan’s ear. “I’m a married lady, I won’t enjoy being sexed. But since you threaten my family I will lay here and you can do what you will, but I won’t enjoy it”, snapped Susan. “We’ll see, We’ll see”, smiled Juan and he began to gently stroke Susan’s soft belly and breasts.
Juan was silent. It was quiet in the dark room except for the breathing of Susan and Juan. Juan was infinitely patient. He stroked and caressed Susan very gently for a long time. He told her to close her eyes and imagine that she was with her husband. It was working. Despite herself Juan could tell that her breathing was getting deeper and faster. A light sheen of sweat was beginning to form on Susan naked body. Juan had avoided touching Susan’s nipples or pussy, instead concentration on long slow sensual carresses of her arms, legs, abdomen, and ass. He continued going slow, but noticed the tell-tale flushing of Susan’s cheeks, neck and breasts.
Susan had done what Juan asked. As a defense, she lay still with her eyes closed and imagined that it was Jeff touching her. But Jeff had never been so patient. He was a “slam bam thank you mam” lover. Susan caught herself enjoying this erotic massage. She tried to fight it, but it felt so good, and there wasn’t anything she could do. She would pretend that this was Jeff, and when it was over she shouldn’t feel guilty because after all, this was sex.
Juan spent a long time whispering to and caressing Susan. He quietly said, “My darling you are beautiful, you deserve a man like me, enjoy the sensations. you were made for sex, you enjoy this, you enjoy this, you enjoy this……” Slowly Juan began to caress Susan’s nipples finally sucking one of the tight pink buds into his mouth. Susan gave an involuntary shudder. Slowly Juan moved down Susan’s body, kissing gently as he went. Finally he reached her legs and slowly parted her thighs. Susan was limp not fighting him, but not helping him. Gently he blew on her brown furry mound. Then he stuck out his tounge and it came in contact with her thick pussy lips. Susan shuddered once again. She had never had anyone eat her. She and Jeff hadn’t ever performed oral sex on each other. She felt jolts of electricity shoot through her body as Juan’s tounge found her sensitive clit.
She involuntarily opened her legs, just a little. Juan now knew that he had her. He didn’t really like to eat pussy, especially pussy covered with pubic hair, but Susan’s cunt tasted very sweet and he knew that this was the best way to get her hot. Besides, she would suck his cock hundreds of times before he was done with her, so one good pussy licking was worth it.
As Juan’s lapping tounge found its way to Susan’s fuck hole, her legs flopped wide open and she moaned out loud. She was getting very wet. Juan’s slow approach had worked. He began to kiss his way up Susan’s body and as he began to suck on her nipples again, he placed his cock head at her wet opening. Slowly he entered her. Her vagina felt like velvet around his Mexican cock. Never had he felt a pussy like this. Too bad he couldn’t keep her for himself.
Juan knew that to keep his power over this area of outback Mexico he would have to give her to the men. His power came from keeping them satisfied. Satisfied with women, drugs and money. Juan ran quite an operation. He received most of his money from drug smuggling and smuggling illegal workers into the U.S. He kept his men in line through strong leadership and the rewards that he gave his men. Most of the women working in the Cantina were pretty Mexican girls pulled from the trucks of illegals heading for the U.S. border. Susan was a lucky find for Juan and unfortunately she was destined to be one of those rewards for his men.
As Juan’s hairless balls nestled up against the crack of Susan’s ass, Juan smiled at his good fortune. At that exact moment, as Juan’s hard brown cock reached depth’s in Susan’s belly that Jeff had never dreamed of, Jeff’s car finally caught up to the pick-up truck with his son in it. The chase had lasted over an hour. After getting back to the paved road the pickup had turned off onto another dirt road heading North behind the abandoned processing plant. This road was rough and Jeff was barely able to keep up with the truck. Actually, the pickup slowed down everytime it looked like Jeff would fall to far behind. The pick-up with Gomez driving was leading an unsuspecting Jeff further into the back country.
Finally the truck stopped. Gomez got out with a shotgun under his arm. “Senor you may have your son back,” called Gomez. Little Jeff ran to his father. Gomez went to the back of his truck and got out two plastic milk containers full of water. He placed them on the ground. He then aimed his shotgun at the father and son, who still hugged each other. Gomez smiled then moved the barrel of the gun and fired. The radiator of Jeff’s car exploded. “Senor”, Gomez called, “If you wait until dark and follow the North Star you can reach the highway in about 25 kilometers. Someone will pick you up. Travel at night when it is cool. There is enough water for you and the little boy to make it. Walk slowly and carefully, the snakes won’t bother you but don’t step in a gopher or prarie dog hole. If you break your leg you will surely die. If you are careful you and the boy will make it saftely. Going slowly it will take you only two nights. Don’t go back the way you came I will be watching and I would hate to kill you.”
Jeff called out, “what about my wife?” Little Jeff cried, “I want my Mommy!” Gomez smiled, “Senor, I’d forget about her if I were you. Get your rich white Yankee ass back to your home. Take care of your boy. Your wife will have a new life, one that I’m sure she will enjoy!” Gomez got back in his truck and roared away back down the dusty road.
As Jeff and Jeff Junior watched the pickup drive away, Juan was still in the dark cabin, still buried deep inside Susan, slowly, centimeters at a time began to move his thick cock in and out of her sweet white pussy. He could feel her getting wetter. Susan was trying to fight the feeling, but Juan kept slowly moving and whispering to her how good it felt, how wet she was, how much her body was liking the sensations she was feeling. Juan began to pick up the pace. He would withdraw his invading cock further and then stroke in deeper. Susan lost finally lost control. She wrapped her legs around Juan’s ass and began to buck back against him. Now Juan changed his tatics. From slow gentle lover her became a hard brutal fuck machine. Screaming at Susan that she loved to fuck, that she was made for screwing, that all men wanted her, that she was his whore.
As Juan slammed his engourged cock into Susan, he held back, not allowing himself to cum. Watching her build to a huge orgasm. As she began to shake, nearing her climax, Juan said, “tell me you are my whore, my slut. Tell me what you are!! Tell me!!” Susan screamed, “I’m a whore and slut. Fuck me harder. Oh! forgive me Jeff. Fuck me harder Juan!” Juan smiled and stopped holding himself back. His red hot poker of a cock blasted jism deep into Susan’s belly. Susan grabbed Juan tightly with her legs and arms, She hanging below his stock body. Susan had the biggest orgasm of her life, in the arms of a Mexican drug smuggler and pimp. All thoughts of her family were at least temporarily forgotten.
As Susan and Juan laid on their backs looking at the stained ceiling of the cabin, Susan began to cry. “Sex is nothing to cry about,” said Juan, “so you betrayed your husband with me. Does he make you feel like Juan makes you feel? I told you you would enjoy it.” Susan sobbed. Juan got off the bed and began to dress. He told Susan that he had business that he needed to attend to. He told her to stay in the “crib” as he called it. He would send Marilyn in with some food. She should rest and he would be back before dark, to make her forget her family somemore.
Susan laid back exhausted. She was full of mixed emotions. She had really enjoyed Juan’s “sex” of her. She had never felt like that before. She also began to worry about Jeff and Little Jeff. Were they OK. But soon visions of Juan’s penis invaded her thoughts once again. Maybe I really am just a slut and it took that greasy Juan to bring it out in me. Marilyn was soon at the door. She brought in some Mexican food and cold beer. Susan pulled the sheet over her naked body. Marilyn laughed, “soon you will have no shame. I didn’t.” When Susan tried to get Marilyn to talk the old woman covered her mouth and didn’t say much. She pulled a bucket and a full enema bag out of her basket. “Douche with this, there is no running water in the cribs. You can piss and shit in the bucket. Clean it out outside with the hose on the back of the Cantina. You use the same hose to bath yourself. Juan told me to remind you that you are to stay inside out of the sun. He don’t want anyone else messing with you and he wants your skin to stay lily white.” Marilyn walked out the door and over her sholder said, “don’t try to run away, miles of desert in every direction. There is no place to go.”
Susan had a spark of hope. Maybe Juan had enjoyed sex with her so much he would keep her for himself. Maybe she would be able to convince him to let her family leave this horrible place together. Susan decided that she would win Juan over. Susan ate the food, and with her hunger gone used the douche to wash away Juan’s big load of jism. Susan thought, “Jeff never cums this much.” She watched as the white goo ran from her distended pussy lips and into the bucket she squatted over.
Susan began to feel light headed and sat on the bed. Juan had the food laced with some powerful Mexican hash, and the water in the douche was contaminated with juice from the prickely cactus. The cactus juice produced an intense rash and itch on sensitive skin as a natural defense. Now that juice as working on her pink cunt meat. Susan’s new life was about to begin.
As Susan was sitting on her crib’s bed getting higher and higher, Jeff and Little Jeff were beginning their walk North. It was just getting to be dusk and the temperature was dropping. The father helped the boy, walking slowly and carefully. Jeff could just make out the North Star. He was worried about Susan, but he had to get his son to saftey first. Susan sat naked on her bed, she was feeling giddy and happy, but she had a terrible itch. She sat on the bed crosslegged, indian style, rubbing her pubic hair. Finally she couldn’t stand the itch anymore and she dipped a finger into her reddening pussy.
Just then the door opened and Juan walked in. Susan looked up with dilated eyes and smiled, “here is my lover.” Juan smiled down at her and said “Sweet Susan, I can see that you are feeling fine after our afternoon fuck.” “Yes! you made me feel like I never have before.” Susan’s clouded mind knew what she was saying was wrong, she was married to…. what was his name… Oh yes! Jeff. But all of her inhibitions were down because of the drugs, and because she felt that she had already betrayed her family by responding to Juan’s “sex?”.
Susan giggled, “my vagina itches.” Juan stripped off his clothes and said let me take care of that itch. Let me make you feel wonderful again.” Susan flopped back on the bed smiling. Her mature breasts dancing in circles as she came to rest. “No! Susan first you must do something for me”, said Juan sternly. “First you must make love to my manhood with your mouth.” Juan was now naked and his flaccid brown penis hung over Susan’s face. “I never kissed Jeff’s peepee”, a childlike Susan said, “hurry, I’m all itchy” . Juan replied, “not until you kiss my peepee.” He thought he might get further using her words.
Susan sat up, still giggling and quickly pecked the hardening pecker with her lips. “No, No Susan open your mouth and suck it like a lolly pop.” With glazed eyes Susan opened her mouth. Juan stabbed his cock between her lips. Juan took a few minutes to instruct Susan on the fine art of cocksucking. “Susan, my Yankee Puta, you are becoming a good little cocksucker. “ Susan labored over Juan’s cock her cheeks hollowing and filling as she labored over Juan’s uncut cock. He told her how to run her tounge under the skin that covered his dickhead. He instructed her how to take his balls in her mouth and roll them around with her tounge. Finally she pulled away, “Help me Juan my pussy is on fire.”
Juan smiled, positioned Susan onto her hands and knees, and entered her doggy-style. Susan groggily said, “Thank you Juan, that feels much better.” Juan laughed out loud. In just 6 hours Juan had this sweet, pure, American housewife and mother sucking his cock and thanking him for fucking her. He reached forward and grabbed one of her dangling boobs. It took him a moment to grab it, because as he pounded into her from behind Susan’s tits were swinging wildly.
He came quickly. Sadly, he thought this was his last fuck with Susan. After tonight he would no longer put his “pride and joy”, his cock into Susan. After tonight she wouldn’t ever be clean enough for him to fuck. But he smiled to himself, he could continue to teach her how to suck cock. In Juan’s warped mind her mouth could be clean enough for him but not her pussy.
Juan helped Susan out of the bed and told her that they were going to the Cantina with the other girls. The Mexican crib girls slept all day in the cabins and went to the Cantina at night. Taking customers back and forth to their cribs for “10 dollar American fucks and sucks.” Juan kept the money. He fed the girls and gave them drugs so thay would perform all sorts of perverted tricks for the men in the Cantina. Susan was to become Juan’s newest “crib girl”. But first she would be a reward for his men. Many of his men had come to the Cantina because word of the new Yankee puta had spread quickly.
Through drugged eyes Susan saw several other girls walking from cabins toward the back door of the Cantina. They were all small dark Mexican women.
As Susan was led naked into the Cantina a great roar went up from a large crowd of men. The lights in the Cantina were bright and the room was filled with heavy marijuana and hash smoke. The dope smell even overpowered the the rank smell of sweat and male bodies that had not washed in days.
Mexican music played on an old juke box in the corner. The Mexican crib girls had already moved into the crowd of men and were being openly grabbed and fondled. Marilyn was on he knees next to a fat smelly Mexican slurping on his short dirty cock. She looked up at the naked Susan was steered through the throng by Juan. Marilyn dropped the cock she was sucking from her mouth and gave Susan a toothless smile. Marilyn immediately went back to work on the cock as it began to shoot cum onto her face.
The itch had returned to Susan’s vagina. Juan lifted Susan onto the bar where she had sat naked earlier in the day. Juan raised his arms and the crowd became quiet. “My friends, this is a Yankee puta. Before today she had only been in her husband’s bed. Now he has left her with us.” Juan turned to Susan and pulled the wedding ring from her finger. Juan continued as he held her rings up for the crowd to see, “I declare that she no longer belongs to her husband, now she belongs to all of the men who have faithfully served me. Have fun with her tonight as a present from me. Tomorrow she goes to work in a crib and you will have to pay to enjoy her white yankee body”.
Susan was grabbed by several of the men and laid across a table. a line formed at her head and between her outstreched legs. Roughly a penis was thrust into both her mouth and her pussy. Susan’s drug clouded mind knew enough not to bite down with her teeth she didn’t want to end up without any teeth like Marilyn. The cock in her cunt helped sooth the terrible itch in her cunt. As load after load of sperm was deposited into her the itch was soothed. The men in the Cantina periodically gave her a crack or hash pipe to smoke and Susan’s mind floated around enjoying the sensations of dozens of hands toughing her and dozens of cocks penetrating her.
As dawn broke over the Cantina Susan was taken out back of the Cantina. The huge barman who had fucked her at least twice during the night held her up while the other crib girls hosed her off. She was covered in white jism. She looked as if her body had been painted in sperm. Finally the hose was jammed up her loosely flapping pussy and her belly was washed out. Susan was dumped back into the bed in “her crib” and she slept the day away. Juan told Marilyn to get her up a few hours before dusk. “Make her look like the whore she is,” he said.
Late in the day Susan’s sore body was taken to a small room behind the bar in the Cantina. First she was given more drugs. As she sat giggling in a drug induced stupor, her crotch was shaved, her brown hair was bleached almost white blonde (the Mexican men preferred their caucasian women blonde), her left nipple was pierced and a large hoop earing was hung on her tit. Finally, Marilyn applied thick makeup, in the style she knew the local men liked on their whores. Susan giggled when she saw herself in the mirror above the bar, “am I going to fuck some more?” she asked in an innocent little girl voice.
That night Susan began her new career. Like the other crib girls, Susan would circulate around the Cantina and when a man wanted her he would go to the Barman give him $10 American cash and pull Susan to her crib. She would either fuck or suck him, then return to the Cantina. Susan quickly learned that if she got the man off quickly, the barman would give her a long drag on a dope pipe when she got back inside. This kept her feeling good and helped her forget what she was doing. By morning she was enjoying her numerous trips from the Cantina to her crib and back again.
She slept during the day. The next night the routine continued. Except in order to increase business Juan had Susan and one of the other Mexican bar girls put on sex shows for the men. The women would eat each other out and even used empty beer bottles as dildoes on each other. Susan had been fucked so many times that the long necked bottles slid easily into her snatch. If they put on a particulary good show the men in the bar would throw money to the barman and he would give the girls a hit from the ever present drug pipe.
The third day after her new life began, Jeff showed up. He and Jeff Junior had made it to the highway and had been picked up by an older American couple. He had asked them to take Jeff Junior to his parents house in Dallas. They had agreed and at the next large town Jeff had gone to the local police station. He got no help from the police. They didn’t want to make Juan mad, and besides, Juan was bribing them to look the otherway when drug or illegal alien shipments came through.
Jeff rented a Pickup truck and drove back to the Cantina himself to get Susan.
Jeff arrived at the almost empty Cantina in mid-afternoon. Little did he know that Susan’s abused body was sleeping just a few steps away in a crib.
Juan was immediately called and when he arrived at the Cantina the fat Barman already held a shot gun on Jeff.
“Senor, you should not have come back”, said Juan. “I came for my wife”, yelled Jeff. Juan smiled, “She doesn’t want to be your wife anymore. I should kill you, but I think that I will do something much worse to you. I will let you live. I will let you see first hand what you wife and the mother of you son has become. Then I hope you live a long life with that image in you mind.”
Juan had the Barman tie Jeff to a chair in a dark corner of the Cantina. “In a couple of hours you will see your sweet Susan”, laughed Juan.
Jeff sat their as the Cantina filled up with Mexican men. Some of them came over to him and spit on him, others laughed and said his wife was the best Yankee puta in Mexico.
Finally the Mexican crib girls swayed sexily into the room. At the end of the line a head taller was a naked Susan, smiling and giggling. Jeff immediately noticed her blonde hair, shaved pussy and gold ring hanging from her nipple. Juan walked up to Susan and clipped a dog leash to her nipple ring. He led her through the crowd of men who grabbed at her. Susan laughed as rough, caloused, dirty hands came in contact with her tits, cunt and ass. Ocassionally a finger would worm its way into her pussy. Susan would stop and squat a little giving the hand free access. Then Juan would tug on the leash, her boob would be pulled out and then bounce back as she moved forward.
Juan brought Susan to the table where Jeff sat in the dark corner. She did not see him or didn’t recognize him if she did. Four men sat at the table. Juan said, “free blowjobs for everyone at this table.” He pushes Susan under the table and said, “suck them off Yankee whore.” Susan immediatley unzipped the pants of the first Mexican. he reached down and fingered her breasts as she licked his cock and balls. She quickly got to work and one after another she sucked each man off, swallowing as much jism as she could, the rest running down her chin and landing on her bent legs.
At the end of the line was Jeff. Without looking up Susan unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock, and for the first time in her life took her husband’s cock between her cum covered lips. She sucked happily away, not even recognizing her husband’s penis. Even though he fought it, Jeff felt his cock cock get hard. Susan gave his cock and balls a tounge bath, and in only moments Jeff’s wife was drinking his jism. Susan immediately licked his cock clean put it back in his pants. Susan then walked with her ass swinging in a hookers walk, over to the barman for a drug hit.
Juan was not done. He had Susan perform a sex show with Juanita on the bar. The end of the show had Susan squating over a beer bottle until it completely disappeared inside of her.
Juan left Jeff tied for most of the night and he was forced to watch Susan leave the Cantina every 30 minutes or so with a different man. Finally, Juan untied Jeff and led him out back to Susan’s crib. They peered through a small, dirty window and Jeff saw Susan grunting as she bounced up and down on a fat Mexican laying on his back. He reached up and played with her tits as she bounced. Finally both the man and Susan groaned in orgasm, and Susan flopped down on the bed beside him.
Juan looked at Jeff, “Senor, you should be proud, I have never known a woman who loves a hard cock as much as your wife. Just look at her door.” On the door was a piece of notebook paper tacked up. A stubby pencil hung next to it on a string. Juan continued, “this is my weekly tally. To make sure I am not cheated the girls must make a tally mark on this sheet every-time they bring a man to her crib. Susan has only been here four nights, and look there are hundreds of tally marks.”
Jeff hung his head. “May I leave now”, he asked. Juan laughed, “Yes my Yankee husband, If you ever get married again, please bring your next wife for a visit, you have good taste. If not don’t ever come back.”
As Jeff drove away he wondered what he would say to Jeff Junior.
Two years later a blonde white woman, old before her time, was wiping tables in a backwoods Mexican Cantina. She had the mind of a twelve year old from all the drugs that she had taken. She hoped that some man would want to fuck her tonight. Recently her only satisfaction had come from the sex shows she put on with the big stray dog that hung around the Cantina. She wouldn’t get to smoke the crack pipe if she couldn’t get a man to pay $10 American for her.
Just then the door to the Cantina opened and a middle aged man, his attractive wife, and their 16 year old, blonde daughter entered the Cantina. The man said, “We seem to be lost.”
The barman picked up the CB radio……..

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